面冷心慈的汉堡包 · Faulting Module: ...· 2 月前 · |
贪玩的皮带 · Invalid header ...· 5 月前 · |
精明的显示器 · [深度学习] ...· 1 年前 · |
礼貌的椰子 · Log日志追踪之MDC_log ...· 1 年前 · |
淡定的牛肉面 · C++ 引用作为函数返回值 - ...· 1 年前 · |
python response weather |
https://help.sap.com/doc/b03290c259804240ad660ab7e3d4adfe/2302/en-US/html/1108d588-79c8-10e8-eb99-6e9d196af277.htm |
1 年前 |
Scripting Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ByteArrayContent |
Wrapper for System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent.
HttpContent |
Wrapper for System.Net.Http.httpContent.
MultipartFormDataContent |
Wrapper for System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent.
StreamContent |
Wrapper for System.Net.Http.StreamContent.
StreamReader |
Wrapper of System.IO.StreamReader for IronPython Scripting with limited set of features
StringContent |
Wrapper for System.Net.Http.StringContent.
Interface | Description | |
IAction |
Quote Action
Execute Reprice action
for action in Quote.Actions: if action.Name == "Reprice" and action.IsPrimaryAction: Quote.ExecuteAction(action.Id) break |
IActionCollection |
Quote action collection
IAdditionalDiscount |
Additional discount represent the additional discounts on the quote.
User can add/remove/change additional discounts via Scripting.
Adding new additional discount to quote
ad = Quote.NewAdditionalDiscount(); ad.DiscountPercent = 10; ad.Description = "New discount added via scripting"; Quote.AddAdditionalDiscount(ad); Change additional discount
ad = Quote.GetAdditionalDiscount("New discount added via scripting"); ad.DiscountPercent= 5; Remove additional discount
Quote.RemoveAdditionalDiscount("New discount added via scripting");
IAdditionalDiscountCollection |
Additional discount collection
IAliases |
Alias functions.
IApiResponse |
This is abstract class which represent the response of custom API call.
If ApiResponse is not provided within the script the result would be
This code define HTML response after logic in custom API script.
#some custom logic ApiResponse = ApiResponseFactory.HtmlResponse("some HTML"); |
IApiResponseFactory |
API Response
IApproversResponsibility |
Approvers Responsibility
IApproversResponsibilityCollection |
Approvers Responsibility Collection
IAssert |
Class containing helper assert methods.
Primary usage should be for writing automated tests although it can be used also in production scripts for guard clauses.
IAssetAttribute |
Asset Attribute
IAssetConfiguration |
Asset Configuration
IAssetContainer |
Asset Container
IAssetContainerRow |
Asset Container Row
IAssetItem |
Asset line item
IAssetMainItem |
Asset main item
IAttachedDocument |
Attached document
IAttachedDocumentCollection |
Attached documents collection
IAuthorizedRestClient |
Client for communication with RESTful services using Authorization header built with credentials defined in Credentials Management
Call current weather data for one locationCall service with providing city name and country/region code. API responds with a list of results that match a searching word.API call: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city name},{country/region code} Parameters: q city name and country/region code divided by comma, use ISO 3166 country/region codes
#response is in JSON form of: #{"main":{"temp":291.05,"pressure":1016,"humidity":88,"temp_min":288.15,"temp_max":296.15}, #"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"}], #"id":5391959,"name":"San Francisco","cod":200,"base":"stations"} response = RestClient.Get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=SanFrancisco,usa') Quote.GetCustomField('City').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today').Content = str(response.weather[0].main) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today Details').Content = str(response.weather[0].description) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MIX').Content = str(response.main.temp_max) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MAX').Content = str(response.main.temp_min) Submit an HTTPS POST request with basic authentication using credentials defined in Credentials Management and JSON input data to the serverSubmits JSON data to be processed to a specified resource and returns JSON response.Response is deserialized, in order to be used as object in scripting.
#example of url service url = 'https://testcallidus.com/CallidusPortal/services/some-example-service' headers = {} #example of input JSON data data = '[{"name": "SaaS Net New Revenue", "periodType": "month", "type": "Measurement", "value": { "amount": 100, "unitType": "USD" }}]' #make HTTPS POST and receive response in form of dynamic entity response = AuthorizedRestClient.Post('CredentialsFromStore', url, data, headers) #Populate Quote custom fields Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus type').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus amount').Content = str(response.value.amount) Quote.GetCustomField('Bonut unit type').Content = response.value.unitType |
IBeforeAddToQuoteEventArguments |
Argument provided when 'On AddToQuote' event occurs.
IBeforeConfigureEventArguments |
Argument provided when 'On Configure' event occurs.
IBeforeProductAddToQuoteEventArgument |
Context available for the event raised before product is being added/updated to the quote.
Also raised after the item is being reconfigured and before updated back to the quote.
IBusinessPartner |
Business partner interface.
IBusinessPartnerPermission |
Business partner permission.
IBusinessPartnerRepository |
Business partner repository. Used to retrieve data about business partners.
