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here we go time to go to work yeah that looks good finish it i got it nicely done you bet not today you not today but uh make sure we didn't miss any more of these fuckers sure what jesus 啊啊 huh okay i'm not trippin i heard something he came from over there man there is she here good let's get going okay i'm not chippin i heard something watch yourself see anything nah it'll see shit whoo hey he's over here。
哎,欢迎收看最后的生还者啊 dlc 这样我们今天开始对录 dlc 了啊,我刚才,哎打开 ps 四的时候看到二代已经开始预宰了,非常开心。开始预宰了?还有五天的时间。 yes 啊,还有一个事,就是我那个第十三期视频的事。嗯,反正 a 站够呛了, a 站看不了了应该。我看着我发动态没人评论。那就算了, 那我们录 dlc 吧,已经过了好一段时间。我需要操作方啊。我,不啊,不需要啊,还是简单的录吧。不玩难的 覆盖吗? 呃,不,我重新建个档吧。 开始 这个 dlc 的故事一是讲呃在遇到乔尔他们之前发生的一些事,包括他如何被咬的,还有他那个朋友的故事。再者就是乔尔这个腰子受伤,腰部受伤之后,然后艾莉想方设法为乔尔救治的。 这其中这一段故事啊,就是补全编啊,说白了就是补充剧情,这个 dlc 难度实际上也蛮高的。嗯, what fireflies get down what the fuck are these guys stay the fuck back joel put your over on me come on think we're safe joe, joe shit joe, oh get up get up get up you gotta tell me what to do you gotta get up? 这样我们主要控制的角色还是 ali 啊。 yeah, riley ow, i went on my hip what the hell i thought i was bitten i know it was kind of awesome you're not gonna kill me are you i haven't seen you and i don't even know how long 45 days well, 46 technically want to know what i've been up to all this time i thought you were dead yeah here look no way still no roommate i had to sleep under liz for three years and know how bad that girl smelled you're a firefly sure you still have it up what what are you doing i'm making sure i don't get called the fireflight my relax there are no soldiers on the entire floor here congrats hey, are we cool, are we cool i disappeared and you're mad and i owe you an explanation let's get out of here and i'll tell you all about it it's almost morning and i have military drills you know where we learn how to kill fireflies put some pants on and let's go i'm so dumb oh come on when have we ever gotten into trouble shit come on give me something fuck oh here we go okay! i'll put you on your side jesus okay i should buy us some time find something to stitch you up okay, callus keep an eye on it i'll be back in a flash promise, i totally got this! ok! 这样我们游戏正式开始啊。刚才前面那个小剧情就是啊,在 被咬之前,他的一个朋友啊,叫来历。他们是在一个一个叫一个。军训?不是青训社对吧?一个军事训练训练的那个学校。 哎,训练如何杀火营,但没想到他的朋友却加入了火营组织说消失了,消失了一段时间。亲爱的,一个解释嘛, 这样剧情又闪回到了现在啊。需要现在需要给雀儿想办法把那个伤口给他缝合住啊。现在 我要从哪过去呢? 看就疼。那个那个大洞天啊。感觉就是在一个商场里边。 嗯,没什么人, 先转一转吧。我都快忘了这个整个场场场地是什么样子了。 开不了门,等会 有边角的声音啊, 看这边都不行,走吧。听着像是寻声者啊。 这雕像蛮帅的哈。弓箭西北望射天王。 密码锁是吗?这是需要密码? western's pharmacy that sounds promising。 药房捡个砖头再说。 你这血量很不满啊,身上什么也没有啊。嘛也没有啊,两个砖头 三个砖头。 sure what the hell did you just swallow the pills and leave the bottle god? 哼,吞了药,留下罐子, come on! 药店估计早就 of course everything's pictured clean。 你肯定的嘛。这,这药品店还用说吗? 药品超市对吧?这些东西肯定都会被里面的东西肯定都会被拿走, 会有一批又一批的生存者啊,光顾这些店。 酒精, 这是制作材料啊,说实话有点不大对头一个制作材料,这酒精对吧?为什么我们不能在剧情里面拿来用呢?不是很严谨。 the pharmacist maybe he's got! 三五三零三幺啊! 必读。药剂师发狂,还攻击了我,我重重的打了他,他失去了意识,我把他锁在隔壁的美国公主店里,请去帮帮他。嗯, oh, come on, 这个是锁着的。 oh first aid kit 医疗箱急救包 do i get inside。 八成是在那个发狂了的对吧?药剂师身上 什么也不能做啊,这是砖头。说吧, 直面你内心的恐惧。美国公主店,这是卖什么?卖洋娃娃的? thirty five right, three left, thirty one right that worked。 不知道已经进化成哪个阶段了。应该是进化成。 感觉应该不是跑者,听着声音比较像 shit sports。 有包子,但是爱丽是免疫的啊。 if you're gonna jump out of me, go ahead and fucking do it。 这一点有个好处就是 id 是免疫的。 go yuck! 就是它就是它。 但是有什么东西可以拿吗?先先找找,不着急啊,先别触发。 这个地方已经被啊,他还没有什么东西呢。这个地方已经已经被包子全部占据了。天花板上有 别动啊。 don't come to life! don't come to life, nothing fuck 呀,就吓我是吧。 all right key, let's do it。 大头贴, 我不在的时候要想我。我也会想你,但是不会太想你。罗拉这是女朋? 朋友?还是? what? the fuck? 怎么会杀出来一个寻生者? 坐, 我没有无限小刀倒不怕啊,但是他这个刷怪机制我还是有点恐怖的。 yes, no。 没得了。 oh, a military helicopter gotta have something hang in there, jewel 有一架军用直升机啊,上面有。呃。医疗军用直升机上面有可能会有我们需要的东西啊。加点东西。空的瀑布 还是什么都不能做?都是半份半份。这样绕过来了。 需要绕路啊。 这都是通向哪里的? 感觉好几条道都可以走哦,这有点材料。 这什么叫加油店吗? 卖指甲油的那是 ah, no, sutures, i guess i can use this。 找到了纱布啊,但是没有针线。 资深准备,莱瑞考菲尔今天下午英勇殉职,病人发作时,我们正在飞回隔离区的路上。一定是包子惹的祸,因为我们当中并没有人被咬。被人扯断锁链扑到飞行员锡恩布兰登身上。即使, 即使直升机失控不断旋转,考菲尔准备还是勇敢对抗。感恩者救了我们一命。我们坠落到克罗拉多乡间的一座上一一座商场。哦,这是克罗拉多 二等兵尤金爱丽丝。准备。 coffee 和我是唯一的生还者。 coffee 在致富感染者的时候 脖子被咬伤,他随即给我们看伤口且接受命运的安排。我们按照感染规犯,在靠菲尔发病成为感染者前处决了他。原来安息。这是队长雷根法兰西斯。但是你也没了呀。 我估计下去就会出发。 here we go here we go hurry up here that was close huh you got fast there i'm impressed thanks well come on up we go 啊。剧情又回到了 how did you find them the fireflies yeah remember that firefly you bit installed his gun yeah i remember him that's trevor i saw him walking down the street so i tailed his ass i follow him into this alley and all these fireflies ambush me they took me right to their hideout to marlene were you scared terrified i thought this time she would actually shoot me but instead she just says what took you so long she was expecting me and she just made you a firefly something like that that whole almost killing me things a test she wanted to know i was committed oh come on。 没东西啊。出了一张选生海报。 we're making good time who do you hang out with these days i don't know no one really what about tino and the rest of the guys how are they doing riley those are your friends but you talked about him yeah i guess。 看有什么文件吗?不要不要忘拿我估计。呃呦,这火银的标志 down the light yet oh ha ha oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend your people so what you buy into this old thing now all i know is that i'm not a soldier。 估计水平 没有战斗啊,就是单纯的一个剧情,战斗都在时间,现在啊。 thirty days my ass。 过去时间应该没有战斗。 affected all the time they just do a good job of hiding it you've run into more infected as part of my initiation they actually made me kill this you know let's talk about something else right, oh shit hi, we have sorry i'm a bit jumpy lately careful with what hey, so maybe i should join the fireflies belly that was the first thing i asked she wants you safe at that stupid school i'm not even supposed to come see you why does she care she's worried i'll get you in the trouble whatever, i can get into trouble just find my own。 因为马林认识艾丽,他妈呀也答应了他妈要照顾艾丽,所以不希望让他加入火影组织。 hey, remember the first time i brought you here what are we doing here? riley, i have a surprise for you what is it a dinosaur? maybe i'll be your friend again if it's a dinosaur he'll just have to wait and see。 这也是个商场,很大,非常大。 