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PostgreSQL 使用递归SQL 找出数据库对象之间的依赖关系 - 例如视图依赖

digoal 2016-07-25




PostgreSQL , 视图依赖 , 对象依赖 , depend , 递归查询








create table t(id int); create view v1 as select * from t; create view v2 as select * from v1; create view v3 as select v1.id from v1,v2 where v1.id=v2.id; create view v4 as SELECT v1.id + FROM v1, + v2, + pg_class, + pg_authid;


如果要改t的字段,或者删除t表。 会怎样呢?

postgres=# drop table t; ERROR: 2BP01: cannot drop table t because other objects depend on it DETAIL: view v1 depends on table t view v2 depends on view v1 view v3 depends on view v1 view v4 depends on view v1 materialized view v5 depends on view v4 materialized view v6 depends on view v4 view vv1v depends on table t view vv1v1 depends on view vv1v HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. LOCATION: reportDependentObjects, dependency.c:986

使用drop table t cascade可以自动删除依赖对象。


postgres=# alter table t alter column id type int8;

ERROR: 0A000: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view vv1v depends on column "id" LOCATION: ATExecAlterColumnType, tablecmds.c:8225



* reportDependentObjects - report about dependencies, and fail if RESTRICT * Tell the user about dependent objects that we are going to delete * (or would need to delete, but are prevented by RESTRICT mode); * then error out if there are any and it's not CASCADE mode. * targetObjects: list of objects that are scheduled to be deleted * behavior: RESTRICT or CASCADE * msglevel: elog level for non-error report messages * origObject: base object of deletion, or NULL if not available * (the latter case occurs in DROP OWNED) static void reportDependentObjects(const ObjectAddresses targetObjects, DropBehavior behavior, int msglevel, const ObjectAddress origObject)




postgres=# select ev_action from pg_rewrite where ev_class='v1'::regclass; ({QUERY :commandType 1 :querySource 0 :canSetTag true :utilityStmt <> :resultRelation 0 :hasAggs false :hasWindowFuncs false :hasSubLinks false :hasDistinctOn false :hasRecursive false :hasModifyingCTE false :hasForUpdate false :hasRowS ecurity false :cteList <> :rtable ({RTE :alias {ALIAS :aliasname old :colnames <>} :eref {ALIAS :aliasname old :colnames ("id")} :rtekind 0 :relid 13090504 :relkind v :tablesample <> :lateral false :inh false :inFromCl false :requiredPer ms 0 :checkAsUser 0 :selectedCols (b) :insertedCols (b) :updatedCols (b) :securityQuals <>} {RTE :alias {ALIAS :aliasname new :colnames <>} :eref {ALIAS :aliasname new :colnames ("id")} :rtekind 0 :relid 13090504 :relkind v :tablesample <> :lateral false :inh false :inFromCl false :requiredPerms 0 :checkAsUser 0 :selectedCols (b) :insertedCols (b) :updatedCols (b) :securityQuals <>} {RTE :alias <> :eref {ALIAS :aliasname t :colnames ("id")} :rtekind 0 :relid 13090484 :r elkind r :tablesample <> :lateral false :inh true :inFromCl true :requiredPerms 2 :checkAsUser 0 :selectedCols (b 9) :insertedCols (b) :updatedCols (b) :securityQuals <>}) :jointree {FROMEXPR :fromlist ({RANGETBLREF :rtindex 3}) :quals <

} :targetList ({TARGETENTRY :expr {VAR :varno 3 :varattno 1 :vartype 23 :vartypmod -1 :varcollid 0 :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 3 :varoattno 1 :location 25} :resno 1 :resname id :ressortgroupref 0 :resorigtbl 13090484 :resorigcol 1 :resjunk false}) :onConflict <> :returningList <> :groupClause <> :groupingSets <> :havingQual <> :windowClause <> :distinctClause <> :sortClause <> :limitOffset <> :limitCount <> :rowMarks <> :setOperations <> :constraintDeps <>}) (1 row)




