
默认架构将是服务器为此数据库用户解析对象名时将搜索的第一个架构。 除非另外指定,否则默认架构将是此数据库用户创建的对象所属的架构。

如果用户具有默认架构,则将使用默认架构。 如果用户不具有默认架构,但该用户是具有默认架构的组的成员,则将使用该组的默认架构。 如果用户不具有默认架构而且是多个组的成员,则该用户的默认架构将是具有最低 principle_id 的 Windows 组的架构和一个显式设置的默认架构。 如果不能为用户确定默认架构,则将使用 dbo 架构。

可以将 DEFAULT_SCHEMA 设置为数据库中当前不存在的架构。 因此,可以在创建架构之前将 DEFAULT_SCHEMA 分配给用户。

不能为映射到证书或非对称密钥的用户指定 DEFAULT_SCHEMA。

如果用户是 sysadmin 固定服务器角色的成员,则忽略 DEFAULT_SCHEMA 的值。 sysadmin 固定服务器角色的所有成员都有默认架构 dbo

仅当新用户名的 SID 与在数据库中记录的 SID 匹配时,才能更改映射到 Windows 登录名或组的用户的名称。此检查将帮助防止数据库中的 Windows 登录名欺骗。

使用 WITH LOGIN 子句可以将用户重新映射到一个不同的登录名。 不能使用此子句重新映射以下用户:不具有登录名的用户、映射到证书的用户或映射到非对称密钥的用户。 只能重新映射 SQL 用户和 Windows 用户(或组)。 不能使用 WITH LOGIN 子句更改用户类型,例如将 Windows 帐户更改为 SQL Server 登录名。