这是什么? you know i got them back oh water guns bullshit you telling me corporal dickhead gave them back to you of course not i just sneak into his office riley, i had them in my hands but your ass got caught but my ass got caught what do you do to you scrubbing duty for two weeks bathrooms oh ellie, i keep telling you to give up on them they're never coming back they will be mine again。 我没有玩过这种大水枪,我只玩过小水枪,哼! i can't believe winston's gone you heard yeah do you know how it happened they said he just fell off his horse heart attack or something man well, how many people get to die of natural causes in this world none than i know of exactly so let's see what he left us really。 他们说的这个人应该就是这个在这里当据点观察员的这么一个人,说是在马上摔下来或心脏病死, 但是不大可能啊,基本上就是被咬了。 what is this winston man guy used to be handsome bingo awesome winston okay sure watch out that's not beer please what god oh my god how sure oh here discuss it told you cheers winston, oh that's strong come on! 呃,文斯顿应该以前住在这里当一个观察员,前哨站应该是被袭击了。 what happened to princess i assumed after winston died they took her poor horse she's probably out there terrified 啊。其实这个游戏是利用手柄最多的一款游戏,怎么说呢,就是在你这个光啊 不亮的情况下,你需要晃动手柄来使这个光更加稳定,重新照亮。还有就是,如果你是 呃外放的这么一个状态的话,呃,播放录音记录的时候,那个声音是在手柄发出的啊,就很厉害。说实话,我玩的 ps 游戏虽然不多,但是我觉得能 结合手柄能把手柄利用的这么好的游戏就只有这一款。 当然我还知道那个恐怖游戏啊,恐怖游戏他也是利用手柄,利用手柄的那个平衡感。这个是哎呦, 但是毕竟我没有玩过那个控制游戏。 how about we find another way yeah sounds good? 叫什么黎明危机啊?还是是什么?就是利用,也是利用手柄,呃,利用 ps 手柄的那个平衡平衡感来进行游戏。 hey, riley, you know what i'll get you open over see if you're gonna unlock it from the inside。 不知道二代会不会再给我这种 节上这种小惊喜啊。应该是有的, 人家还有这个光照哎,光照看啊,远的时候这个圈就大。 see anything 近就小。 riley, you dig there's two times today how the hell did we never find this place come on i got the perfect mask for you 万圣节 perfect! 狼头 check it out what is that like a wolf man or something put it on yeah bad ass never roar ellie, really fucking roar 呀?零点爆发吧小宇宙。 there, she is now let's see what else this place has。 这是什么科学?怪人是吧?这鱼还挺有意思的东西啊。这是什么? for your fortune? 苦头算命师 are we gonna die today, nothing look jip you gotta turn it over genius oh seems dreadfully unlikely ah, we're relief。 还能再摇再摇摇摇乐 will i drive a car again i feel it in my bones all right are we ever leaving this stupid quarantine zone the answer is in limbo so there's a chance am i ever gonna get to play a video game your chances are dismal fuck you skull am i ever getting boobs or what? 哈哈哈,不会。 the spirits are quiet of course they are。 因为在二代你就没长大。 are you a butt face i am dead certain it is true well, that's not a little thing。 还有啊,能要多少次啊,我都不知道。 will we ever get our water guns back the spirit nazis ah you hear that says we're getting our water guns back let them go ellie, let them go will riley ever stop sucking at poker the signs aren't clear up, we're still hope for you nope, i'm giving up on that you can have poker。 对话很多呀。啊也没了。好,结束了。 对对对对,开始吧。换个鸟人。 ah triple phoenix 三凤凰, 这,这是凤凰? well, i thank you kind pigeon。 这是凤凰 万圣节的店。这应该就是有没有南瓜头啊?南瓜头?这是什么? the road based livers whatever, you've done with them oh my total what will we do oh man。 两个人演挺好 看。还有什么宝贝不能带南瓜头呢?怎么啊?带南瓜头? 这什么? will ellie ever be it's funny to me oh, please i'm like ten times funnier than you。 你在哪? he said not in this existence hey, wasn't me skellace here said it well skellace here can suck my dick my tick thanks you're welcome 啊,看,这是什么东西啊?糖果吗?哦,眼珠子。 bought this stuff, i don't get it oh, wow, that was dude。 吓我一跳,我们走吧。 let's go ah, i got an idea see those cars down there yeah red ones yours i'll be blue we throw brick whoever breaks all the windows to their car wait kidding me, i'm like the brickmaster all right loser has to answer question, no sarcasm truth or truth all right fool, you're on。 我是红的是吧? what yeah you like that 我是红的是吧? yes。 我让你,让你,那是让你,你懂啊,这是让你 two down and then how you do it。 让你不知道,让你啊, 走, 无限刷啊这里我还差最后一个,呃,就是你。哎呀,我这枕头确实差了点。 all right, so close。 还差一个应该是屁股后边走。 yes, rick fucking master my car had tougher windows yeah whatever loser, all right question time i'm scared。 你那个时候为什么离开?你那个时候为什么要大吼大叫?妈,您说到了关于我妈妈的事吗? um okay, why did you leave without telling me i was in a weird space look, i didn't tell anyone, but i wasn't just anyone was i no, it's just you got to see this thing and we're almost there come on。 你还是没有回答问题啊。对啊,你这压根不算答案。 what are we doing here police is creeping out? so you know how we thought that only powered certain areas of the city yeah follow me。 这里有什么东西吗?有。这是什么?警告?留言至各大单位这是我近几个星期来第三次要求加强本区域巡逻。 在哈特福德隔离区崩溃后,本是到处难民冲刺,许多人都是从商场过来的。我因为我军人手不足,这些人不顾一切,他们大部分都在进城的过程中被感染。如同我的报告书所说 所言,我上星期才刚处理掉第三期感染者。我明白现在到处都缺资源,但是我担心如果不加强安全防守,这个商城将会一团糟。上市温斯顿啊, 那这个商城现在没人防守了,没人管理了?这是是不是就就说明已经沦陷了呢? 你给我看嘛? so turns out the whole city has power they just flip the circuit breakers all you gotta do is strip it back paul, there's no way this is gonna work what did i tell you wait so the whole mall is lit up let's go find out oh 没想到这还有电啊!哎呀, you ready to see this wait i i know what you're trying to do and i'm really glad that you're not dead i mean i'm glad that we're back together and i didn't mean it all that stuff i said before i left i didn't mean any of it riley you're such a sap that she started it oh man are you ready totally are you kidding how the hell do i get up there。 又回到现在了。回到现在说明有战斗了啊,我要想办法上去啊, 找点资源啊,不要紧。 这是什么好的 jesus 图,一张纸条中庭留言。 由于补给不足,二等零游金于我进入装卸码头,希望能够买到额外的口粮。我们措手不及,遭受一群大约六到七个 第二阶段感染者的攻击。虽然我们瓦解了威胁,但是爱丽丝却被咬伤。在激烈的争辩过后,二等兵爱丽丝试图自我了断,我阻止了他 借着我自己打破了规范。我用止血带隔离了感染源,并在废弃的诊所中找到手术用的锯子并完全消毒波维尔等病。爱丽丝注射马肺,接着在伤口数十的伤口数数数。这这这不是十啊,这上方进行手臂的截肢。 这个好像和丧尸病毒还不一样。丧尸病毒好像截肢确实是可以抑制这个。呃。感染的是可以让受被感染者不发生变异的,但这个好像并不行吧, 因为它是属于孢子,孢子病毒是可以直接被在空气里边吸入人体内的, 所以我感觉应该是不大行。那只是切断砍砍断被抓伤的手臂,感觉作用不是很大。 还可以做东西了啊。确实,我有一刀包。先不忙着做啊。先不忙着做 也说了这边有匪徒啊,六到七个左右的匪徒。妈呀,这。 吓我一跳,这乌鸦看来又需要通电啊。看到了,这个地方 小通电。 thank you military anyway to get this on follow the cables, rachel。 哦,难得两发子弹啊难得两发子弹。 哎,又是一家。是吗? 走,咱去看看啊, 四发子弹 现在还没有刷怪啊。哎呦,猫, fucking, cat, come on, all right? 开不开消消道。 oh, god, it's crazy! 这个猫非得整出事来不行,这冬天,这水肯定冷。 oh, man! 不要急啊不要急。这是,这是那个油管?这应该是取油用的吧, 看看,都需要电。 我想着先别那个什么。先不忙着。 先别忙着。呃,出发,先捡点东西再说,因为我感觉一通电接着就会刷那个什么变异者。 现在这个地方是安全的。写满了 刚才是不是看了一个什么东西啊啊。 但是等会安全安不安全就不一定了。 嗯,很多零食的雪包。 又是六发 子弹满了。 shit! locked, ok, ok, 出发了,转型, let's go! 没有 关空了看留言啊。二等兵。爱丽丝情况恶化,他发高烧,而且食不下咽。或许我错了,或许截至为时已晚,或许在我没留意的时候他会, 他会发作病感染。规范我们对卡菲尔准备做必须做的事。我们开什么玩笑?我们杀了赖瑞,爱丽丝把他压在地上,而我像吃狗一样毫不留情的射杀了他。他的惨叫 扔在我脑海,挥之不去。雷根,求求你,我还没发病,别这样。 iris, 我们干了什么?如果我只是一走了之,如果我只是逃走的话。