create or replace function get_dep_oids(oid) returns oid[] as $$ declare res oid[]; begin select array_agg(unnest::oid) into res from select unnest(regexp_matches(ev_action::text,':relid (\d+)', 'g')) from pg_rewrite where ev_class = $1 union select unnest(regexp_matches(ev_action::text,':resorigtbl (\d+)','g')) from pg_rewrite where ev_class = $1 EXCEPT select oid::text from pg_class where oid=$1 return res; $$ language plpgsql strict;


postgres=# select * from get_dep_oids('v1'::regclass); get_dep_oids

{13090484} (1 row)


create or replace function recursive_get_deps(IN tbl oid, OUT oid oid, OUT relkind "char", OUT nspname name, OUT relname name, OUT deps oid[], OUT ori_oid oid, OUT ori_relkind "char", OUT ori_nspname name, OUT ori_relname name ) returns setof record as declare begin return query with recursive a as ( select * from ( select t1.oid,t1.relkind,t2.nspname,t1.relname,get_dep_oids(t1.oid) deps,(select t1.oid from pg_class t1,pg_namespace t2 where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and t1.oid=tbl) as ori_oid from pg_class t1, pg_namespace t2 where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and t1.relkind in ('m','v') ) t where t.ori_oid = any(t.deps) union select * from ( select t1.oid,t1.relkind,t2.nspname,t1.relname,get_dep_oids(t1.oid) deps, a.oid as ori_oid from pg_class t1,pg_namespace t2,a where t1.relnamespace=t2.oid and t1.relkind in ('m','v') ) t where t.ori_oid = any(t.deps) select a.oid,a.relkind,a.nspname,a.relname,a.deps,a.ori_oid,b.relkind ori_relkind, c.nspname ori_nspname,b.relname ori_relname from a,pg_class b,pg_namespace c where a.ori_oid=b.oid and b.relnamespace=c.oid order by a.nspname,a.relkind,a.relname; $$ language plpgsql strict;

例子 :


postgres=# select * from recursive_get_deps('t'::regclass); oid | relkind | nspname | relname | deps | ori_oid | ori_relkind | ori_nspname | ori_relname ----------+---------+---------+---------+-----------------------------------------+----------+-------------+-------------+------------- 13090804 | m | public | v5 | {13090794} | 13090794 | v | public | v4 13090808 | m | public | v6 | {13090804,13090794,0} | 13090804 | m | public | v5 13090808 | m | public | v6 | {13090804,13090794,0} | 13090794 | v | public | v4 13090504 | v | public | v1 | {13090484} | 13090484 | r | public | t 13090508 | v | public | v2 | {13090504} | 13090504 | v | public | v1 13090790 | v | public | v3 | {13090508,13090504} | 13090504 | v | public | v1 13090790 | v | public | v3 | {13090508,13090504} | 13090508 | v | public | v2 13090794 | v | public | v4 | {13090508,1259,1260,13090504} | 13090504 | v | public | v1 13090794 | v | public | v4 | {13090508,1259,1260,13090504} | 13090508 | v | public | v2 13090815 | v | public | vv1v | {13090484} | 13090484 | r | public | t 13090819 | v | public | vv1v1 | {13090508,13090790,13090504,13090815,0} | 13090790 | v | public | v3 13090819 | v | public | vv1v1 | {13090508,13090790,13090504,13090815,0} | 13090508 | v | public | v2 13090819 | v | public | vv1v1 | {13090508,13090790,13090504,13090815,0} | 13090815 | v | public | vv1v 13090819 | v | public | vv1v1 | {13090508,13090790,13090504,13090815,0} | 13090504 | v | public | v1 (14 rows)

查到直接和间接依赖t表的对象有v5,v6,v1,v2,v3,v4,vv1v,vv1v1, 和之前DROP table t的报错内容一致。




postgres=# select * from pg_get_viewdef('v4',false); pg_get_viewdef

SELECT v1.id + FROM v1, + v2, + pg_class, + pg_authid; (1 row)




1. 规则表达式匹配 regexp_matches


2. 递归查询 with recursive query


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