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Supported by:
† Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.91334202, 21376089), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2014ZB0012), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2014M560663) and the State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering Foundation, China(No.201444)


采用巨正则蒙特卡罗方法, 对新型卤代羟基烷麻醉药——异氟醚在金属-有机骨架材料(MOFs)中的负载性能进行了模拟研究. 选用含Fe, Mg和Ti等金属中心的5种生物相容性良好的MOFs进行研究, 结果表明, 在常压下, 孔体积较大的材料对异氟醚的负载量较大, 且Fe-MIL-101负载量最高, 可负载相当于自身质量2倍的药物. 通过径向分布函数及构型分析发现, 药物负载的主要作用力有氢键和金属-药物相互作用. 等量吸附能分析显示, Fe-MIL-53和Mg-MOF-74吸附能较强, 有利于延长麻醉药持续释放的时间, 适用于长时间麻醉手术或术后止痛; 而Ti-KUMOF-1, Fe-MIL-100和Fe-MIL-101则在初期释放大量药物, 后期释放量大幅度下降, 适用于急诊治疗.


Adsorption and delivery of new haloalkane anesthetics——isoflurane by metal-organic frameworks(MOFs) as drug carriers were studied with the grand canonical Monte Carlo(GCMC) method. Five bio-compatible MOFs with metal centers of Fe, Mg or Ti were studied. Simulation results demonstrate that the loading of isoflurane increases with the pore volume of MOFs. In the atmospheric pressure(10 5 Pa), Fe-MIL-101 has the highest loading, which is twice as the mass of itself. According to radial distribution function(RDF) and configuration snapshot analysis, the main driving forces for isoflurane loading are hydrogen bonding and metal-drug interactions. It is shown that the adsorption energies of Fe-MIL-53 and Mg-MOF-74 are constant when drug loading changes, which may lead to a long-time stable release for anesthetics, and might be suitable for long time operation or postoperative pain relief; Ti-KUMOF-1, Fe-MIL-100 and Fe-MIL-10 tend to release a large amount of drugs quickly, which may be suitable for immediate anesthesia of emergency.

Key words: Adsorption, Metal-organic framework(MOF), Molecular simulation, Drug delivery, Isoflurane

Table 4 Comparison of isoflurane loadings in the atmospheric pressure(105 Pa) and pore volumes of MOFs

MOF Pore volume/(cm 3 ·g -1 ) Loading/(mg·g -1 ) MOF Pore volume/(cm 3 ·g -1 ) Loading/(mg·g -1 )
Fe-MIL-53 0.69 539 Ti-KUMOF-1 1.57 1481
Mg-MOF-74 0.77 848 Fe-MIL-101 1.62 2085
Fe-MIL-100 1.01 1268
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