爱丽丝,我对不起你。雷根,走,取油去。 empty maybe i can find some oh fuck, no huh。 来了来了咱就干呗, 对吧?来上来 上来,过来啊, 坐 过来,走, 不要怕。 is that it yeah sounds like it okay find some gas。 再捡个,再捡个砖找油。油箱呢? 空的换个车。 ah jackpot, all right, how do you do this take the hose and 然后吸, just siphon it out。 嗯,对,没错,吸 ah here we go all right, i should do it。 没事,那边还有一个子弹补给。 come on, all right! 走, 哦呦,我操, not yourself, don't touch electric water got it。 这边可以开了啊,水都通电了。水 这样,别走水底下了。你走走,上去 看什么资源多啊。 okay, easy, easy, keep looking straight, everything's gonna be fine, i'm not gonna fall into that water and fry to a crisp。 这个车头我记得有东西。 对, that's the way out how do i get there。 哦,下去 还没有刷 dn 啊, 这都是加血, 有点小资源,没东西了。那就是这边这边啊,怀疑我开了之后有可能会出东西啊。准备好了板砖。 uh huh。 我估计需要爬上去,需要爬上去的话推车出来。 嗯,我看这个推车是怎么用的啊。稍等啊,果然是这样用的。没错,机智机智如我 school。 对啊,我们这可以再捡个子弹 鸡蛋。 uh huh, yeah, i hear you i hear you motherfucker。 巡逻,这也不知道是寻生者还是啊?应该是寻生者,嘎嘎嘎嘎的。应该是寻生者 哦。哎呀哎呀哎呀哎,干什么嘛真的是 干什么嘛。 你说我容易吗? 上一边去,你离我远点。 哎,这会没听见啊,我估计他刚才倒地的这个声音有点大, 有玻璃碴子啊,小心点 玻璃叉子声音, 小心地上的玻璃碴子。 这个寻声者让他远点,太近了,太近。把这个人杀,把这个抛者宰了之后他会听到。 就剩这俩了,坐 剩你自己了。 okay, getting the hell out of here。 行了,那我们本期节目就先做到这里吧。好吧,我们下期节目再见,拜拜 here we are again。
理着理着,今天我们玩最后的升官者,最最最恐怖的一关,这个地方可以说我第一次玩的时候,脚拇指都快给我扣烂了,不光是有数只学生者,而且还有一个巨无霸,不过现在已经是今非昔比了,今天的猛男啊,非常非常强壮。这一关需要我们收集一个门禁卡外加启动电源,不过启动电源后会吸引巨无霸的到来。 说我们先上二楼收集门禁卡,在二楼最里面的一个房间里面,我们可以拿到一张工作人员的门禁卡,不过拿完之后要非常小心,接着会刷出来几只学生者。但是板砖在手,天下我有桥,酸砖啊,岂是浪得虚名,直接啊,我们进步过去,给这个学生者来一个大逼兜 啊,他这也是冲向我们了,不过不要紧,三砖给他拍死两个字,舒爽!接着从旁边还有板砖可以拿,拿起来等会备用。有了门禁卡之后,我们就可以下楼启动电源了,不过要非常小心,最好是进步 走,因为在水底呢,还是有这个丧失的,但是啊,作为一个老六,我们进步过去就不会出发了,这个时候就可能会有粗口的小猛男已经发现了啊,为什么清新哥哥的游戏画面这么细腻?其实是猛男开了莫比乌斯的 ex 三二幺零优自带的游戏 hdi, 这款显示器的游戏 hdri 模式,能够在对比与细节之间找到平衡,同时获得更多的游戏暗部细节, 瞬间让沉浸感拉满。高达四 k 的分辨率,同时还支持幺四四合资的刷新率,在保证画面清晰度的同时,一毫米的响应时间更能够体验到前所未有的流畅,看我们小可爱这肉嘟嘟的小脸,真的是想用手捏一下,还有这下雨的效果, 从天空而降,搭配内置音箱,感觉就是到了现场一样,身临其境。当然这款显示器不光能打,颜值也是手屈一指,前后黑白的设计,背部造型十分稳重和硬朗,并且支持自定义背景灯, 还有 hdml 二点一的接口,一键支连 ps 五,搭配适配的遥控器,小巧方便,调配画面更加方便快捷,真的是让你玩的舒心。追求沉寂感,这款一叉三二幺零,优势,你的不二! 好的,接下来我们启动完发电机,这个时候发电机的噪音会吸引无数的丧失前来围攻,但是不要紧张,直接使用猛男冲刺,直接冲向二楼 一切,掏出板砖,因为马上就要用到了,迎面重来的行动者,直接是三砖拍死,一二三,瞬间秒杀!继续冲刺,前面还有第三块砖,继续拾起来,留作备用,接着继续猛然冲刺,往左边走,上锁到大门,那就在前方,马上就要到了,这边是不满的君主,但是不要紧,我们先疏通一下这个门,不然的话门禁卡是装不了。 摸完门之后,马上再投入板砖,因为最后一个行政者他雷了,还是三砖带子,最后一个巨无霸,我们就可以不用打他了,因为我们有门禁卡了,直接进门而入哈,这一关就直接就穿了。
好,那么欢迎收看新一期的最后一声,环球一代重置版的游戏视频解说啊。这是乔尔带着艾利来到了乔尔城,建了一个老朋友报国居住的小镇,这小镇呢,是一个非常危险的地方,因为在这里啊,不仅会出现感染者, 还会遇见鲍勃那小子布置了很多陷阱,因为鲍勃这个人是非常讨厌陌生人的,他不允许任何人进入到他的小镇里面,就算是巧儿他也不见得很喜欢。所以呢, 你要是想进入这个小镇,那就最好小心点,免得踩住那些陷阱直接凉凉。其实说实话,我个人并不喜欢这个一代里面排木板还有推箱子的游戏设置啊, 我觉得这些设计特别木质,浪费时间,感觉就是为了托神仙用的。不知道你们感觉怎么样,反正我是特别讨厌前面 教堂旁边有一束黑烟,那个黑烟呢,就是鲍伯那小子焚烧感染者的肢体而产生的,这说明鲍伯那老小子现在应该就在教堂附近啊, and that smoke you think that's him。 好,那么到了这里之后呢,就能够看见感染者了。给下那个小房子面会固定刷新,还有右边那个下坡那里也会固定刷新一组,不管是原版还是这个新版都有下, 因为我这个水管是经过了强化了的,他第一次攻击能够直接瞬间秒掉一个点。然后呢,整体刚刚拿到了板砖,悄悄的摸到这里,把另外一只寻真者解决, 非常简单,学生者在没有发现你的情况下,你的攻击能够对他造成非常高的伤害。然后这里有个小屋,小屋里面能够拿到一些材料,还有无制品 零件,无极品。 阿里在学着吹口哨。 are you all right? i'm trying to learn at a whistle。 说实话,如果我是第一次玩这个游戏,我会觉得爱丽挺可爱的,但是经过二代之后,我跟他之间明显是出现了一点隔阂了。说实话,自从打过二代之情之后,我就对爱丽 里产生了一些抵触感,我不再觉得他是以前那个特别可爱的小女孩了。我靠,没想到泰斯他们生意都做到这里来了,还是有点牛掰的, 因为在这种陌生的就是啊,你想要穿越各个城镇之间,你必须拥有非常强大的实力,不然就可能会被那些感染者以及暴徒生吞活泼。 好,那么到了这里之后呢,就是第一次跟艾利互动,这样也不怎么样的事。虽然艾利是比较喜欢泰斯的。他不会喜欢乔,因为老乔一直觉得他是一个累赘,一个负担。 爱思的遗愿吧,感觉现在乔尔并不是特别喜欢。 but no just open it nothing else sure thing careful okay, let's see okay。 好,这个水管是可以捡起来的。一个满耐久的进账武器。 然后呢,来到报国的小镇之后,我们直接往左边走,左边这边有一个应该是类似花店的地方,这里有一个地间的雕像,然后呢, 有很多的材料以及于零件可以见。 do we go find tommy marlene said he's your brother and more importantly he was a firefly he know where to take you。 跑到这一边,还有一个国际品一束花。可能是类似草药的设定吧。 空无一人的小镇,或者说只有一个人的小镇,这个小镇除了报补之外就需要感染久了。 这里应该是一个呃,快餐店吧,还有一台机机哦,应该是个披萨店,这个炉子应该是用来烤披萨的, 然后直接到楼梯这边还能够捡到几个零件, 后面的桌子里也有几个零件可以写,数量不多,但蚊子腿再小也是肉啊,对吧。 相比较原版的地图,这个爆破的小镇应该是有一点修改的,只不过修改并不大,整体的建筑还是跟原版区别不大。 右边有一个保险箱,打开那个保险箱需要密码,密码就在前面。一般来说这个游戏的保险箱跟密码的位置都不会隔开太远,基本上我们都是在同一个城市。 这边的路已经被封死了,应该是鲍勃干的,有一张纸条,违者治病。估计是鲍勃写的,他不想让其他人进入他的小镇。 好,那么我们刚刚捡到的那张纸条就是之前看到的那个保险箱的密码了。 重置版里面每一个保险箱里面的东西都是非常丰富的,我个人是非常建议你们去开启每一个保险箱。我是个零件,五点补制品以及不上弹药,相当丰富。 然后呢,就是往这边走,前面有个唱片店,唱片店里面还能够找到一些材料之类的东西,就是这里。原版我记得好像是应该没有这个商 电的,估计是从翅膀里面添加的。 look at this place, 做一把小刀,小刀等一下能够用到的非常重要的东西。左轮的子弹已经满了,这边有胶带,一张纸条没啥好看的。 撤怂,取个零件,然后我们就可以去其他地方了。准备去那个报国那边。 这有个陷阱,陷阱威力很大呀,能够直接秒掉这全身者。两个材料,呃, would be one of bills。 然后呢?右边有个密室,需要使用小刀打开,这是为什么我要你们做一个小刀的原因。 what's the deal of this guy? 里面有一些弹药, the smuggle stuff in。 材料,零件,还有胡子品。 well, let's hope we don't blow up trying to find him just watch your step you'll be fine。 这边有一个人身上插着两根剑,估计是被鲍勃干掉的。鲍勃真的特别讨厌陌生人进入他的小镇,每个地方都斜了,一旦进入就会被击毙。 就算是卡尔贸然闯入,那个巴博也不喜欢 弓箭新的武器。说实话,一代的弓箭我个人感觉没有二代的好用啊,因为一代的这弓箭他没有那个测距仪。我不知道这个弓箭的下坠究竟有多少容易射不中, 所以我真的讨厌这些木板。一代里面我最讨厌的就是木板跟那些垃圾车了,每次要推他们,拿他们我都觉得特别墨迹。 it's all clear, come on, up, all right。 而且我并不想明白 为什么乔尔上这些木板的时候也要保持平衡。乔尔又不恐高,对吧?你要是二代的那个那个艾米,他走这些地方需要保持平衡,那还正常,因为他恐高啊。切 好,这边有一只寻身者,但是没有发现我可以使用弓箭。弓箭拉满的威力很大的苗头,能够直接秒掉一只这个寻身者。 now listen。 但现在这个武器的高度是有点高。 stable of individuals。 我不敢贸然开枪。又一个现在。 stay underneath it okay to keep your head alone。 左边有个房间,直接跑过去,我们需要确保自己手里面有一个投掷物。开门头上有一句,感染者不用着急,只是一只最普通的好酒而已。 房间里面有一些材料,好像没东西了, 那只感染者就在前面。好,来了一下,拜拜,我起了一棍,秒了。有什么 好做的? over here, let's search the place。 然后呢,就是一些材料了。这个房间里面的东西并不是特别多。呃,很简单,一点算似一点。 you think they ever found each other the hell would i know。 剪完之后就可以下楼了。 然后呢,再剪一块板砖。这个地方被那个鲍勃布置很多陷阱, 需要什么板砖把陷阱触发? things are kind of awesome there's one way to do it。 前面还有一个陷阱,不小心踩到的话,那就惨了。 come on let's stop close。 那么接下来就是有一个小高能啊,老桥踩着 那个爆破的陷阱, come on。 哦吼,倒霉蛋。 i got you damn it bill what just happened they want to build stupid traps。 我第一次打原版的时候特别讨厌那一段,因为我的手笔用不来。然后呢,我们在这里又只能当个胡靶子。 想要过这一关,那你的枪法不能够太差太猛。我以前的时候有手柄,完全用不惯。打这个地方死了好多次,气的我牙痒痒。真的 好。感染者差不多要出现了,应该是被这个陷阱的动静吸引回来的。走 here, they come。 这里的武器是强制切换成了左轮手刹,两端子弹是无限的,但是这个左轮换挡速特别慢。 哎呀,我刚才不应该换蛋的,你看,滚,我不想跟你亲亲哦,拜拜。左轮两箱,一个好酒, 树上一个群星主。除非你穿法特别好,不然很难怪 喂家人们喂雪鹰生水的雪亮特别好,可能是因为他们身上有那个冰雪装甲布盖。 you all right, yeah, come on, you can do。 好,第二阶段乔尔就不用担心自己安全了,这阶段我们只需要保护安利的安全。 damn it come on, i'm cutting let's hurry hurry, they're getting closer。 哎呀,这打不中啊,哎,讲真的,我要是用剑阻的话,这一段我一唱一个头给你看,你信不信我是真的啊。 两阶段就是以干掉最后一支选用身种结束的,就像这个选用身种就代表到了这个。嗯,阶段的最后一段了。 好,跟着地上。然后就是报国登场。不可以谦虚,不可以这样滚。 霸婆长壮的老男童。好好,好多学生者。霸婆这个老男人,他的设定是个男童来着, 我们正好能够在他的住处里面看见他修成那些啊,强壮的男孩, 哎,不过不是我们发现的,是艾利发现的一个燃烧瓶,然后就是暂时抵挡一下就是。好,拜拜。然后呢, 掏出一个燃烧瓶就一般会有感染者多了 好,轻松解决。然后咱们就是准备跑路了。 god damn it they're coming over。 好,到了这里之后就安全了。平身者被挡在门外,然后就是报国教训老乔尔的学生。 鲍伯是一个非常谨慎的人。 