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< v-card elevation = "0" style = "border:1px solid #EAEBEE" > < v-card-title class = "text-body-1 mx-2" style = "height:70px" > 绑定 < /v-card-title < v-divider > < /v-divider > < v-stepper v-model = "e1" > < v-stepper-header > < v-stepper-step :complete = "e1 > 1" step = "1" > < /v-stepper-step > < v-divider style = "flex:1" > < /v-divider > < v-stepper-step :complete = "e1 > 2" step = "2" > < /v-stepper-step > < /v-stepper-header > < v-stepper-items class = "py-8" > < v-stepper-content step = "1" > < v-card elevation = "0" height = "260" class = "mb-10" > < ! -- 微信二维码展示 -- > < ! -- WECHAT_RZKC登录 -- > < div class = "d-flex flex-column align-center" > < div class = "darken-3 mb-4 text-center" > 微信扫码绑定 < div style = "position:relative;" > < ! -- 扫码成功 -- > v-if = "scanSuccess" class = "px-1 py-1 text-caption d-flex flex-column justify-center" style = "width:160px;height:160px;overflow:hidden;background:#fff;opacity:.9;border:1px solid #000;top:0;left:0" < v-icon size = "50" color = "#07c160" > mdi-check-circle < /v-icon > < div class = "text-center text-button" > < ! -- 二维码已过期 -- > v-if = "isValid" class = "px-1 py-1 text-caption d-flex flex-column justify-center" style = "width:160px;height:160px;overflow:hidden;background:#fff;opacity:.9;border:1px solid #000;top:0;left:0" < v-icon size = "50" color = "#F5A623" > mdi-alert-circle < /v-icon > < div class = "text-center text-button mt-2" > 二维码已过期 @click = "toRefresh" class = "blue--text" style = "cursor: pointer;" > 刷新 < /span < ! -- 绑定失败 -- > v-if = "rzkcCode" class = "px-1 py-1 text-caption d-flex flex-column justify-center" style = "width:160px;height:160px;overflow:hidden;background:#fff;opacity:.9;border:1px solid #000;top:0;left:0" < v-icon size = "50" color = "#F5A623" > mdi-alert-circle < /v-icon > < div class = "text-center text-button mt-2" > @click = "toRefresh" class = "blue--text" style = "cursor: pointer;" > 再试一次 < /span class = "px-1 py-1 text-caption d-flex flex-row justify-center" style = "width:160px;height:160px;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid #000;background:#fff;" id = "wechat_code" ref = "wechat_code" class = "mt-2 d-flex flex-row justify-center" style = "color:#777;" 请使用微信扫码 < /v-card > < /v-stepper-content > < v-stepper-content step = "2" > < v-card elevation = "0" class = "mb-10" height = "260px" > < div class = "d-flex flex-column align-center" > < div class = "text-center" > 微信账号绑定 < v-sheet color = "white" elevation = "2" height = "80" width = "80" class = "mt-4 rounded-circle" < v-img contain width = "80" height = "80" class = "rounded-circle" :src = " headimgurl == null ? require('@/assets/avatar.png') : headimgurl > < /v-img > < /v-sheet > class = " mt-6 text-subtitle-1 text-center" v-if = "login_name || nickname || fullname" 你好, { { login_name || nickname || fullname } } < div class = "mt-6 text-subtitle-1 text-center" > < div > 你即将绑定此微信账号 < /div > < div > 后续可以使用此微信账号登录 < /div > < /v-card > < div class = "d-flex justify-center" > < v-btn color = "primary" @click = "doBind" > < /v-btn > < v-btn class = "ml-4" text @click = "cancelBind" > < /v-btn > < /v-stepper-content > < /v-stepper-items > < /v-stepper > < /v-card > < /template > export default { name: "Binding" , data ( ) { return { e1: "1" &lt;template&gt; &lt;div&gt; &lt;v-card elevation="0" style="border:1px solid #EAEBEE"&gt; &lt;v-card-title class="text-body-1 mx-2" style="height:70px" &gt;绑定&lt;/v-card-title &gt; &lt;v-divider&gt;&lt;/v-divider&gt; . 导入your-root.module.ts import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser' ; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations' ; import { ErrorHandler , NgModule } from '@angular/core' ; import { IonicApp , IonicErrorHandler , <template> <!-- 步骤 - 组件 --> <div id="step-group" :style="{'--height': totalHeight+unit,'--width':totalWidth+unit,'--stepBorderColor':stepBorderColor}"> <div cl
stepper 电机 Vue - Stepper 组件 ( vue - stepper -component) A fully customizable Stepper component with Vue x support and Zero dependencies. 具有 Vue x支持和零依赖性的完全可定制的 Stepper 组件 。 View Documentation 查看文档 Download Source...
npm install @ricadesign/ vue - stepper import Stepper from '@ricadesign/ vue - stepper ' Vue . use ( Stepper , { store , routes } ) < rica> </ rica> @import ' ~@ricadesign/ vue - stepper /dist/ stepper ' ; 您可以传递以下颜色道具来设置步进器样式。 当同时 使用 原色和辅助色时,将显示背景渐变。 Struts 待定文本颜色 完成文字颜色 图像路线也可以通过。 步骤 完成后,它将显示而不是数字: Struts 路由设置–设置菜单相关的字段(权限、国际化的菜单名称、标记属于菜单部分的路由) 菜单数据组装–由路由参数配置和菜单权限数据组合成一个头部菜单数组 菜单渲染–利用element-ui动态渲染菜单 一、路由设置(PS:放在编辑器好看一点) /* 静态页面路由 */ * 1、功能一:动态渲染头部菜单 * 1.1: 路由参数说明 * 1.1.1:menuPermission(当前菜单显示需要的权限) * 1.1.2:subMenuType---当前路由的子路由命名(
van- stepper 是在 Vant UI 组件 库中的一个步进器 组件 ,其中 change 事件会在数值改变时触发。change 事件会传入一个参数,即当前改变后的数值。你可以在监听 change 事件时通过函数参数获取到这个数值,例如: <v- stepper v-model="value" @change="handleChange" /> methods: { handleChange(value) { console.log(value) 在这个例子中,当数值改变时,`handleChange` 函数会被触发,其中的 `value` 参数即为当前的数值。你可以在函数中对这个数值进行处理。