ICompany |
Company information
Check if user belongs to "SAP" company and notify user using IWorkflowContext within custom action script.
if User.Company.Name == "SAP": WorkflowContext.ClientScript = "alert('Welcome to SAP!')"; |
IContainer |
Container information
Move container row upMoving of container row has impact on the total order of container rows, so if row is identified while iterating through container rowsperform moving of row and add break to exit the current iteration. See following code as example.
container = Product.GetContainerByName("Assets") for row in container.Rows: if row['LicenceKey'] == 'Licence 2': container.MoveRowUp(row.RowIndex) break |
IContainerColumn |
Container column information
IContainerColumnCollection |
Container column collection
IContainerProperty |
Container property information
IContainerPropertyCollection |
Container property collection
IContainerRow |
Container row information
IContainerRowCollection |
Container row collection
ICrmLandingEventArguments |
Argument provided when 'On Landing From Crm' event occurs.
ICustomer |
Customer inforamtion
Check if bill to customer is selected and show alert message using IWorkflowContext within custom action script.
if Quote.BillToCustomer is not None: WorkflowContext.ClientScript = "alert('" + Quote.BillToCustomer.FirstName + " " + Quote.BillToCustomer.LastName + "')"; |
ICustomerHelper |
Customer helper interface
ICustomFieldChangedArgument |
Custom field change argument is passed when the custom field change event occurs.
This class can be accessed via "arg" variable within the custom field change event handler.
Using this argument on custom field change script
diff = float(arg.NewValue) - float(arg.OldValue); Quote.GetCustomField("CustomField1").Content = "You have changed custom field value for " + str(diff) + " points." |
IFederationUtility |
Federation helper methods
IFileHelper |
File helper
IGeneratedDocument |
Generated document
IGeneratedDocumentCollection |
Generated documents collection
IHttpUtility |
Provides methods for encoding and decoding URLs when processing Web requests.
IHttpWebClientProtocol |
IItemAction |
Item Action
IItemActionCollection |
Item action collection
IItemActionId | ||
IItemCustomField |
Item custom field data.
Contains additional data related to quote item custom field.
IItemCustomFieldCollection |
Item custom field collection
IItemInfo |
ItemInfo class is used to add additional information to cart item.
These additional information can be added via administration.
IJsonHelper |
Represents an object with which we can serialize/deserialize JSON data.
IKeyAttribute |
Key Attributes allow setting up an attribute as search criteria on the user side.
This means that the user can search for quotes based on the value of their Key Attributes.
User can set input value for Key Attribute via Scripting
Setting input value without reconfigure for Key Attribute through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory").SetInputValue("Memory key") Setting input value with reconfigure for Key Attribute through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory").SetInputValue("Memory key", True) if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Processor") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Processor").SetInputValue("Processor key", False) Setting the key attribute value without reconfigure through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory").SetInputValue("Memory_cpq") Setting the key attribute value with reconfigure through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Memory").SetInputValue("Memory_cpq", True) if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Processor") is not None: item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Processor").SetInputValue("Processor_cpq", False) |
IKeyAttributeCollection |
Key attribute collection
ILineItem |
Line Item
Getting Key Attribute by attribute system id through Scripting
for mainItem in Quote.MainItems: if mainItem.ProductName == "Laptop": for lineItem in mainItem.LineItems: if lineItem.ProductName == "Laptop bag": Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = lineItem.GetKeyAttribute("laptop_bag_cpq").Label Getting Key Attribute by attribute name through Scripting
for mainItem in Quote.MainItems: if mainItem.ProductName == "Laptop": for lineItem in mainItem.LineItems: if lineItem.ProductName == "Laptop bag": Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 2").Content = lineItem.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Laptop Bag").Label Getting Key Attribute by attribute label through Scripting
for mainItem in Quote.MainItems: if mainItem.ProductName == "Laptop": for lineItem in mainItem.LineItems: if lineItem.ProductName == "Laptop bag": Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 3").Content = lineItem.GetKeyAttributeByLabel("Laptop Bag").ParsedValue
item = Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem("2.1") Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 4").Content = item.AsLineItem.GetKeyAttributeByLabel("Memory").Label |
ILineItemCollection |
Line item collection
ILog class write messages to log
IMainItem |
Main item
Check if copy action is available and execute itIn order to easy get item action id, use item action id constants in following format:Quote.ItemActionId.CopyItemId, Quote.ItemActionId.EditItemId, Quote.ItemActionId.UpgradeToNewProductVersionItemId etc.