thanks for the heroics and all ellie what are you doing bill turn around and get on your knees just calm down a second turn around get on your knees don't test me just take it easy pretty fight oh anything sprouting oh god damn it i'm clean! 二毛主要是害怕他们两个被感染了。安利下手是真的狠啊! am i 轮是铁棍就是桥 you come into my house you set off on my traps you damn here break my shoot in arm who the fuck is this punk and what's she doing here i am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you all joel some favors and you can start by taking these off i owe joel some favors is some kind of joke i'll come to the chase i need a car well, it is a joke joel needs a car well if i that one that works which i sure as hell don't who makes you think i just give it to you huh, yes sure joel go ahead take my card like all my food too well why the looks of it you could lose some of that food you listen to me you little shit i need you to shut。 而女人体现一种特别保守, 别人一旦惹了他,他都是直接当场退回去的。好了,那么本次有写收,暂时邀请您喜欢我的视频小伙伴可以点赞关注一下,我们下期再见。好吧, don't have a car that works but there is one in this town parts there are parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right i'm gonna do this there's some gear i'm gonna need it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe i can put something together that runs but after this i owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now will probably be dead anyway, good follow me oh god damn town's booby trapped best stay right on my ass can't miss it knock it off。
you know you keep surprising me? hello ellie don't you want this to end shame? you wouldn't come around 这场景没什么东西的吗? no that's not you okay then so i love happy to take my job better than us are you crazy fuck 他在那 brought this on yourself did 死不死哇他还不死啊! let's just end this 哎呦喂, 要捅几刀啊他。 oops ah the art of distraction 死没死? 这不会是还要杀很多人吧? right here 不行,我的体术退步了。哎呦喂, 受伤了?体术退步了。 刚应该扔这个东西。 this is pointless i can't see a thing just keep searching shit out here 哎呦喂, 逼我拿喷子! this is pointless i can't see a thing bitch right there come on 哦,怎么绕过来了? right there 快准狠! what is this? are the early zoly stuff here? oh christ! i gotta find her i gotta find her 肉垫 really time is i knew you had hard you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame in it yes, not just not your style is it you can try begging fuck you? you think you know me huh well, let me tell you something you have no idea what? i'm capable of stop stop fucking duck me look it's me it's me look look it's me it's okay it's okay oh ellie ellie did you hear me? no what look hospital? this is where we get off? let's go kiddo you feel that breeze huh i'll tell you on a day like this i just sit on my porch pick away my sixth ring yeah once we're done with this whole thing i'm gonna teach you how to play guitar all right i think you'd really like that what you say huh 这么多, 还有什么升级聆听模式?距离就剩这个吧。 i dreamt about flying the other night oh, yeah! yeah! go on! tell me about it so i'm on this big plane full of people and everyone is screaming and yelling because the plane's going down so i walk to the cockpit open the door there's no pilot i try to use the controls but i obviously have no clue how to fly a plane and right before we crash i wake up i've never been on a plane it's not weird well, you know dreams are weird look at that another city another abandoned quarantine zone there's that hospital to firefly mentioned come on kiddo 汽车站 maybe we cut through here huh well, we could use that ladder here we go! ellie, ellie what a lighter come on! right? 哎 oh my god! whoa? what is it ellie? ellie you got to see this? what is it? the hill is 长颈鹿 are you kidding? me? come on! hurry up! steven what are you doing? he's all right come here! hey, hurry up! come on leave there! so fucking! cool! where's it off to here? come on! let's go! say! slow down! kiro come on! hurry up! come on! come on! come on! 很治愈啊! oh man! wow! look at those things so is everything you were open for it's got its ups and downs but you can't deny the view though we don't have to do this you know that right what's the other option go back to tommy's be done with this whole damn thing after all we've been through everything that i've done i can't be for nothing look i know you mean well but there's no halfway with this once we're done we'll go wherever you want okay! well, i ain't leaving without you so let's go wrap this up! 绿化真好 this place takes me back how so i was right after everything went down i ended up in a tree i was just like this and everywhere you looked he just saw families torn apart whole damn world seem to have turned upside down in a blank is that after you lost sarah yes, it will i can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know i'm sorry joel that's okay emmy 工具四 hey joel i got something for you here maria showed this to me and i stole it i hope you don't mind i don't know matter how hard you try i guess you can escape your past 没什么好武器呀 吧。 this time it's gonna be different i just know it what do you mean they're gonna be there the fireflies i'm sure of it no oh 哎呀,这个嗯, 容错率很低。 no 我去, 这容错率也太低了吧 holy shit 哇,浪费了我多少 这公也是真的真的渣呀 啊啊 哎呦摸一下没了。嗯,真是麻烦。这里 怎么这么难啊 哎呀,真的是 需要补给。 oh my god there's so many of them i don't wish just keeping it 又怎么了?我都不知道我边上有人 打点补给容易吗? stay back 哇,这里有两个胖胖 哦呦,被他手撕了, 这里怎么过呀?这胖子又不能按啥 keep them busy 哎呀,这个一进生就没了呀,这怎么过啊? stay back 我没什么东西啊 fucking scary 你不打吗? here let me boost you up there here right now there's too many of them 哦, 这也太难了。搞一下弹药 这是真的难, 要弹尽粮绝了。 okay we're good i don't think i can rachel now watch your step that water looks pretty deep i'm on the other side cool drop that a lot of down for me okay hold up 嗯, all right just stick to the edge it's shallow over there ugh freezing and another jam door all right give me your foot okay come on! get that door open look out yeah they just surprised me man i can't wait for those things to be wiped out 又一个工具快结束了。给我那么多工具干嘛? let's do this now we're talking there you go 五十个零件回去 针吧。 all right let's do this 刚应该生伤害的。 hey look there it is 怎么把妹子弄过来呢? how are you making it? 我快缺氧了都。 哎哎哎我以为这是个开关,但一走过这就触发别的东西。哎怎么搞的? you made it all right come on all right get on okay okay there i'm on it be careful i got you 那我等他找梯子 哦在这 stand back damn ladder broke up the wall now what i'll figure some come out 这样然后再把梯子这样架过去喽。 oh i see good idea。
