闽南语部分复合词其中一个或两个语素容许文白异读范围内的变异,如厦门话 “树林”/tsʰiu6 nã2/~/tsʰiu6 lim2/(/nã2/为 “林”的白读,/lim2/为文读)。本文从社会语言学的角度切入,以汕头闽南语为例,说明相关变异 现象和受访者的年龄、教育程度都有一定的关系。就一般的情况来说,受访者的年纪越大,越有机会在变异中采用 文读形式;相反,受访者的年纪越小,变异中选择白读形式的机会也越多。至于教育程度高的受访者,面对变异时 倾向于文读形式;教育程度低的受访者,选取白读形式的情况比较普遍。其他闽南语(如厦门话、台湾话)也有类 似的情况。我们也尝试对一些反例作出解释。 Abstract In Southern Min dialects there exist variations of literary and colloquial readings in some compound morphemes. For instance, in Xiamen dialect, the morpheme “林” has colloquial and literary reading variants /nã 2/ and /lim2/ respectively in the word “树林”. In this paper, it is argued from the perspective of sociolinguistics that the variations correlate with the factors of age and educational attainment of diff erent native speakers, taking Shantou dialect as an example. In general, the old group tends to choose literary readings while the young group prefers the colloquial form. The well-educated group tends to use literary readings while the less educated group chooses more the colloquial form. A similar situation can be found in other Southern Min dialects such as Xiamen and Taiwan dialects. Meanwhile, this paper focuses on some exceptional examples and attemps to propose an explanation regarding how the exceptions came about. 香港特区政府研究资助局资助的研究计划CUHK11607916;教育部人文社会科学重点研 究基地重大项目“语言变异和接触机制研究”(19JJD740001);2022 年中央高校基本科研业务费 专项资金