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.PartNumber == "PART-NUMBER-123": for action in item.Actions: if action.Id == Quote.ItemActionId.CopyItemId: item.Copy() Getting Key Attribute by attribute system id through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttribute("Hard Drive") is not None: ka = item.GetKeyAttribute("Hard Drive") ka.Label = "Hard Drive" Getting Key Attribute by attribute name through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Hard Drive") is not None: ka = item.GetKeyAttributeByAttributeName("Hard Drive") ka.Label = "Hard Drive" Getting Key Attribute by attribute label through Scripting
for item in Quote.MainItems: if item.GetKeyAttributeByLabel("Hard Drive") is not None: ka = item.GetKeyAttributeByLabel("Hard Drive") ka.Label = "New label for Hard Drive"
item = Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem("2.1") Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = item.AsMainItem.GetKeyAttributeByLabel("Memory").Label Calculating Rolled Up values of Main Items
miItems = [] for item in Quote.MainItems: miItems.append(item) miItems.reverse() for mi in miItems: mi.RolledUpListPrice = mi.ListPrice mi.RolledUpExtendedListPrice = mi.ExtendedListPrice mi.RolledUpNetPrice = mi.NetPrice mi.RolledUpExtendedAmount = mi.ExtendedAmount mi.RolledUpEndCustomerUnitPrice = mi.EndUserNet mi.RolledUpEndCustomerExtendedPrice = mi.EndUserExtendedAmount mi.RolledUpCost = mi.Cost mi.RolledUpExtendedCost = mi.ExtendedCost mi.RolledUpDiscountAmount = mi.DiscountAmount for li in mi.LineItems: if li.IsOptional: continue mi.RolledUpListPrice += li.ListPrice mi.RolledUpExtendedListPrice += li.ExtendedListPrice mi.RolledUpNetPrice += li.NetPrice mi.RolledUpExtendedAmount += li.ExtendedAmount mi.RolledUpEndCustomerUnitPrice += li.EndUserNet mi.RolledUpEndCustomerExtendedPrice += li.EndUserExtendedAmount mi.RolledUpCost += li.Cost mi.RolledUpExtendedCost += li.ExtendedCost mi.RolledUpDiscountAmount += li.DiscountAmount Inline edit of existing configurable item on the quoteConfiguration of quote main item can be updated automatically through scripting without leaving currently opened quote (for example, by clicking custom quote action with following script example).All quote calculations will be executed in the same way as item is manually updated from the configurator. Important note - rules will not be triggered when attribute values are modified through scripting. To enforce standard CPQ rules' execution, add Product.ApplyRules() before doing update of configuration.
for mainItem in Quote.MainItems: if mainItem.ProductName == 'Maintenance': mainItem.Edit() Product.Attributes.GetByName('Maintenance duration').SelectValue('5-YEARS') Product.Attributes.GetByName('Contract Type').AssignValue('Updated contract') if Product.Attributes.GetByName('1 Year Support').SelectedValue is not None: Product.Attributes.GetByName('1 Year Support').SelectedValue.IsSelected = False Product.UpdateQuote() break |
IMainItemCollection |
Main item collection
IMarket |
ImutualTLSRestClient |
Client for communication with RESTful services using client certificates
Call current weather data for one locationCall service with providing city name and country/region code. API responds with a list of results that match a searching word.API call: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city name},{country/region code} Parameters: q city name and country/region code divided by comma, use ISO 3166 country/region codes
#response is in JSON form of: #{"main":{"temp":291.05,"pressure":1016,"humidity":88,"temp_min":288.15,"temp_max":296.15}, #"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"}], #"id":5391959,"name":"San Francisco","cod":200,"base":"stations"} response = mTLSRestClient.Get('ApiCertificate', 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=SanFrancisco,usa') Quote.GetCustomField('City').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today').Content = str(response.weather[0].main) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today Details').Content = str(response.weather[0].description) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MIX').Content = str(response.main.temp_max) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MAX').Content = str(response.main.temp_min) Submit an HTTPS POST request with client certificate authentication and JSON input data to the serverSubmits JSON data to be processed to a specified resource and returns JSON response.Response is deserialized, in order to be used as object in scripting.
#example of url service url = 'https://testcallidus.com/CallidusPortal/services/some-example-service' headers = { } #example of input JSON data data = '[{"name": "SaaS Net New Revenue", "periodType": "month", "type": "Measurement", "value": { "amount": 100, "unitType": "USD" }}]' #make HTTPS POST and receive response in form of dynamic entity response = RestClient.Post('AuthorizationCertificate' ,url, data, headers) #Populate Quote custom fields Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus type').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus amount').Content = str(response.value.amount) Quote.GetCustomField('Bonut unit type').Content = response.value.unitType |
IPartnerFunction |
Partner function interface.
IPartnerFunctionRepository |
Partner function repository. Used to retrieve data about partner functions.
IPartnerFunctionTranslation |
Partner function translation interface.
IPostedFile |
Posted File information
IProduct |
Product information
IProductAddEditArgument |
Product added/updated argument is passed when the product added/updated to the quote event occurs.
IProductAttribute |
Product attribute information
IProductAttributeCollection |
Product attribute collection
IProductAttributeValue |
Product attribute value information
IProductAttributeValueCollection |
Product attribute value collection
IProductBeforeAddToQuoteEventArgument |
Before product Add to quote argument is passed before 'Product is added to the quote' event occurs.
IProductErrorMessages |
Product error messages. Messages are shown in the responder part of the configurator as errors.
IProductHelper |
Helper class which allow us to globally manipulate the products.