here we go time to go to work yeah that looks good finish it i got it nicely done you bet not today you not today but uh make sure we didn't miss any more of these fuckers sure what jesus 啊啊 huh okay i'm not trippin i heard something he came from over there man there is she here good let's get going okay i'm not chippin i heard something watch yourself see anything nah it'll see shit whoo hey he's over here。
哎,欢迎收看最后的生还者啊 dlc 这样我们今天开始对录 dlc 了啊,我刚才,哎打开 ps 四的时候看到二代已经开始预宰了,非常开心。开始预宰了?还有五天的时间。 yes 啊,还有一个事,就是我那个第十三期视频的事。嗯,反正 a 站够呛了, a 站看不了了应该。我看着我发动态没人评论。那就算了, 那我们录 dlc 吧,已经过了好一段时间。我需要操作方啊。我,不啊,不需要啊,还是简单的录吧。不玩难的 覆盖吗? 呃,不,我重新建个档吧。 开始 这个 dlc 的故事一是讲呃在遇到乔尔他们之前发生的一些事,包括他如何被咬的,还有他那个朋友的故事。再者就是乔尔这个腰子受伤,腰部受伤之后,然后艾莉想方设法为乔尔救治的。 这其中这一段故事啊,就是补全编啊,说白了就是补充剧情,这个 dlc 难度实际上也蛮高的。嗯, what fireflies get down what the fuck are these guys stay the fuck back joel put your over on me come on think we're safe joe, joe shit joe, oh get up get up get up you gotta tell me what to do you gotta get up? 这样我们主要控制的角色还是 ali 啊。 yeah, riley ow, i went on my hip what the hell i thought i was bitten i know it was kind of awesome you're not gonna kill me are you i haven't seen you and i don't even know how long 45 days well, 46 technically want to know what i've been up to all this time i thought you were dead yeah here look no way still no roommate i had to sleep under liz for three years and know how bad that girl smelled you're a firefly sure you still have it up what what are you doing i'm making sure i don't get called the fireflight my relax there are no soldiers on the entire floor here congrats hey, are we cool, are we cool i disappeared and you're mad and i owe you an explanation let's get out of here and i'll tell you all about it it's almost morning and i have military drills you know where we learn how to kill fireflies put some pants on and let's go i'm so dumb oh come on when have we ever gotten into trouble shit come on give me something fuck oh here we go okay! i'll put you on your side jesus okay i should buy us some time find something to stitch you up okay, callus keep an eye on it i'll be back in a flash promise, i totally got this! ok! 这样我们游戏正式开始啊。刚才前面那个小剧情就是啊,在 被咬之前,他的一个朋友啊,叫来历。他们是在一个一个叫一个。军训?不是青训社对吧?一个军事训练训练的那个学校。 哎,训练如何杀火营,但没想到他的朋友却加入了火营组织说消失了,消失了一段时间。亲爱的,一个解释嘛, 这样剧情又闪回到了现在啊。需要现在需要给雀儿想办法把那个伤口给他缝合住啊。现在 我要从哪过去呢? 看就疼。那个那个大洞天啊。感觉就是在一个商场里边。 嗯,没什么人, 先转一转吧。我都快忘了这个整个场场场地是什么样子了。 开不了门,等会 有边角的声音啊, 看这边都不行,走吧。听着像是寻声者啊。 这雕像蛮帅的哈。弓箭西北望射天王。 密码锁是吗?这是需要密码? western's pharmacy that sounds promising。 药房捡个砖头再说。 你这血量很不满啊,身上什么也没有啊。嘛也没有啊,两个砖头 三个砖头。 sure what the hell did you just swallow the pills and leave the bottle god? 哼,吞了药,留下罐子, come on! 药店估计早就 of course everything's pictured clean。 你肯定的嘛。这,这药品店还用说吗? 药品超市对吧?这些东西肯定都会被里面的东西肯定都会被拿走, 会有一批又一批的生存者啊,光顾这些店。 酒精, 这是制作材料啊,说实话有点不大对头一个制作材料,这酒精对吧?为什么我们不能在剧情里面拿来用呢?不是很严谨。 the pharmacist maybe he's got! 三五三零三幺啊! 必读。药剂师发狂,还攻击了我,我重重的打了他,他失去了意识,我把他锁在隔壁的美国公主店里,请去帮帮他。嗯, oh, come on, 这个是锁着的。 oh first aid kit 医疗箱急救包 do i get inside。 八成是在那个发狂了的对吧?药剂师身上 什么也不能做啊,这是砖头。说吧, 直面你内心的恐惧。美国公主店,这是卖什么?卖洋娃娃的? thirty five right, three left, thirty one right that worked。 不知道已经进化成哪个阶段了。应该是进化成。 感觉应该不是跑者,听着声音比较像 shit sports。 有包子,但是爱丽是免疫的啊。 if you're gonna jump out of me, go ahead and fucking do it。 这一点有个好处就是 id 是免疫的。 go yuck! 就是它就是它。 但是有什么东西可以拿吗?先先找找,不着急啊,先别触发。 这个地方已经被啊,他还没有什么东西呢。这个地方已经已经被包子全部占据了。天花板上有 别动啊。 don't come to life! don't come to life, nothing fuck 呀,就吓我是吧。 all right key, let's do it。 大头贴, 我不在的时候要想我。我也会想你,但是不会太想你。罗拉这是女朋? 朋友?还是? what? the fuck? 怎么会杀出来一个寻生者? 坐, 我没有无限小刀倒不怕啊,但是他这个刷怪机制我还是有点恐怖的。 yes, no。 没得了。 oh, a military helicopter gotta have something hang in there, jewel 有一架军用直升机啊,上面有。呃。医疗军用直升机上面有可能会有我们需要的东西啊。加点东西。空的瀑布 还是什么都不能做?都是半份半份。这样绕过来了。 需要绕路啊。 这都是通向哪里的? 感觉好几条道都可以走哦,这有点材料。 这什么叫加油店吗? 卖指甲油的那是 ah, no, sutures, i guess i can use this。 找到了纱布啊,但是没有针线。 资深准备,莱瑞考菲尔今天下午英勇殉职,病人发作时,我们正在飞回隔离区的路上。一定是包子惹的祸,因为我们当中并没有人被咬。被人扯断锁链扑到飞行员锡恩布兰登身上。即使, 即使直升机失控不断旋转,考菲尔准备还是勇敢对抗。感恩者救了我们一命。我们坠落到克罗拉多乡间的一座上一一座商场。哦,这是克罗拉多 二等兵尤金爱丽丝。准备。 coffee 和我是唯一的生还者。 coffee 在致富感染者的时候 脖子被咬伤,他随即给我们看伤口且接受命运的安排。我们按照感染规犯,在靠菲尔发病成为感染者前处决了他。原来安息。这是队长雷根法兰西斯。但是你也没了呀。 我估计下去就会出发。 here we go here we go hurry up here that was close huh you got fast there i'm impressed thanks well come on up we go 啊。剧情又回到了 how did you find them the fireflies yeah remember that firefly you bit installed his gun yeah i remember him that's trevor i saw him walking down the street so i tailed his ass i follow him into this alley and all these fireflies ambush me they took me right to their hideout to marlene were you scared terrified i thought this time she would actually shoot me but instead she just says what took you so long she was expecting me and she just made you a firefly something like that that whole almost killing me things a test she wanted to know i was committed oh come on。 没东西啊。出了一张选生海报。 we're making good time who do you hang out with these days i don't know no one really what about tino and the rest of the guys how are they doing riley those are your friends but you talked about him yeah i guess。 看有什么文件吗?不要不要忘拿我估计。呃呦,这火银的标志 down the light yet oh ha ha oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend your people so what you buy into this old thing now all i know is that i'm not a soldier。 估计水平 没有战斗啊,就是单纯的一个剧情,战斗都在时间,现在啊。 thirty days my ass。 过去时间应该没有战斗。 affected all the time they just do a good job of hiding it you've run into more infected as part of my initiation they actually made me kill this you know let's talk about something else right, oh shit hi, we have sorry i'm a bit jumpy lately careful with what hey, so maybe i should join the fireflies belly that was the first thing i asked she wants you safe at that stupid school i'm not even supposed to come see you why does she care she's worried i'll get you in the trouble whatever, i can get into trouble just find my own。 因为马林认识艾丽,他妈呀也答应了他妈要照顾艾丽,所以不希望让他加入火影组织。 hey, remember the first time i brought you here what are we doing here? riley, i have a surprise for you what is it a dinosaur? maybe i'll be your friend again if it's a dinosaur he'll just have to wait and see。 这也是个商场,很大,非常大。 