互联网的出现及其通信功能已经引起了许多投诉站点,这些站点充当了消费者与其他消费者分享不良经历的中心论坛。公司正在采取反域名站点的措施,以防止创建此类投诉论坛。分析来自一个投诉论坛的数据以识别投诉的性质,最初是否向联系人员表达了投诉,为解决该问题还做了哪些其他尝试,互联网消费者投诉论坛是否是投诉的最初方法,公司对非Internet投诉以及Internet投诉的响应能力,以及使用Internet投诉论坛的投诉者的人口统计信息。有人建议公司应该接受消费者的投诉,并在简化投诉程序和回应可能性的基础上,与独立的投诉论坛竞争(而不是试图阻止它们)。提供了针对Internet使用的建议,并描述了对公司的好处。 The emergence of the Internet and its communication capabilities has given rise to a number of complaint sites that function as central forums for consumers to share their bad experiences with other consumers. Companies are reacting by adopting anti‐domain sites in an attempt to prevent the creation of such complaint forums. Data from one complaint forum are analyzed to identify the nature of the complaints, whether the complaints were initially voiced to contact personnel, what other attempts were made to resolve the problem, whether the Internet consumer complaint forum was the initial method used for complaining, the responsiveness of the company to non‐Internet complaints as well as Internet complaints, and the demographics of complainers using the Internet complaint forum. The suggestion is made that companies should embrace consumer complaints, and compete with the independent complaint forums (rather than try to block them) on the basis of ease of the complaint process and the likelihood of response. Recommendations are offered that are specific to Internet use and benefits to the company are described.