Check if product is simple by product's system id
if ProductHelper.IsSimpleProduct("Laptop_Computer_cpq"): Quote.GetCustomField("SimpleProducts").Content = "Laptop is simple product" else: Quote.GetCustomField("SimpleProducts").Content = "Laptop is configurable product" Inline adding new product with configuration to the quoteProduct with configuration can be configured and added automatically through scripting without leaving currently opened quote (for example, by clicking custom quote action with following script example)or can be inlined configured and added from other product's configurator through script attached on some product event (When product rule execution ends, When product configuration is completed, Before Add to quote, When product is added to quote etc.). All quote calculations will be executed in the same way as item is manually added from the configurator. Important note - rules will not be triggered when attribute values are modified through scripting. To enforce standard CPQ rules' execution, add Product.ApplyRules() before doing update of configuration.
inlineProduct = ProductHelper.CreateProduct('Maintenance_cpq') inlineProduct.Attributes.GetByName('1 Year Support').SelectValue('1') inlineProduct.Attributes.GetByName('Maintenance duration').SelectValue('1-YEAR') inlineProduct.Attributes.GetByName('Contract Type').AssignValue('New contract signed') inlineProduct.AddToQuote() |
IProductInfo |
Provides information about a product exposed on 'On Configure' event.
IProductMessages |
Product configuration template messages. Messages are shown in the responder part of the configurator.
IProductTab |
Product Tab information
IProductTabChangedArgument |
Product tab change argument is passed when the product tab change event occurs.
This class can be accessed via "arg" variable within the product tab change event script.
Using this argument on product tab change script
if arg.NameOfCurrentTab == 'Second tab': Product.Attributes.GetByName("Message").AssignValue("You have changed tab from " + arg.NameOfPreviousTab + " to " + arg.NameOfCurrentTab); |
IProductTabCollection |
Product tab collection
IProductType |
Product Type information
IProductTypeItem |
Represent product type quote item
Setting product type's discount amount according to subtotal for currently selected market
for productTypeItem in Quote.ProductTypes: if productTypeItem.SubtotalInMarket > 1500: productTypeItem.DiscountAmount = 250 else: productTypeItem.DiscountAmount = 50 |
IProductTypeItemCollection |
Product type item collection
IProductValidationMessage |
Product Validation Message
IProductValidationMessageCollection |
Product validation message collection
IQuote |
Execute quote actionIn order to easy get quote action id, use action id constants in following format:Quote.QuoteActionId.ViewQuoteId, Quote.QuoteActionId.DeleteQuoteId, Quote.QuoteActionId.ArchiveQuoteId, Quote.QuoteActionId.CopyQuoteId, Quote.QuoteActionId.QuoteWonId etc.
Quote.ExecuteAction(Quote.QuoteActionId.PlaceOrderId) Adding new additional discount to quoteSee IAdditionalDiscount how to set additional discount in the quoteAttaching the specified Opportunity to quote
Changing Quote Status to specified Quote Status
Quote.ChangeQuoteStatus("Waiting for Approval")
Determining whether quote contails any Product with specified system id(s)
if Quote.ContainsAnyProduct("SMB_Desktop_computer_cpq", "Laptop_IBM_cpq"): Quote.CustomFields.DisallowValues("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Value 1", "Custom Field Value 2") Determining whether quote contains any Product with specified product name(s)
if Quote.ContainsAnyProductByName("SMB Desktop", "Laptop IBM"): Quote.CustomFields.Allow("Hard Drive", "Memory") Determining whether quote contains any Product with specified part number(s)
if Quote.ContainsAnyProductByPartNumber("SMB 12345", "IBM 12345") Quote.CustomFields.Allow("Hard Drive", "Memory") Determining whether quote contains any item with specified Product Type system id(s)
if Quote.ContainsAnyProductType("Hardware_cpq", "Software_cpq") Quote.GetCustomField("Info").Content = "Quote is containing hardware and software products" Determining whether quote contains any item with specified Product Type name(s)
if Quote.ContainsAnyProductTypeByNames("Hardware", "Software") Quote.GetCustomField("Info").Content = "Quote is containing hardware and software products" Getting Additional Discount from quoteSee IAdditionalDiscount how to get additional discount in the quoteGetting Custom Field by strong nameSee IQuoteCustomField how to get custom field by strong nameGetting Quote Item by quote item
if Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem(1) is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem(1).AsMainItem.RolledUpExtendedAmount
if Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem("1.1") is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 2").Content = Quote.GetItemByQuoteItem("1.1").AsMainItem.RolledUpDiscountAmount Getting Quote Item by unique identifier
if Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("293f526d-37ad-4c7b-af66-182a7d3f3f0d") is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 3").Content = Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("293f526d-37ad-4c7b-af66-182a7d3f3f0d").AsMainItem.ShippingCostInMarket Getting Items by Product Type system id
quoteItems = Quote.GetItemsByProductTypeSystemId("Hardware_cpq") for item in quoteItems: totalHardwarePrice = totalHardwarePrice + item.ListPriceInMarket Getting latest generated Document File
fileName = Quote.GetLatestGeneratedDocumentFileName() Getting latest generated Document File in bytes
fileInBytes = Quote.GetLatestGeneratedDocumentInBytes() Getting generated document list
docList = Quote.GetGeneratedDocumentList() Getting generated document list by template name
docList = Quote.GetGeneratedDocumentList("templateName")
Getting attached document list
docList = Quote.GetAttachedDocumentList() Getting attached document by document id
doc = Quote.GetAttachedDocument(100)
Getting Product Type Item by specified product type system id
if Quote.GetProducType("Software_cpq") is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = Quote.GetProducType("Software_cpq").ProductTypeNameTranslated Getting Product Type Item by specified product type name
if Quote.GetProductTypeByName("Software") is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = Quote.GetProductTypeByName("Software").ProductTypeNameTranslated Creating new additional discountSee IAdditionalDiscount how to create additional discount in the quoteRemoving additional discountSee IAdditionalDiscount how to remove additional discount from the quoteCreate new revision for the quote and set it activeSee IQuoteInfo how to create new active revision.Showing custom messages
IQuoteActionId | ||
IQuoteCustomField |
Quote Custom Field
Setting content of Custom Field
Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = "new content" Getting content of Custom Field
if Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1") is not None: cf = Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content Setting visibility of Custom Field
Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 2").Visible = False
Setting label of Custom Field.