这是什么? you know i got them back oh water guns bullshit you telling me corporal dickhead gave them back to you of course not i just sneak into his office riley, i had them in my hands but your ass got caught but my ass got caught what do you do to you scrubbing duty for two weeks bathrooms oh ellie, i keep telling you to give up on them they're never coming back they will be mine again。 我没有玩过这种大水枪,我只玩过小水枪,哼! i can't believe winston's gone you heard yeah do you know how it happened they said he just fell off his horse heart attack or something man well, how many people get to die of natural causes in this world none than i know of exactly so let's see what he left us really。 他们说的这个人应该就是这个在这里当据点观察员的这么一个人,说是在马上摔下来或心脏病死, 但是不大可能啊,基本上就是被咬了。 what is this winston man guy used to be handsome bingo awesome winston okay sure watch out that's not beer please what god oh my god how sure oh here discuss it told you cheers winston, oh that's strong come on! 呃,文斯顿应该以前住在这里当一个观察员,前哨站应该是被袭击了。 what happened to princess i assumed after winston died they took her poor horse she's probably out there terrified 啊。其实这个游戏是利用手柄最多的一款游戏,怎么说呢,就是在你这个光啊 不亮的情况下,你需要晃动手柄来使这个光更加稳定,重新照亮。还有就是,如果你是 呃外放的这么一个状态的话,呃,播放录音记录的时候,那个声音是在手柄发出的啊,就很厉害。说实话,我玩的 ps 游戏虽然不多,但是我觉得能 结合手柄能把手柄利用的这么好的游戏就只有这一款。 当然我还知道那个恐怖游戏啊,恐怖游戏他也是利用手柄,利用手柄的那个平衡感。这个是哎呦, 但是毕竟我没有玩过那个控制游戏。 how about we find another way yeah sounds good? 叫什么黎明危机啊?还是是什么?就是利用,也是利用手柄,呃,利用 ps 手柄的那个平衡平衡感来进行游戏。 hey, riley, you know what i'll get you open over see if you're gonna unlock it from the inside。 不知道二代会不会再给我这种 节上这种小惊喜啊。应该是有的, 人家还有这个光照哎,光照看啊,远的时候这个圈就大。 see anything 近就小。 riley, you dig there's two times today how the hell did we never find this place come on i got the perfect mask for you 万圣节 perfect! 狼头 check it out what is that like a wolf man or something put it on yeah bad ass never roar ellie, really fucking roar 呀?零点爆发吧小宇宙。 there, she is now let's see what else this place has。 这是什么科学?怪人是吧?这鱼还挺有意思的东西啊。这是什么? for your fortune? 苦头算命师 are we gonna die today, nothing look jip you gotta turn it over genius oh seems dreadfully unlikely ah, we're relief。 还能再摇再摇摇摇乐 will i drive a car again i feel it in my bones all right are we ever leaving this stupid quarantine zone the answer is in limbo so there's a chance am i ever gonna get to play a video game your chances are dismal fuck you skull am i ever getting boobs or what? 哈哈哈,不会。 the spirits are quiet of course they are。 因为在二代你就没长大。 are you a butt face i am dead certain it is true well, that's not a little thing。 还有啊,能要多少次啊,我都不知道。 will we ever get our water guns back the spirit nazis ah you hear that says we're getting our water guns back let them go ellie, let them go will riley ever stop sucking at poker the signs aren't clear up, we're still hope for you nope, i'm giving up on that you can have poker。 对话很多呀。啊也没了。好,结束了。 对对对对,开始吧。换个鸟人。 ah triple phoenix 三凤凰, 这,这是凤凰? well, i thank you kind pigeon。 这是凤凰 万圣节的店。这应该就是有没有南瓜头啊?南瓜头?这是什么? the road based livers whatever, you've done with them oh my total what will we do oh man。 两个人演挺好 看。还有什么宝贝不能带南瓜头呢?怎么啊?带南瓜头? 这什么? will ellie ever be it's funny to me oh, please i'm like ten times funnier than you。 你在哪? he said not in this existence hey, wasn't me skellace here said it well skellace here can suck my dick my tick thanks you're welcome 啊,看,这是什么东西啊?糖果吗?哦,眼珠子。 bought this stuff, i don't get it oh, wow, that was dude。 吓我一跳,我们走吧。 let's go ah, i got an idea see those cars down there yeah red ones yours i'll be blue we throw brick whoever breaks all the windows to their car wait kidding me, i'm like the brickmaster all right loser has to answer question, no sarcasm truth or truth all right fool, you're on。 我是红的是吧? what yeah you like that 我是红的是吧? yes。 我让你,让你,那是让你,你懂啊,这是让你 two down and then how you do it。 让你不知道,让你啊, 走, 无限刷啊这里我还差最后一个,呃,就是你。哎呀,我这枕头确实差了点。 all right, so close。 还差一个应该是屁股后边走。 yes, rick fucking master my car had tougher windows yeah whatever loser, all right question time i'm scared。 你那个时候为什么离开?你那个时候为什么要大吼大叫?妈,您说到了关于我妈妈的事吗? um okay, why did you leave without telling me i was in a weird space look, i didn't tell anyone, but i wasn't just anyone was i no, it's just you got to see this thing and we're almost there come on。 你还是没有回答问题啊。对啊,你这压根不算答案。 what are we doing here police is creeping out? so you know how we thought that only powered certain areas of the city yeah follow me。 这里有什么东西吗?有。这是什么?警告?留言至各大单位这是我近几个星期来第三次要求加强本区域巡逻。 在哈特福德隔离区崩溃后,本是到处难民冲刺,许多人都是从商场过来的。我因为我军人手不足,这些人不顾一切,他们大部分都在进城的过程中被感染。如同我的报告书所说 所言,我上星期才刚处理掉第三期感染者。我明白现在到处都缺资源,但是我担心如果不加强安全防守,这个商城将会一团糟。上市温斯顿啊, 那这个商城现在没人防守了,没人管理了?这是是不是就就说明已经沦陷了呢? 你给我看嘛? so turns out the whole city has power they just flip the circuit breakers all you gotta do is strip it back paul, there's no way this is gonna work what did i tell you wait so the whole mall is lit up let's go find out oh 没想到这还有电啊!哎呀, you ready to see this wait i i know what you're trying to do and i'm really glad that you're not dead i mean i'm glad that we're back together and i didn't mean it all that stuff i said before i left i didn't mean any of it riley you're such a sap that she started it oh man are you ready totally are you kidding how the hell do i get up there。 又回到现在了。回到现在说明有战斗了啊,我要想办法上去啊, 找点资源啊,不要紧。 这是什么好的 jesus 图,一张纸条中庭留言。 由于补给不足,二等零游金于我进入装卸码头,希望能够买到额外的口粮。我们措手不及,遭受一群大约六到七个 第二阶段感染者的攻击。虽然我们瓦解了威胁,但是爱丽丝却被咬伤。在激烈的争辩过后,二等兵爱丽丝试图自我了断,我阻止了他 借着我自己打破了规范。我用止血带隔离了感染源,并在废弃的诊所中找到手术用的锯子并完全消毒波维尔等病。爱丽丝注射马肺,接着在伤口数十的伤口数数数。这这这不是十啊,这上方进行手臂的截肢。 这个好像和丧尸病毒还不一样。丧尸病毒好像截肢确实是可以抑制这个。呃。感染的是可以让受被感染者不发生变异的,但这个好像并不行吧, 因为它是属于孢子,孢子病毒是可以直接被在空气里边吸入人体内的, 所以我感觉应该是不大行。那只是切断砍砍断被抓伤的手臂,感觉作用不是很大。 还可以做东西了啊。确实,我有一刀包。先不忙着做啊。先不忙着做 也说了这边有匪徒啊,六到七个左右的匪徒。妈呀,这。 吓我一跳,这乌鸦看来又需要通电啊。看到了,这个地方 小通电。 thank you military anyway to get this on follow the cables, rachel。 哦,难得两发子弹啊难得两发子弹。 哎,又是一家。是吗? 走,咱去看看啊, 四发子弹 现在还没有刷怪啊。哎呦,猫, fucking, cat, come on, all right? 开不开消消道。 oh, god, it's crazy! 这个猫非得整出事来不行,这冬天,这水肯定冷。 oh, man! 不要急啊不要急。这是,这是那个油管?这应该是取油用的吧, 看看,都需要电。 我想着先别那个什么。先不忙着。 先别忙着。呃,出发,先捡点东西再说,因为我感觉一通电接着就会刷那个什么变异者。 现在这个地方是安全的。写满了 刚才是不是看了一个什么东西啊啊。 但是等会安全安不安全就不一定了。 嗯,很多零食的雪包。 又是六发 子弹满了。 shit! locked, ok, ok, 出发了,转型, let's go! 没有 关空了看留言啊。二等兵。爱丽丝情况恶化,他发高烧,而且食不下咽。或许我错了,或许截至为时已晚,或许在我没留意的时候他会, 他会发作病感染。规范我们对卡菲尔准备做必须做的事。我们开什么玩笑?我们杀了赖瑞,爱丽丝把他压在地上,而我像吃狗一样毫不留情的射杀了他。他的惨叫 扔在我脑海,挥之不去。雷根,求求你,我还没发病,别这样。 iris, 我们干了什么?如果我只是一走了之,如果我只是逃走的话。爱丽丝,我对不起你。雷根,走,取油去。 