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需要将迁移的本地邮箱转换为) (MEU 启用邮件的用户,以便可以使用 Active Directory 管理本地组织中的基于云的用户。

在暂存 Exchange 迁移中,邮箱迁移到云后会发生以下两种情况:

  • 用户具有本地邮箱和云邮箱。
  • 发送到用户本地邮箱的邮件转发到云邮箱中。 这是因为在迁移过程中,本地邮箱上的 TargetAddress 属性包含云邮箱的远程路由地址。 用户需要连接到其云邮箱才能访问其电子邮件。
  • 此行为会导致以下问题:

  • 用户无法在 Microsoft Outlook 中连接到其云邮箱。 本地组织中的自动发现服务仍尝试连接到其本地邮箱。 在迁移所有用户之前,无法将本地自动发现 CNAME 记录指向云。

  • 如果在将所有邮箱迁移到云后解除 Exchange 授权,云邮箱上与消息传送相关的用户信息将丢失。 目录同步会从云邮箱对象中删除数据, (例如代理地址) ,因为本地邮箱不再存在。 目录同步无法将数据与相应的云邮箱匹配。

    解决方案是在邮箱迁移到云后,将用户的本地邮箱转换为启用邮件的用户, (MEU) 。 将本地邮箱转换为 MEU 时,将执行以下操作:

  • 基于云的邮箱中的代理地址将复制到新的 MEU。 如果解除 Exchange 的授权,这些代理地址仍保留在 Active Directory 中。
  • MEU 的属性使目录同步能够将 MEU 与其相应的云邮箱进行匹配。
  • 用户创建新的 Outlook 配置文件后,自动发现服务使用 MEU 将 Outlook 连接到云邮箱。
  • 用于创建 MEU 的 PowerShell 脚本

    使用本部分中的脚本收集有关基于云的邮箱的信息,并将 Exchange 2007 邮箱转换为 MEU。

    PowerShell 脚本从云邮箱收集信息并将其保存到 CSV 文件中。 先运行该脚本。


  • 在运行 PowerShell 脚本之前,需要安装 Exchange Online PowerShell 模块。 有关说明,请参阅 安装和维护 Exchange Online PowerShell 模块 。 该模块使用新式身份验证。

  • 通常情况下,如果组织是 Microsoft 365 或 Microsoft 365 GCC,则可按原样使用该脚本。 如果组织是 Office 365 德国、Microsoft 365 GCC 高或 Microsoft 365 DoD,则需编辑脚本中的 Connect-ExchangeOnline 行。 具体来说,你需要为组织类型使用 ExchangeEnvironmentName 参数和适当的值。 有关更多信息,请参阅 连接到 Exchange Online PowerShell 中的示例。

    Param($migrationCSVFileName = "migration.csv")
    function O365Logon
        #Check for current open O365 sessions and allow the admin to either use the existing session or create a new one
        $session = Get-PSSession | ?{$_.ConfigurationName -eq 'Microsoft.Exchange'}
        if($session -ne $null)
            $a = Read-Host "An open session to Exchange Online PowerShell already exists. Do you want to use this session?  Enter y to use the open session, anything else to close and open a fresh session."
            if($a.ToLower() -eq 'y')
                Write-Host "Using existing Exchange Online Powershell session." -ForeGroundColor Green
            Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false
        Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
        Connect-ExchangeOnline -Prefix "Cloud"
    function Main
        #Verify the migration CSV file exists
        if(!(Test-Path $migrationCSVFileName))
            Write-Host "File $migrationCSVFileName does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
        #Import user list from migration.csv file
        $MigrationCSV = Import-Csv $migrationCSVFileName
        #Get mailbox list based on email addresses from CSV file
        $MailBoxList = $MigrationCSV | %{$_.EmailAddress} | Get-CloudMailbox
        $Users = @()
        #Get LegacyDN, Tenant, and On-Premises Email addresses for the users
        foreach($user in $MailBoxList)
            $UserInfo = New-Object System.Object
            $CloudEmailAddress = $user.EmailAddresses | ?{($_ -match 'onmicrosoft') -and ($_ -match 'smtp:')}
            if ($CloudEmailAddress.Count -gt 1)
                $CloudEmailAddress = $CloudEmailAddress[0].ToString().ToLower().Replace('smtp:', '')
                Write-Host "$user returned more than one cloud email address. Using $CloudEmailAddress" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $CloudEmailAddress = $CloudEmailAddress.ToString().ToLower().Replace('smtp:', '')
            $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LegacyExchangeDN -Value $user.LegacyExchangeDN
            $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudEmailAddress -Value $CloudEmailAddress
            $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OnPremiseEmailAddress -Value $user.PrimarySMTPAddress.ToString()
            $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MailboxGUID -Value $user.ExchangeGUID
            $Users += $UserInfo
        #Check for existing csv file and overwrite if needed
        if(Test-Path ".\cloud.csv")
            $delete = Read-Host "The file cloud.csv already exists in the current directory. Do you want to delete it?  Enter y to delete, anything else to exit this script."
            if($delete.ToString().ToLower() -eq 'y')
                Write-Host "Deleting existing cloud.csv file" -ForeGroundColor Red
                Remove-Item ".\cloud.csv"
                Write-Host "Will NOT delete current cloud.csv file. Exiting script." -ForeGroundColor Green
        $Users | Export-CSV -Path ".\cloud.csv" -notype
        (Get-Content ".\cloud.csv") | %{$_ -replace '"', ''} | Set-Content ".\cloud.csv" -Encoding Unicode
        Write-Host "CSV File Successfully Exported to cloud.csv" -ForeGroundColor Green

