Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
马来西亚拉曼大学 (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; 简称:优大 / UTAR) 成立于2002年8月13日,为拉曼大学教育基金会(UTAR Education Foundation) 创办的一所非盈利高等教育机构。
拉曼大学是一所注重“全人教育”的非盈利综合性大学,旨在成为提供优质教育并对社会产生可持续影响的全球性大学。大学现有2个校区, 分别是霹雳州金宝校区及雪兰莪州双溪龙校区。现有9所附属学院、3个研究所、35个重点研究中心、4个学习中心,开设有130多个专业,涵盖文科、商业、管理、理工、科技、农业、医学等领域,是一所学科齐全、专业多样的综合性大学。
拉曼大学的学生人数从创校初期的411人已增加至如今逾20 ,000人, 大部分是华裔学生。拉曼大学学术资格及水平广受世界承认,目前所提供的课程已获得20多个国内外专业组织认可。拉曼大学主要教学媒介语为英语,注重课程的实际性,所有学士生必须参与工业实习以完成课程。校方鼓励学生培育自身软技能的发展,也为此设有软技能课程及文凭系统。大学自首届毕业典礼至今,已培育逾82,000名毕业生,而顺利在毕业后九个月内就业的学生比率高达百分之九十五至九十七。
拉曼大学在2017年获得了大马学术资格鉴定机构(MQA)的自行认证资格及被该机构评鉴为第5星级成熟类别的大学。拉曼大学在2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中名列前1,200名,并且在泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学排名中名列前350位。 拉曼大学是中国教育部教育涉外监管网 (
Brief Introduction:
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) was officially launched on 13 August 2002 as a not-for-profit private university providing affordable quality education. It is established under the UTAR Education Foundation and registered under the Malaysian Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996.
Guided by its vision to be a global university of educational excellence, UTAR is highly reputed as one of the fastestgrowing private higher education institutions in the country with phenomenal growth in all aspects of its development since its inception. With the first intake of only 411 students in its Petaling Jaya campus in 2002, the University’s enrolment has now reached about 20,000 students with campuses located in Kampar, Perak and Bandar Sungai Long, Selangor.
UTAR has graduated over 82,000 students since its inaugural convocation in 2005 and has made impressive strides in establishing a strong reputation as a comprehensive University with dedication to achieving excellence in teaching and research. The University currently offers 138 academic programmes from Foundation Studies to Bachelor's, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s, and PhD degrees in the fields of Accounting, Business and Economics, Actuarial Science, Mathematics and Process Management, Agriculture and Food Science, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, Creative Industries and Design, Engineering and Built Environment, Information and Communication Technology, Life and Physical Sciences, and Medicine and Health Sciences.
联系方式 Contact Information
网址/ Website:https://www.utar.edu.my/
地址/ Address: Sungai Long Campus Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long Cheras 43000, Kajang, Selangor