empty maybe i can find some oh fuck, no huh。 来了来了咱就干呗, 对吧?来上来 上来,过来啊, 坐 过来,走, 不要怕。 is that it yeah sounds like it okay find some gas。 再捡个,再捡个砖找油。油箱呢? 空的换个车。 ah jackpot, all right, how do you do this take the hose and 然后吸, just siphon it out。 嗯,对,没错,吸 ah here we go all right, i should do it。 没事,那边还有一个子弹补给。 come on, all right! 走, 哦呦,我操, not yourself, don't touch electric water got it。 这边可以开了啊,水都通电了。水 这样,别走水底下了。你走走,上去 看什么资源多啊。 okay, easy, easy, keep looking straight, everything's gonna be fine, i'm not gonna fall into that water and fry to a crisp。 这个车头我记得有东西。 对, that's the way out how do i get there。 哦,下去 还没有刷 dn 啊, 这都是加血, 有点小资源,没东西了。那就是这边这边啊,怀疑我开了之后有可能会出东西啊。准备好了板砖。 uh huh。 我估计需要爬上去,需要爬上去的话推车出来。 嗯,我看这个推车是怎么用的啊。稍等啊,果然是这样用的。没错,机智机智如我 school。 对啊,我们这可以再捡个子弹 鸡蛋。 uh huh, yeah, i hear you i hear you motherfucker。 巡逻,这也不知道是寻生者还是啊?应该是寻生者,嘎嘎嘎嘎的。应该是寻生者 哦。哎呀哎呀哎呀哎,干什么嘛真的是 干什么嘛。 你说我容易吗? 上一边去,你离我远点。 哎,这会没听见啊,我估计他刚才倒地的这个声音有点大, 有玻璃碴子啊,小心点 玻璃叉子声音, 小心地上的玻璃碴子。 这个寻声者让他远点,太近了,太近。把这个人杀,把这个抛者宰了之后他会听到。 就剩这俩了,坐 剩你自己了。 okay, getting the hell out of here。 行了,那我们本期节目就先做到这里吧。好吧,我们下期节目再见,拜拜 here we are again。
理着理着,今天我们玩最后的升官者,最最最恐怖的一关,这个地方可以说我第一次玩的时候,脚拇指都快给我扣烂了,不光是有数只学生者,而且还有一个巨无霸,不过现在已经是今非昔比了,今天的猛男啊,非常非常强壮。这一关需要我们收集一个门禁卡外加启动电源,不过启动电源后会吸引巨无霸的到来。 说我们先上二楼收集门禁卡,在二楼最里面的一个房间里面,我们可以拿到一张工作人员的门禁卡,不过拿完之后要非常小心,接着会刷出来几只学生者。但是板砖在手,天下我有桥,酸砖啊,岂是浪得虚名,直接啊,我们进步过去,给这个学生者来一个大逼兜 啊,他这也是冲向我们了,不过不要紧,三砖给他拍死两个字,舒爽!接着从旁边还有板砖可以拿,拿起来等会备用。有了门禁卡之后,我们就可以下楼启动电源了,不过要非常小心,最好是进步 走,因为在水底呢,还是有这个丧失的,但是啊,作为一个老六,我们进步过去就不会出发了,这个时候就可能会有粗口的小猛男已经发现了啊,为什么清新哥哥的游戏画面这么细腻?其实是猛男开了莫比乌斯的 ex 三二幺零优自带的游戏 hdi, 这款显示器的游戏 hdri 模式,能够在对比与细节之间找到平衡,同时获得更多的游戏暗部细节, 瞬间让沉浸感拉满。高达四 k 的分辨率,同时还支持幺四四合资的刷新率,在保证画面清晰度的同时,一毫米的响应时间更能够体验到前所未有的流畅,看我们小可爱这肉嘟嘟的小脸,真的是想用手捏一下,还有这下雨的效果, 从天空而降,搭配内置音箱,感觉就是到了现场一样,身临其境。当然这款显示器不光能打,颜值也是手屈一指,前后黑白的设计,背部造型十分稳重和硬朗,并且支持自定义背景灯, 还有 hdml 二点一的接口,一键支连 ps 五,搭配适配的遥控器,小巧方便,调配画面更加方便快捷,真的是让你玩的舒心。追求沉寂感,这款一叉三二幺零,优势,你的不二! 好的,接下来我们启动完发电机,这个时候发电机的噪音会吸引无数的丧失前来围攻,但是不要紧张,直接使用猛男冲刺,直接冲向二楼 一切,掏出板砖,因为马上就要用到了,迎面重来的行动者,直接是三砖拍死,一二三,瞬间秒杀!继续冲刺,前面还有第三块砖,继续拾起来,留作备用,接着继续猛然冲刺,往左边走,上锁到大门,那就在前方,马上就要到了,这边是不满的君主,但是不要紧,我们先疏通一下这个门,不然的话门禁卡是装不了。 摸完门之后,马上再投入板砖,因为最后一个行政者他雷了,还是三砖带子,最后一个巨无霸,我们就可以不用打他了,因为我们有门禁卡了,直接进门而入哈,这一关就直接就穿了。
好,那么欢迎收看新一期的最后一声,环球一代重置版的游戏视频解说啊。这是乔尔带着艾利来到了乔尔城,建了一个老朋友报国居住的小镇,这小镇呢,是一个非常危险的地方,因为在这里啊,不仅会出现感染者, 还会遇见鲍勃那小子布置了很多陷阱,因为鲍勃这个人是非常讨厌陌生人的,他不允许任何人进入到他的小镇里面,就算是巧儿他也不见得很喜欢。所以呢, 你要是想进入这个小镇,那就最好小心点,免得踩住那些陷阱直接凉凉。其实说实话,我个人并不喜欢这个一代里面排木板还有推箱子的游戏设置啊, 我觉得这些设计特别木质,浪费时间,感觉就是为了托神仙用的。不知道你们感觉怎么样,反正我是特别讨厌前面 教堂旁边有一束黑烟,那个黑烟呢,就是鲍伯那小子焚烧感染者的肢体而产生的,这说明鲍伯那老小子现在应该就在教堂附近啊, and that smoke you think that's him。 好,那么到了这里之后呢,就能够看见感染者了。给下那个小房子面会固定刷新,还有右边那个下坡那里也会固定刷新一组,不管是原版还是这个新版都有下, 因为我这个水管是经过了强化了的,他第一次攻击能够直接瞬间秒掉一个点。然后呢,整体刚刚拿到了板砖,悄悄的摸到这里,把另外一只寻真者解决, 非常简单,学生者在没有发现你的情况下,你的攻击能够对他造成非常高的伤害。然后这里有个小屋,小屋里面能够拿到一些材料,还有无制品 零件,无极品。 阿里在学着吹口哨。 are you all right? i'm trying to learn at a whistle。 说实话,如果我是第一次玩这个游戏,我会觉得爱丽挺可爱的,但是经过二代之后,我跟他之间明显是出现了一点隔阂了。说实话,自从打过二代之情之后,我就对爱丽 里产生了一些抵触感,我不再觉得他是以前那个特别可爱的小女孩了。我靠,没想到泰斯他们生意都做到这里来了,还是有点牛掰的, 因为在这种陌生的就是啊,你想要穿越各个城镇之间,你必须拥有非常强大的实力,不然就可能会被那些感染者以及暴徒生吞活泼。 好,那么到了这里之后呢,就是第一次跟艾利互动,这样也不怎么样的事。虽然艾利是比较喜欢泰斯的。他不会喜欢乔,因为老乔一直觉得他是一个累赘,一个负担。 爱思的遗愿吧,感觉现在乔尔并不是特别喜欢。 but no just open it nothing else sure thing careful okay, let's see okay。 好,这个水管是可以捡起来的。一个满耐久的进账武器。 然后呢,来到报国的小镇之后,我们直接往左边走,左边这边有一个应该是类似花店的地方,这里有一个地间的雕像,然后呢, 有很多的材料以及于零件可以见。 do we go find tommy marlene said he's your brother and more importantly he was a firefly he know where to take you。 跑到这一边,还有一个国际品一束花。可能是类似草药的设定吧。 空无一人的小镇,或者说只有一个人的小镇,这个小镇除了报补之外就需要感染久了。 这里应该是一个呃,快餐店吧,还有一台机机哦,应该是个披萨店,这个炉子应该是用来烤披萨的, 然后直接到楼梯这边还能够捡到几个零件, 后面的桌子里也有几个零件可以写,数量不多,但蚊子腿再小也是肉啊,对吧。 相比较原版的地图,这个爆破的小镇应该是有一点修改的,只不过修改并不大,整体的建筑还是跟原版区别不大。 右边有一个保险箱,打开那个保险箱需要密码,密码就在前面。一般来说这个游戏的保险箱跟密码的位置都不会隔开太远,基本上我们都是在同一个城市。 这边的路已经被封死了,应该是鲍勃干的,有一张纸条,违者治病。估计是鲍勃写的,他不想让其他人进入他的小镇。 好,那么我们刚刚捡到的那张纸条就是之前看到的那个保险箱的密码了。 重置版里面每一个保险箱里面的东西都是非常丰富的,我个人是非常建议你们去开启每一个保险箱。我是个零件,五点补制品以及不上弹药,相当丰富。 然后呢,就是往这边走,前面有个唱片店,唱片店里面还能够找到一些材料之类的东西,就是这里。原版我记得好像是应该没有这个商 电的,估计是从翅膀里面添加的。 look at this place, 做一把小刀,小刀等一下能够用到的非常重要的东西。左轮的子弹已经满了,这边有胶带,一张纸条没啥好看的。 撤怂,取个零件,然后我们就可以去其他地方了。准备去那个报国那边。 这有个陷阱,陷阱威力很大呀,能够直接秒掉这全身者。两个材料,呃, would be one of bills。 然后呢?右边有个密室,需要使用小刀打开,这是为什么我要你们做一个小刀的原因。 what's the deal of this guy? 里面有一些弹药, the smuggle stuff in。 材料,零件,还有胡子品。 well, let's hope we don't blow up trying to find him just watch your step you'll be fine。 这边有一个人身上插着两根剑,估计是被鲍勃干掉的。鲍勃真的特别讨厌陌生人进入他的小镇,每个地方都斜了,一旦进入就会被击毙。 就算是卡尔贸然闯入,那个巴博也不喜欢 弓箭新的武器。说实话,一代的弓箭我个人感觉没有二代的好用啊,因为一代的这弓箭他没有那个测距仪。我不知道这个弓箭的下坠究竟有多少容易射不中, 所以我真的讨厌这些木板。一代里面我最讨厌的就是木板跟那些垃圾车了,每次要推他们,拿他们我都觉得特别墨迹。 it's all clear, come on, up, all right。 而且我并不想明白 为什么乔尔上这些木板的时候也要保持平衡。乔尔又不恐高,对吧?你要是二代的那个那个艾米,他走这些地方需要保持平衡,那还正常,因为他恐高啊。切 好,这边有一只寻身者,但是没有发现我可以使用弓箭。弓箭拉满的威力很大的苗头,能够直接秒掉一只这个寻身者。 now listen。 但现在这个武器的高度是有点高。 stable of individuals。 我不敢贸然开枪。又一个现在。 stay underneath it okay to keep your head alone。 左边有个房间,直接跑过去,我们需要确保自己手里面有一个投掷物。开门头上有一句,感染者不用着急,只是一只最普通的好酒而已。 房间里面有一些材料,好像没东西了, 那只感染者就在前面。好,来了一下,拜拜,我起了一棍,秒了。有什么 好做的? over here, let's search the place。 然后呢,就是一些材料了。这个房间里面的东西并不是特别多。呃,很简单,一点算似一点。 you think they ever found each other the hell would i know。 剪完之后就可以下楼了。 然后呢,再剪一块板砖。这个地方被那个鲍勃布置很多陷阱, 需要什么板砖把陷阱触发? things are kind of awesome there's one way to do it。 前面还有一个陷阱,不小心踩到的话,那就惨了。 come on let's stop close。 那么接下来就是有一个小高能啊,老桥踩着 那个爆破的陷阱, come on。 哦吼,倒霉蛋。 i got you damn it bill what just happened they want to build stupid traps。 我第一次打原版的时候特别讨厌那一段,因为我的手笔用不来。然后呢,我们在这里又只能当个胡靶子。 想要过这一关,那你的枪法不能够太差太猛。我以前的时候有手柄,完全用不惯。打这个地方死了好多次,气的我牙痒痒。真的 好。感染者差不多要出现了,应该是被这个陷阱的动静吸引回来的。走 here, they come。 这里的武器是强制切换成了左轮手刹,两端子弹是无限的,但是这个左轮换挡速特别慢。 哎呀,我刚才不应该换蛋的,你看,滚,我不想跟你亲亲哦,拜拜。左轮两箱,一个好酒, 树上一个群星主。除非你穿法特别好,不然很难怪 喂家人们喂雪鹰生水的雪亮特别好,可能是因为他们身上有那个冰雪装甲布盖。 you all right, yeah, come on, you can do。 好,第二阶段乔尔就不用担心自己安全了,这阶段我们只需要保护安利的安全。 damn it come on, i'm cutting let's hurry hurry, they're getting closer。 哎呀,这打不中啊,哎,讲真的,我要是用剑阻的话,这一段我一唱一个头给你看,你信不信我是真的啊。 两阶段就是以干掉最后一支选用身种结束的,就像这个选用身种就代表到了这个。嗯,阶段的最后一段了。 好,跟着地上。然后就是报国登场。不可以谦虚,不可以这样滚。 霸婆长壮的老男童。好好,好多学生者。霸婆这个老男人,他的设定是个男童来着, 我们正好能够在他的住处里面看见他修成那些啊,强壮的男孩, 哎,不过不是我们发现的,是艾利发现的一个燃烧瓶,然后就是暂时抵挡一下就是。好,拜拜。然后呢, 掏出一个燃烧瓶就一般会有感染者多了 好,轻松解决。然后咱们就是准备跑路了。 god damn it they're coming over。 好,到了这里之后就安全了。平身者被挡在门外,然后就是报国教训老乔尔的学生。 鲍伯是一个非常谨慎的人。 