  • 用户是一个 Windows 用户。

  • 名称是一个 Windows 名称(包含反斜杠)。

  • 未指定新名称。

  • 当前名称不同于登录名。

  • 如果不满足上述条件,则不会重命名用户,除非调用方另外调用了 NAME 子句。

被映射到 SQL Server 登录名、证书或非对称密钥的用户名不能包含反斜杠字符 (\)。

更改用户名需要具有 ALTER ANY USER 权限。

更改用户的目标登录名需要对数据库拥有 CONTROL 权限。

若要更改对数据库拥有 CONTROL 权限的用户名名称,则需要对数据库拥有 CONTROL 权限。

更改默认架构或语言需要对用户拥有 ALTER 权限。 用户可更改自己的默认架构或语言。









use database_name;
alter user user_name
default_schema={ schemaname | null },
password='password' [old_password='old_password'],
default_language={ none | <lcid> | <language_name> | <language alias> },
allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off }
use database_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_backupoperator] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_datareader] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_datawriter] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_ddladmin] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatareader] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatawriter] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_owner] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_securityadmin] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[guest] to user_name;
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to db_accessadmin;
alter authorization on schema::[db_backupoperator] to db_backupoperator;
alter authorization on schema::[db_datareader] to db_datareader;
alter authorization on schema::[db_datawriter] to db_datawriter;
alter authorization on schema::[db_ddladmin] to db_ddladmin;
alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatareader] to db_denydatareader;
alter authorization on schema::[db_denydatawriter] to db_denydatawriter;
alter authorization on schema::[db_owner] to db_owner;
alter authorization on schema::[db_securityadmin] to db_securityadmin;
alter authorization on schema::[guest] to guest;
use database_name;
alter role [db_accessadmin] add member user_name;
alter role [db_backupoperator] add member user_name;
alter role [db_datareader] add member user_name;
alter role [db_datawriter] add member user_name;
alter role [db_ddladmin] add member user_name;
alter role [db_denydatareader] add member user_name;
alter role [db_denydatawriter] add member user_name;
alter role [db_owner] add member user_name;
alter role [db_securityadmin] add member user_name;
use database_name;
alter role [db_accessadmin] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_backupoperator] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_datareader] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_datawriter] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_ddladmin] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_denydatareader] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_denydatawriter] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_owner] drop member user_name;
alter role [db_securityadmin] drop member user_name;
--use database_name;
grant backup log to user_name;
grant backup database to user_name;
grant insert to user_name;
grant view definition to user_name;
grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
grant view any column master key definition to user_name;
grant view database state to user_name;
grant unmask to user_name;
grant create xml schema collection to user_name;
grant create table to user_name;
grant create assembly to user_name;
GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
grant create symmetric key to user_name;
grant create asymmetric key to user_name;
grant create service to user_name;
grant create rule to user_name;
grant create procedure to user_name;
grant create function to user_name;
grant create schema to user_name;
grant create role to user_name;
grant create type to user_name;
grant create route to user_name;
grant create default to user_name;
grant create fulltext catalog to user_name;
grant create view to user_name;
grant create database dll event notification to user_name;
grant create synonym to user_name;
grant create message type to user_name;
grant create remote service binding to user_name;
grant create contract to user_name;
grant create certificate to user_name;
grant subscribe query notifications to user_name;
grant alter to user_name;
grant alter any external data source to user_name;
grant alter any external file format to user_name;
grant alter any mask to user_name;
grant alter any security policy to user_name;
grant alter any assembly to user_name;
grant alter any symmetric key to user_name;
grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
grant alter any service to user_name;
grant alter any schema to user_name;
grant alter any role to user_name;
grant alter any route to user_name;
grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
grant alter any dataspace to user_name;
grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
grant alter any database audit to user_name;
grant alter any database event notification to user_name;
grant alter any message type to user_name;
grant alter any application role to user_name;
grant alter any user to user_name;
grant alter any remote service binding to user_name;
grant alter any contract to user_name;
grant alter any certificate to user_name;
grant update to user_name;
grant checkpoint to user_name;
grant take ownership to user_name;
grant control to user_name;
grant create aggregate to user_name;
grant connect to user_name;
grant connect replication to user_name;
grant delete to user_name;
grant authenticate to user_name;
grant showplan to user_name;
grant select to user_name;
grant references to user_name;
grant execute to user_name;
--use database_name;
grant backup log to user_name with grant option;
grant backup database to user_name with grant option;
grant insert to user_name with grant option;
grant view definition to user_name with grant option;
grant view any column encryption key definition to user_name with grant option;
grant view any column master key definition to user_name with grant option;
grant view database state to user_name with grant option;
grant unmask to user_name with grant option;
grant create xml schema collection to user_name with grant option;
grant create table to user_name with grant option;
grant create assembly to user_name with grant option;
GRANT CREATE QUEUE to user_name with grant option;
grant create symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
grant create asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
grant create service to user_name with grant option;
grant create rule to user_name with grant option;
grant create procedure to user_name with grant option;
grant create function to user_name with grant option;
grant create schema to user_name with grant option;
grant create role to user_name with grant option;
grant create type to user_name with grant option;
grant create route to user_name with grant option;
grant create default to user_name with grant option;
grant create fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
grant create view to user_name with grant option;
grant create database dll event notification to user_name with grant option;
grant create synonym to user_name with grant option;
grant create message type to user_name with grant option;
grant create remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
grant create contract to user_name with grant option;
grant create certificate to user_name with grant option;
grant subscribe query notifications to user_name with grant option;
grant alter to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any external data source to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any external file format to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any mask to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any security policy to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any assembly to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any symmetric key to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any asymmetric key to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any service to user_name;
grant alter any schema to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any role to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any route to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any fulltext catalog to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any dataspace to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any database ddl trigger to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any database audit to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any database event notification to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any message type to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any application role to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any user to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any remote service binding to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any contract to user_name with grant option;
grant alter any certificate to user_name with grant option;
grant update to user_name with grant option;
grant checkpoint to user_name with grant option;
grant take ownership to user_name with grant option;
grant control to user_name with grant option;
grant create aggregate to user_name with grant option;
grant connect to user_name with grant option;
grant connect replication to user_name with grant option;
grant delete to user_name with grant option;
grant authenticate to user_name with grant option;
grant showplan to user_name with grant option;
grant select to user_name with grant option;
grant references to user_name with grant option;
grant execute to user_name with grant option;
use database_name;
deny backup log to user_name;
deny backup database to user_name;
deny insert to user_name;
deny view definition to user_name;
deny view any column encryption key definition to user_name;
deny view any column master key definition to user_name;
deny view database state to user_name;
deny unmask to user_name;
deny create xml schema collection to user_name;
deny create table to user_name;
deny create assembly to user_name;
deny CREATE QUEUE to user_name;
deny create symmetric key to user_name;
deny create asymmetric key to user_name;
deny create service to user_name;
deny create rule to user_name;
deny create procedure to user_name;
deny create function to user_name;
deny create schema to user_name;
deny create role to user_name;
deny create type to user_name;
deny create route to user_name;
deny create default to user_name;
deny create fulltext catalog to user_name;
deny create view to user_name;
deny create database dll event notification to user_name;
deny create synonym to user_name;
deny create message type to user_name;
deny create remote service binding to user_name;
deny create contract to user_name;
deny create certificate to user_name;
deny subscribe query notifications to user_name;
deny alter to user_name;
deny alter any external data source to user_name;
deny alter any external file format to user_name;
deny alter any mask to user_name;
deny alter any security policy to user_name;
deny alter any assembly to user_name;
deny alter any symmetric key to user_name;
deny alter any asymmetric key to user_name;
deny alter any service to user_name;
deny alter any schema to user_name;
deny alter any role to user_name;
deny alter any route to user_name;
deny alter any fulltext catalog to user_name;
deny alter any dataspace to user_name;
deny alter any database ddl trigger to user_name;
deny alter any database audit to user_name;
deny alter any database event notification to user_name;
deny alter any message type to user_name;
deny alter any application role to user_name;
deny alter any user to user_name;
deny alter any remote service binding to user_name;
deny alter any contract to user_name;
deny alter any certificate to user_name;
deny update to user_name;
deny checkpoint to user_name;
deny take ownership to user_name;
deny control to user_name;
deny create aggregate to user_name;
deny connect to user_name;
deny connect replication to user_name;
deny delete to user_name;
deny authenticate to user_name;
deny showplan to user_name;
deny select to user_name;
deny references to user_name;
deny execute to user_name;
--use database_name
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'description_name', @value=N'description_value', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'user_name';
exec sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name=N'description_name', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'user_name'