IQuoteCustomFieldAttributeValue |
Quote Custom Field Attribute Value
Disallow Custom Field attribute value
customField = Quote.GetCustomField("CD or DVD drive") for value in customField.AttributeValues: if value.DisplayValue == "Combo DVD/CD-R 12/52/16/52": value.Allowed = False Set Custom Field attribute value code as Custom Field content
customField = Quote.GetCustomField("CD or DVD drive") for value in customField.AttributeValues: if value.DisplayValue == "Combo DVD/CD-R 12/52/16/52": Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = value.ValueCode |
IQuoteCustomFieldAttributeValueCollection |
Quote custom field attribute value collection
IQuoteCustomFieldCollection |
Quote custom field collection
class wrap the list of
and expose the methods for quote custom fields manipulations.
Allowing Custom Field(s) by strong name(s)
Quote.CustomFields.Allow("Custom Field Name 1")
Quote.CustomFields.Allow("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Name 2", "Custom Field Name 3") Disallowing Custom Field(s) by strong name(s)
Quote.CustomFields.Disallow("Custom Field Name 1")
Quote.CustomFields.Disallow("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Name 2", "Custom Field Name 3") Allowing value of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value system id
Quote.CustomFields.AllowValue("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq") Allowing values of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value system ids
Quote.CustomFields.AllowValues("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq", "Custom_Field_1_Value_2_cpq") Allowing value of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value code
Quote.CustomFields.AllowValueByValueCode("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1") Allowing values of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value codes
Quote.CustomFields.AllowValuesByValueCodes("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3") Disallowing value of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value system id
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowValue("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq") Disallowing values of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value system ids
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowValues("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq", "Custom_Field_1_Value_2_cpq") Disallowing value of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value code
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowValueByValueCode("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1") Disallowing values of Custom Field by custom field's strong name and attribute value codes
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowValuesByValueCodes("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3") Assigning the specified text to Custom Field.
Quote.CustomFields.AssignValue("Custom Field Name 1", "New text value") Disallowing all Custom Field Values except values with specified attribute value system id(s)
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowAllValuesExcept("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq")
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowAllValuesExcept("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq", "Custom_Field_1_Value_2_cpq") Disallowing all Custom Field Values except values with specified attribute value code(s)
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowAllValuesExceptByValueCodes("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1")
Quote.CustomFields.DisallowAllValuesExceptByValueCodes("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3") Selecting Custom Field Value by attribute value system id.
Quote.CustomFields.SelectValue("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom_Field_1_Value_1_cpq") Selecting Custom Field Value by attribute value code.
Quote.CustomFields.SelectValueByValueCode("Custom Field Name 1", "Value 1") Reseting the custom field(s)
Quote.CustomFields.Reset("Custom Field Name 1")
Quote.CustomFields.Reset("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Name 2", "Custom Field Name 3") Setting the specifed Custom Field(s) optional
Quote.CustomFields.SetOptional("Custom Field Name 1")
Quote.CustomFields.SetOptional("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Name 2", "Custom Field Name 3") Setting the specifed Custom Field(s) required
Quote.CustomFields.SetRequired("Custom Field Name 1")
Quote.CustomFields.SetRequired("Custom Field Name 1", "Custom Field Name 2", "Custom Field Name 3") |
IQuoteHelper |
Helper class which allow us to globally manipulate the quotes.
Reassign quote to specified userReturn parameter is of type IQuoteInfo ,containing new quote id, new user id, new composite quote number and new composite quote number crypted.
quoteInfo = QuoteHelper.Reassign("00021520", "jsmith", True) Dispose currently loaded quote environment in order to delete quoteExecuting delete on currently loaded quote will cause break.In order to delete loaded quote, it should be first disposed by using Quote.Dispose() - IQuote .