    Visual Basic 脚本将本地 Exchange 2003 邮箱转换为 MEU。 运行 PowerShell 脚本以从云邮箱收集信息后运行此脚本。


    param($DomainController = [String]::Empty)
    function Main
        #Script Logic flow
        #1. Pull User Info from cloud.csv file in the current directory
        #2. Lookup AD Info (DN, mail, proxyAddresses, and legacyExchangeDN) using the SMTP address from the CSV file
        #3. Save existing proxyAddresses
        #4. Add existing legacyExchangeDN's to proxyAddresses
        #5. Delete Mailbox
        #6. Mail-Enable the user using the cloud email address as the targetAddress
        #7. Disable RUS processing
        #8. Add proxyAddresses and mail attribute back to the object
        #9. Add msExchMailboxGUID from cloud.csv to the user object (for offboarding support)
        if($DomainController -eq [String]::Empty)
            Write-Host "You must supply a value for the -DomainController switch" -ForegroundColor Red
        $CSVInfo = Import-Csv ".\cloud.csv"
        foreach($User in $CSVInfo)
            Write-Host "Processing user" $User.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Calling LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
            $UserInfo = LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress($User)
            #Check existing proxies for On-Premises and Cloud Legacy DN's as x500 proxies. If not present add them.
            if($UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -notcontains ("X500:"+$UserInfo.CloudLegacyDN))
                $X500Proxy = "x500:" + $UserInfo.CloudLegacyDN
                Write-Host "Adding $X500Proxy to EmailAddresses" -ForegroundColor Green
            if($UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -notcontains ("X500:"+$UserInfo.LegacyDN))
                $X500Proxy = "x500:" + $UserInfo.LegacyDN
                Write-Host "Adding $X500Proxy to EmailAddresses" -ForegroundColor Green
            #Disable Mailbox
            Write-Host "Disabling Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green
            Disable-Mailbox -Identity $UserInfo.OnPremiseEmailAddress -DomainController $DomainController -Confirm:$false
            #Mail Enable
            Write-Host "Enabling Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green
            Enable-MailUser  -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -ExternalEmailAddress $UserInfo.CloudEmailAddress -DomainController $DomainController
            #Disable RUS
            Write-Host "Disabling RUS" -ForegroundColor Green
            Set-MailUser -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false -DomainController $DomainController
            #Add Proxies and Mail
            Write-Host "Adding EmailAddresses and WindowsEmailAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
            Set-MailUser -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -EmailAddresses $UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -WindowsEmailAddress $UserInfo.Mail -DomainController $DomainController
            #Set Mailbox GUID. Need to do this via S.DS as Set-MailUser doesn't expose this property.
            $ADPath = "LDAP://" + $DomainController + "/" + $UserInfo.DistinguishedName
            $ADUser = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList $ADPath
            $MailboxGUID = New-Object -TypeName System.Guid -ArgumentList $UserInfo.MailboxGUID
            Write-Host "Setting Mailbox GUID" $UserInfo.MailboxGUID -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Migration Complete for" $UserInfo.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host ""
    function LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress($CSV)
        $Mailbox = Get-Mailbox $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if($Mailbox -eq $null)
            Write-Host "Get-Mailbox failed for" $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Red
        $UserInfo = New-Object System.Object
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OnPremiseEmailAddress -Value $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudEmailAddress -Value $CSV.CloudEmailAddress
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudLegacyDN -Value $CSV.LegacyExchangeDN
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LegacyDN -Value $Mailbox.LegacyExchangeDN
        $ProxyAddresses = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ProxyAddressCollection
        $ProxyAddresses = $Mailbox.EmailAddresses
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ProxyAddresses -Value $ProxyAddresses
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Mail -Value $Mailbox.WindowsEmailAddress
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MailboxGUID -Value $CSV.MailboxGUID
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Identity -Value $Mailbox.Identity
        $UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DistinguishedName -Value (Get-User $Mailbox.Identity).DistinguishedName

    将本地邮箱转换为 MEU 的设置步骤


  • 将用于运行迁移批处理的 ExportO365UserInfo.ps1、Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1 和 CSV 文件复制到本地服务器的相同目录中。

  • 将迁移 CSV 文件重命名为 migration.csv。

  • 在 Exchange 命令行管理程序中运行以下命令。 脚本假定 CSV 文件位于相同目录中,且名为 migration.csv。



  • 键入 n 并按 Enter,打开新的会话。

    此时脚本运行,然后将 Cloud.csv 文件保存到当前工作目录。

  • 输入基于云的组织的管理员凭据,然后单击" 确定"。

  • 在新的 Exchange 命令行管理程序会话中运行以下命令。 此命令假定 ExportO365UserInfo.ps1 和 Cloud.csv 位于相同目录中。

    .\Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1 <FQDN of on-premises domain controller>
    .\Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1 DC1.contoso.com

    该脚本为 Cloud.csv 中包含的所有用户将本地邮箱转换为 MEU。

  • 验证是否已创建新的 MEU。 在 Active Directory 用户和计算机 中,执行以下步骤:

  • 单击“ 操作>查找”。

  • 单击“ Exchange ”选项卡。

  • 选择" 仅显示 Exchange 收件人",然后选择" 具有外部电子邮件地址的用户"。

  • 单击" 立即查找"。

    " 搜索结果"下列出已转换为 MEU 的邮箱。

  • 使用 Active Directory 用户和计算机ADSI EditLdp.exe 验证以下 MEU 属性是否填充了正确的信息。

  • legacyExchangeDN
  • msExchMailboxGuid
  • proxyAddresses
  • targetAddress