--如果ALTER USER语句是SQL批处理中唯一的语句,则Windows Azure SQL Database将支持WITH LOGIN子句。 
--如果 ALTER USER 语句不是SQL批处理中唯一的语句或在动态SQL中执行,则不支持WITH LOGIN子句。
--指定此用户的新名称。 newUserName 不能已存在于当前数据库中。
--default_schema={ schemaname | null }
--password='password' [old_password='old_password']
--适用范围:SQL Server 2012 (11.x)到SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。
--指定正在更改的用户的密码。 密码是区分大小写的。
--适用范围:SQL Server 2012 (11.x)到SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。
--default_language={ none | <lcid> | <language_name> | <language alias> }
--适用范围: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) 到 SQL Server 2017。
--DEFAULT_LANGUAGE可以为本地 ID (lcid)、语言的名称或语言别名。
--allow_encrypted_value_modifications={ on | off }
--适用范围:SQL Server 2016 (13.x)到SQL Server 2017、SQL Database。
--取消在大容量复制操作期间对服务器进行加密元数据检查。 这使用户能够在表或数据库之间大容量复制加密数据,而无需对数据进行解密。 默认为 OFF。

use [testss];
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to test1;
alter authorization on schema::[db_accessadmin] to db_accessadmin;
alter role [db_backupoperator] add member test1;
alter role [db_datareader] add member test1;
alter role [db_backupoperator] drop member test1;
alter role [db_datareader] drop member test1;
grant backup log to test1;
exec sys.sp_dropextendedproperty @name=N'tests_description', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'test1'
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'tests_description', @value=N'用户自定义用户描述', @level0type=N'user',@level0name=N'test1';
alter user test1
--password='1234' old_password='1234',
                                    本文实例讲述了SQL Server数据表字段自定义自增数据格式的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SYS_Company]
Add Constraint DF_SYS_Company_CompanyId
DEFAULT ([dbo].[f_PrimaryCode_SYS_Company]()) FOR [CompanyId]
Alter table SYS_LogInfo Drop Constraint DF_SYS_Company_CompanyI
                                    注:我的运行环境是widnows xp professional + MySQL5.0 一、创建用户: 命令:CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 说明:username - 你将创建的用户名, host - 指定该用户在哪个主机上可以登陆,如果是本地用户可用localhost, 如果想让该用户可以从任意远程主机登陆,可以使...
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                                    今天领导让我给一个用户授权几个视图的查询权限遇到了一点小意外.还是基本功不扎实啊模拟如下create user a identified by a;create user b identified by b;create user c identified by c;grant connect,resource to a;grant connect,resource to b;grant conn...
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                                     有create table权限就可以create index有create procedure权限就可以create function在Oracel中无法单独授权create function,所以只要授于create procedure权限就可以了grant create procedure to user;
                                    1、首先打开SQL Plus窗口,然后窗口会提示你请输入用户名,如图所示 2、注意:在输入口令的时候as后面要加个空格即:as+空格+sysdba用户名:sqlplus口令:as sysdba 3、接下来就是给scott赋予view权限设置,命令如下:grant create view to scott; 4、另外还有一种就是在给scott赋予view权限的同时创建表格(table),命令如下:g...
建立:create user 用户名 identified by "密码";
授权:grant create session to 用户名;
            grant create table to  用户名;
            grant create tablespace t
                                    在其他RDBMS中,可以将查看某个存储过程(PROCEDURE)定义的权限给某个用户,例如在SQL Server中,可以单独将查看ProcedureName定义的权限授予UserAGRANTVIEWDEFINITIONON ProcedureName TO UserA; –用具体的存储过程名和账号替换那么在MySQL中能否实现这个功能呢? 找了很多资料,没有看到有这方面的功能,官方文档没有涉及这样...
                                    MySQL:grant 语法详解(MySQL 5.X)本文实例,运行于 MySQL 5.0 及以上版本。MySQL 赋予用户权限命令的简单格式可概括为:grant 权限 on 数据库对象 to 用户一、grant 普通数据用户,查询、插入、更新、删除 数据库中所有表数据的权利。grant select on testdb.* to commo
'GRANT INSERT ON [dbo].['+NAME+'] TO [账户名]' 插入,
'GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON [dbo].['+NAME+'] TO [账户名]' 查看定义,