quoteCompositeNumber = Quote.CompositeNumber Quote.Dispose() QuoteHelper.Delete(quoteCompositeNumber) |
IQuoteInfo |
Quote Info helper
Create new active revision and get data for new revision
revisionInfo = Quote.CreateNewRevision(True) |
IQuoteItem |
Represent abstract class which expose common interface for main and line items
Getting Quote Item as main item and setting it's mrc rolled up extended cost for currently selected market as custom field content
item = Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("293f526d-37ad-4c7b-af66-182a7d3f3f0d") Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = item.AsMainItem.MrcRolledUpExtendedCostInMarket Getting Quote Item as line item and setting it's translated attribute name as custom field content
item = Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("293f526d-37ad-4c7b-af66-182a7d3f3f0d") Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 2").Content = item.AsLineItem.AttributeNameTranslated Getting Key Attribute by attribute system id through ScriptingSee IMainItem and ILineItem how to get key attribute by attribute system id through ScriptingGetting Key Attribute by attribute name through ScriptingSee IMainItem and ILineItem how to get key attribute by attribute name through ScriptingGetting Key Attribute by attribute label through ScriptingSee IMainItem and ILineItem how to get key attribute by attribute label through Scripting |
IQuoteItemAttribute |
Represents attribute of the product referenced in Quote Item
IQuoteItemAttributeCollection |
Collection of all attributes selected in product referenced in Quote Item
IQuoteItemAttributeValue |
Represents selected value of the attribute of referenced product in Quote Item
IQuoteItemCollection |
Quote item collection
IQuoteItemContainer |
Represents container attribute of quote item
IQuoteItemContainerColumn |
Represents column of container attribute referenced in quote item's product
IQuoteItemContainerColumnCollection |
Collection of container columns
IQuoteItemContainerProperty |
Represent property of quote item's container attribute
IQuoteItemContainerPropertyCollection |
Represents collection of container properties of quote item's container attribute
IQuoteItemContainerRow |
Represent row of quote item's container attribute
IQuoteItemContainerRowCollection |
Represents collection of rows of quote item's container attribute
IQuoteItemCustomField |
Quote item custom fields are basically additional quote columns that can store values of different types (number, currency, date or text).
Setting value for specified quote item
Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("4dbc4075-67a3-43ab-b121-9792f0abc18b")["textfield"].Value = "some text" Quote.GetItemByUniqueIdentifier("4dbc4075-67a3-43ab-b121-9792f0abc18b")["numberfield"].Value = 123 |
IQuoteOrderStatus |
Quote Order Status
Getting Quote Order Status translated name in currently selected language
if Quote.OrderStatus is not None: if Quote.OrderStatus.NameTranslated == "Waiting for Approval": Quote.ChangeQuoteStatus("Approved") |
IQuoteTotal |
Quote Total
Setting Total Shipping Cost according to Total List Price in currently selected market
if Quote.Total.TotalListPriceInMarket > 15000: Quote.Total.ShippingCost = Quote.Total.TotalListPrice - Quote.Total.Cost Setting Quote Total Tax PercentIf Quote Total column is not editable on the quote, set Quote Total Tax Percent as State tax percent
if ((Quote.Total.IsFieldEditable("TaxPercent") is False) and (Quote.Total.IsFieldEditable("TaxAmount") is False)): taxPercent = 0.0 if Quote.ShipToCustomer is not None and len(Quote.ShipToCustomer.StateAbbreviation) > 0: taxPercent = SqlHelper.GetFirst("select SALES_TAX_RATE from STATE_TAX where STATE_SHORT_NAME='" + \ Quote.ShipToCustomer.StateAbbreviation + "'") Quote.Total.TaxPercent = taxPercent Setting Quote Total AmountIf Tax should be included in Total Price, set Quote Total Amount as sum of Total Shipping Cost, Total Tax Amount and Total Vat Amount
result += Quote.Total.ShippingCost
if Quote.IncludeTaxInTotalPrice:
result += Quote.Total.TaxAmount
result += Quote.Total.VatAmount
Quote.Total.TotalAmount = result
Setting Monthly Recurring (MRC) Total AmountSetting Monthly Recurring Amount as sum of MRC Subototal Amount, MRC Vat Amount and MRC Tax Amount
Quote.Total.MrcTotalAmount = Quote.Total.MrcSubtotalAmount + Quote.Total.MrcVatAmount + Quote.Total.MrcTaxAmount |
IQuoteTotalCustomField |
Total on quote or product type level for quote item custom field.
Setting value for specified quote item
Quote.GetCustomField("Test").Content = str(Quote.Total["mycustomfield"].MaximumCV) for productTypeItem in Quote.ProductTypes: if productTypeItem.ProductTypeName == "Hardware": Quote.GetCustomField("Test").Content = str(productTypeItem["mycustomfield"].MaximumCV + 3) |
IReadOnlyProductMessages |
Product configuration template messages. Messages are shown in the responder part of the configurator.
IRequest |
Represent class for manipulation with user request.
IRequestContext |
RequestContext represents a CPQ helper class that can be used to store additional information and entities that would be shared across one HTTP request
Items set in one script have the validity equal to one HTTP request
IRequestItems |
Represents the key value collection that has a life cycle of one HTTP request
IRestClient |
Client for communication with RESTful services
Call current weather data for one locationCall service with providing city name and country/region code. API responds with a list of results that match a searching word.API call: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city name},{country/region code} Parameters: q city name and country/region code divided by comma, use ISO 3166 country/region codes
#response is in JSON form of: #{"main":{"temp":291.05,"pressure":1016,"humidity":88,"temp_min":288.15,"temp_max":296.15}, #"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"}], #"id":5391959,"name":"San Francisco","cod":200,"base":"stations"} response = RestClient.Get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=SanFrancisco,usa') Quote.GetCustomField('City').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today').Content = str(response.weather[0].main) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Today Details').Content = str(response.weather[0].description) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MIX').Content = str(response.main.temp_max) Quote.GetCustomField('Weather Temperature MAX').Content = str(response.main.temp_min) Submit an HTTPS POST request with autorization and JSON input data to the serverSubmits JSON data to be processed to a specified resource and returns JSON response.Response is deserialized, in order to be used as object in scripting.