thanks for the heroics and all ellie what are you doing bill turn around and get on your knees just calm down a second turn around get on your knees don't test me just take it easy pretty fight oh anything sprouting oh god damn it i'm clean! 二毛主要是害怕他们两个被感染了。安利下手是真的狠啊! am i 轮是铁棍就是桥 you come into my house you set off on my traps you damn here break my shoot in arm who the fuck is this punk and what's she doing here i am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you all joel some favors and you can start by taking these off i owe joel some favors is some kind of joke i'll come to the chase i need a car well, it is a joke joel needs a car well if i that one that works which i sure as hell don't who makes you think i just give it to you huh, yes sure joel go ahead take my card like all my food too well why the looks of it you could lose some of that food you listen to me you little shit i need you to shut。 而女人体现一种特别保守, 别人一旦惹了他,他都是直接当场退回去的。好了,那么本次有写收,暂时邀请您喜欢我的视频小伙伴可以点赞关注一下,我们下期再见。好吧, don't have a car that works but there is one in this town parts there are parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right i'm gonna do this there's some gear i'm gonna need it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe i can put something together that runs but after this i owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now will probably be dead anyway, good follow me oh god damn town's booby trapped best stay right on my ass can't miss it knock it off。
you know you keep surprising me? hello ellie don't you want this to end shame? you wouldn't come around 这场景没什么东西的吗? no that's not you okay then so i love happy to take my job better than us are you crazy fuck 他在那 brought this on yourself did 死不死哇他还不死啊! let's just end this 哎呦喂, 要捅几刀啊他。 oops ah the art of distraction 死没死? 这不会是还要杀很多人吧? right here 不行,我的体术退步了。哎呦喂, 受伤了?体术退步了。 刚应该扔这个东西。 this is pointless i can't see a thing just keep searching shit out here 哎呦喂, 逼我拿喷子! this is pointless i can't see a thing bitch right there come on 哦,怎么绕过来了? right there 快准狠! what is this? are the early zoly stuff here? oh christ! i gotta find her i gotta find her 肉垫 really time is i knew you had hard you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame in it yes, not just not your style is it you can try begging fuck you? you think you know me huh well, let me tell you something you have no idea what? i'm capable of stop stop fucking duck me look it's me it's me look look it's me it's okay it's okay oh ellie ellie did you hear me? no what look hospital? this is where we get off? let's go kiddo you feel that breeze huh i'll tell you on a day like this i just sit on my porch pick away my sixth ring yeah once we're done with this whole thing i'm gonna teach you how to play guitar all right i think you'd really like that what you say huh 这么多, 还有什么升级聆听模式?距离就剩这个吧。 i dreamt about flying the other night oh, yeah! yeah! go on! tell me about it so i'm on this big plane full of people and everyone is screaming and yelling because the plane's going down so i walk to the cockpit open the door there's no pilot i try to use the controls but i obviously have no clue how to fly a plane and right before we crash i wake up i've never been on a plane it's not weird well, you know dreams are weird look at that another city another abandoned quarantine zone there's that hospital to firefly mentioned come on kiddo 汽车站 maybe we cut through here huh well, we could use that ladder here we go! ellie, ellie what a lighter come on! right? 哎 oh my god! whoa? what is it ellie? ellie you got to see this? what is it? the hill is 长颈鹿 are you kidding? me? come on! hurry up! steven what are you doing? he's all right come here! hey, hurry up! come on leave there! so fucking! cool! where's it off to here? come on! let's go! say! slow down! kiro come on! hurry up! come on! come on! come on! 很治愈啊! oh man! wow! look at those things so is everything you were open for it's got its ups and downs but you can't deny the view though we don't have to do this you know that right what's the other option go back to tommy's be done with this whole damn thing after all we've been through everything that i've done i can't be for nothing look i know you mean well but there's no halfway with this once we're done we'll go wherever you want okay! well, i ain't leaving without you so let's go wrap this up! 绿化真好 this place takes me back how so i was right after everything went down i ended up in a tree i was just like this and everywhere you looked he just saw families torn apart whole damn world seem to have turned upside down in a blank is that after you lost sarah yes, it will i can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know i'm sorry joel that's okay emmy 工具四 hey joel i got something for you here maria showed this to me and i stole it i hope you don't mind i don't know matter how hard you try i guess you can escape your past 没什么好武器呀 吧。 this time it's gonna be different i just know it what do you mean they're gonna be there the fireflies i'm sure of it no oh 哎呀,这个嗯, 容错率很低。 no 我去, 这容错率也太低了吧 holy shit 哇,浪费了我多少 这公也是真的真的渣呀 啊啊 哎呦摸一下没了。嗯,真是麻烦。这里 怎么这么难啊 哎呀,真的是 需要补给。 oh my god there's so many of them i don't wish just keeping it 又怎么了?我都不知道我边上有人 打点补给容易吗? stay back 哇,这里有两个胖胖 哦呦,被他手撕了, 这里怎么过呀?这胖子又不能按啥 keep them busy 哎呀,这个一进生就没了呀,这怎么过啊? stay back 我没什么东西啊 fucking scary 你不打吗? here let me boost you up there here right now there's too many of them 哦, 这也太难了。搞一下弹药 这是真的难, 要弹尽粮绝了。 okay we're good i don't think i can rachel now watch your step that water looks pretty deep i'm on the other side cool drop that a lot of down for me okay hold up 嗯, all right just stick to the edge it's shallow over there ugh freezing and another jam door all right give me your foot okay come on! get that door open look out yeah they just surprised me man i can't wait for those things to be wiped out 又一个工具快结束了。给我那么多工具干嘛? let's do this now we're talking there you go 五十个零件回去 针吧。 all right let's do this 刚应该生伤害的。 hey look there it is 怎么把妹子弄过来呢? how are you making it? 我快缺氧了都。 哎哎哎我以为这是个开关,但一走过这就触发别的东西。哎怎么搞的? you made it all right come on all right get on okay okay there i'm on it be careful i got you 那我等他找梯子 哦在这 stand back damn ladder broke up the wall now what i'll figure some come out 这样然后再把梯子这样架过去喽。 oh i see good idea。