#example of url service url = 'https://testcallidus.com/CallidusPortal/services/some-example-service' #example of user autorization header headers = { 'authorization': RestClient.GetBasicAuthenticationHeader('SAPUsername', 'SAPPassword') } #example of input JSON data data = '[{"name": "SaaS Net New Revenue", "periodType": "month", "type": "Measurement", "value": { "amount": 100, "unitType": "USD" }}]' #make HTTPS POST and receive response in form of dynamic entity response = RestClient.Post(url, data, headers) #Populate Quote custom fields Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus type').Content = response.name Quote.GetCustomField('Bonus amount').Content = str(response.value.amount) Quote.GetCustomField('Bonut unit type').Content = response.value.unitType |
IRestServiceHelper |
Represent abstract class which expose common interface for supporting Litmos integration with CPQ.
See 'How To Integrate With Litmos' for details of how to support integration.
ISalesArea |
Class which allow us to fetch sales area data.
Class represents the combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division
Get the distribution channelReturn parameter is of type String ,
distributionChannel = SalesArea.DistributionChannel Get the sales area divisionReturn parameter is of type String ,
division = SalesArea.Division Get the sales organizationReturn parameter is of type String ,
salesOrganization = SalesArea.SalesOrganization |
ISapPassport |
Represent interface for creating SAP Passport headers.
Visit following link for more information:
IScriptExecutor |
API that gives you ability to run script from another script. Script that's executed needs to be active.
To execute script from the current code, use the following call:
If the script you're executing returns a value, use the following code:
result = ScriptExecutor.Execute("My_Script") # **** SCRIPT WHICH RETURNS SOME VALUE MUST SET THAT VALUE TO VARIABLE NAMED 'Result' **** # example: My_Script # .... logic here... x = "some return value..." Result = x In case the script name is not valid or script is not active, Execute() method will return 'None' value.You can also provide input parameters that are required in called script. All input parameters should be put in dictionary:
result = ScriptExecutor.Execute("My_Script", {'ID':5, 'Name': 'John', 'Company': 'ABC Inc'}) # In script "My_Script", you can use these input parameters by consuming variable 'Param' like follows: #...logic here... name = Param.Name id = Param.ID company = Param.Company # note that Param properties must be named exactly the same as input parameters in Execute() method Product.Attributes.GetByName("Name").AssignValue(name) Product.Attributes.GetByName("Id").AssignValue(id) Product.Attributes.GetByName("Company").SelectValue(company) #......
To execute global script from the current code, use the following call:
If the global script you're executing returns a value, use the following code:
result = ScriptExecutor.ExecuteGlobal("My_Global_Script") # **** GLOBAL SCRIPT WHICH RETURNS SOME VALUE MUST SET THAT VALUE TO VARIABLE NAMED 'Result' **** # example: My_Global_Script # .... logic here... x = "some return value..." Result = x In case the global script name is not valid or global script is not active, ExecuteGlobal() method will return 'None' value.You can also provide input parameters that are required in called global script. All input parameters should be put in dictionary:
result = ScriptExecutor.ExecuteGlobal("My_Global_Script", {'ID':6, 'Name': 'Jack', 'Company': 'DEF Inc'}) # In script "My_Global_Script", you can use these input parameters by consuming variable 'Param' like follows: #...logic here... name = Param.Name id = Param.ID company = Param.Company # note that Param properties must be named exactly the same as input parameters in ExecuteGlobal() method Product.Attributes.GetByName("Name").AssignValue(name) Product.Attributes.GetByName("Id").AssignValue(id) Product.Attributes.GetByName("Company").SelectValue(company) #...... |
IScriptingMarket |
IScriptingMarketCollection | ||
ISelectedDictionary |
Represents the selected dictionary.
ISession |
Represents class for keeping an object within the session.
These objects can be shared among scripts. Lifetime of these objects ends when the user signs out. |
IShipping |
Assign selected Shipping Name to custom field
if Quote.SelectedShipping is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Custom Field 1").Content = Quote.SelectedShipping.ShippingName Set Total Shipping CostIf Shipping is loaded for all items and Shipping column is not editable, set Total Shipping Cost
if Quote.IsShippingLoadedForAllItems and item.IsMainItem and (Quote.SelectedShipping is not None) and \ (Quote.SelectedShipping.Editable is False): Quote.Total.ShippingCost += item.AsMainItem.ShippingCost * item.AsMainItem.Quantity |
ISoapHttpClientProtocol |
ISqlHelper |
Helper class which allows us to pull data from database using SQL select statements.
Insert/Update example
#insert tableInfo = SqlHelper.GetTable("ITEMMASTERFROMNS") tablerow = { "item_internal_id" : itemInternalId, "item_sku" : sku } tableInfo.AddRow(tablerow) upsertResult = SqlHelper.Upsert(tableInfo) #update tablerow = { "CpqTableEntryId" : currentQuoteCpqTableEntryId, "OpportunityId" : oppId, "QuoteNumber" : Quote.CompositeNumber, "IsPrimary" : 1 } tableInfo.AddRow(tablerow) SqlHelper.Upsert(tableInfo) Delete example
primaryQueryItems = SqlHelper.GetList("select CpqTableEntryId, OpportunityId, QuoteNumber, ItemGuid, OpportunityProductID from OpportunityQuoteItems where OpportunityId = '{0}' and QuoteNumber={1}".format(oppId, primaryQuoteNumber)) tableInfo = SqlHelper.GetTable("OpportunityQuoteItems") for primaryItem in primaryQueryItems: tableInfo.AddRow(primaryItem) SqlHelper.Delete(tableInfo) |
ISqlHelperInfo |
Sql Helper Info
Provide result info for SqlHelper methods
sqlInfo = SqlHelper.Upsert(tableInfoData, tableName) |
ISqlParameter |
Represents a parameter of a SQL statement, which is used for creation of parameterized SQL queries.
IStreamReader |
Wrapper of System.IO.StreamReader for IronPython Scripting with limited set of features
ITableColumnInfo |
Provide description of a table column including name, type, size and if it can be null
ITableDataRow |
Data in a row that will be used to insert, update or delete a row in custom table.
ITableInfo |
Table Info
Table definition including name, list of columns, data rows that will be used for upsert or delete and IsNew flag to indicate if table doesn't exist and new table will be created
ITagParserProduct |
Tag parser product
Parsing product tab expression
if float(TagParserProduct.ParseString("<* TotalPrice *>")) > 3000: Quote.Total.Cost = 300 |
ITagParserQuote |
Tag parser quote
Parsing quote tab expression
if TagParserQuote.ParseString("<* CustomerCompany *>") == "SAP": Quote.GetCustomField("Customer company") = "SAP company" |
ITechnicalDocumentation |
Technical Documentation Helper
ITerritory |
Getting Territory name as Custom Field value through Scripting
if User.Territory is not None: Quote.GetCustomField("Territory").Content = User.Territory.Name |
ITrace |
ITrace write messages to trace.
Use this class for debugging scripts. |
ITranslation |
Dictionary key/value translation
Set translated value from the specified dictionary to Free Form attributeIn this example it is assumed that dictionary id for German dictionary is 2. Dictionary key is - CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser.
Product.Attributes.GetByName('Translation attribute').AssignValue(Translation.Get(2, 'CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser')) Set formatted translated value from currently set dictionary to Free Form attributeDictionary key is - CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser.Value for dictionary key is - Currently logged user: {{user}}.
Product.Attributes.GetByName('Translation attribute').AssignValue(Translation.GetFormatted('CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser', 'user', User.Name)) Set multiple values' formatted translated value from currently set dictionary to Free Form attributeDictionary key is - CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser.Value for dictionary key is - Currently logged user: {{user}}, username {{userName}}. Data for currently logged user (user's name and username) will be retrieved based on User.Name and User.UserName.
Product.Attributes.GetByName('Translation attribute').AssignValue(Translation.GetFormatted('CustomDictionary.CurrentlyLoggedUser', 'user', User.Name, 'userName', User.UserName)) |
IUser |
Setting user's custom field content if user is Flo admin
if User.IsFloAdmin: User.GetUserCustomFieldByName("FloAdmin").Content = "User is Flo admin" |
IUserCustomField |
User custom field
Setting the content of User Custom Field
if User.GetUserCustomFieldByName("User Company Name") is not None: User.GetUserCustomFieldByName("User Company Name").Content = "SAP company" |
IUserCustomFieldAttributeValue |
User custom field attribute value
IUserCustomFieldAttributeValueCollection |
User custom field attribute values
IUserCustomFieldCollection |
User custom field collection
IUserPersonalizationHelper |
Some IronPython built-in functions used in scripts return values in a format that's different from user's selected format (for example, the function str() returns a string in the format 1234.56 which may cause issues if the user format is 1.234,56).
To avoid any issues, instead of Iron Python built-in functions, use the IUserPersonalizationHelper methods which will always return values in the user's format.
IUserType |
User type
Setting user's custom field according to user type
if User.UserType is not None and User.UserType.Name == "Sales Manager": User.GetUserCustomFieldByName("User Type").Content = "Sales Manager at SAP" |
IVCCondition |
Pricing Condition result
IVCConditionsWithPurpose |
Conditions with purpose
IVCPricingResponse |
VC pricing response
IVCResponseItem |
Pricing item result
IVCSubtotal |
IWebServiceHelper |
Web service helper class
IWorkbook |
Excel workbook of the file loaded in the product configurator.
IWorkbookCells |
Cells object of current excel worksheet.
IWorkbookSheet |
Excel worksheet.
IWorkflowContext |
This class is shared within pre and post actions.
IXmlHelper |
Xml helper
Enumeration | Description | |
AssetStatus |
Asset Statuses
AttributeAccess |
Product attribute access restriction enum
Encodings |
Represents mostly used Encoding types for creating StringContent.
GenDocFormat |