1. 简介

调用CPLEX构建数学模型即是生成决策变量、目标函数和约束条件的过程,CPLEX有行式建模(row-wise modeling)和列式建模(column-wise modeling)两种方式来实现建模。



min z = 5 x 1 + 6 x 2 + 7 x 3 + 8 x 4 s . t . { x 1 + 2 x 2 + x 3 + x 4 160 2 x 1 + 4 x 3 + 2 x 4 = 200 3 x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + 2 x 4 180 x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 0 \text{min} \quad z = 5x_1 + 6x_2 + 7x_3 + 8x_4\\ s.t.\begin{cases} x_1 + 2x_2 + x_3 + x_4 &\geq 160 \\ 2x_1 + 4x_3 + 2x_4 &= 200 \\ 3x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + 2x_4 &\leq 180 \\ x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4 \geq0 \end{cases}
// 模型对应的数据:
double[] objCoef = new double[]{5, 6, 7, 8};
double[,] consCoef = new double[,]{{1, 2, 1, 1},
                                   {2, 0, 4, 2},
                                   {3, 1, 1, 2}};
double[] consValue = new double[]{160, 200, 180};

2. 行式建模 (row-wise)

2.1 行式建模步骤


Cplex model = new Cplex();


先声明一个变量数组,然后通过CPLEX对象NumVarNumVarArray方法创建所有决策变量,该方法有多个重载,详情参考官方帮助手册。此处NumVar一次仅生成一个决策变量,输入参数分别为(lb, ub, 变量类别, 变量名称);而NumVarArray可通过输入矩阵形式参数一次性生成所有变量,此处未演示。

INumVar[] x = new INumVar[objCoef.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
    x[j] = model.NumVar(0, double.MaxValue, NumVarType.Float, "x["+j+"]");



INumExpr obj = model.NumExpr();
for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
    obj = model.Sum(obj, model.Prod(objCoef[j], x[j]));



for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
    INumExpr expr = model.NumExpr();
    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
        expr = model.Sum(expr, model.Prod(consCoef[i, j], x[j]));
    if (i==0)
        model.AddGe(expr, consValue[i]);
    else if(i==1)
        model.AddEq(expr, consValue[i]);
        model.AddLe(expr, consValue[i]);



Console.WriteLine("Solution status: " + model.GetStatus());
Console.WriteLine("Objective vaule: " + model.ObjValue);
for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {

2.3 整体代码

static void Main(string[] args) {
    // data
    double[] objCoef = new double[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 };
    double[,] consCoef = new double[,]{{1, 2, 1, 1},
                           {2, 0, 4, 2},
                           {3, 1, 1, 2}};
    double[] consValue = new double[] { 160, 200, 180 };
    // build model
    Cplex model = new Cplex();
    INumVar[] x = new INumVar[4];
    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
        x[j] = model.NumVar(0, double.MaxValue, NumVarType.Float, "x[" + j + "]");
    INumExpr obj = model.NumExpr();
    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
        obj = model.Sum(obj, model.Prod(objCoef[j], x[j]));
    for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
        INumExpr expr = model.NumExpr();
        for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
            expr = model.Sum(expr, model.Prod(consCoef[i, j], x[j]));
        if (i == 0)
            model.AddGe(expr, consValue[i]);
        else if (i == 1)
            model.AddEq(expr, consValue[i]);
            model.AddLe(expr, consValue[i]);
    // solve the model
    Console.WriteLine("Solution status: " + model.GetStatus());
    Console.WriteLine("Objective vaule: " + model.ObjValue);
    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {


Solution status: Optimal
Objective vaule: 680

3. 列式建模 (column-wise)

3.1 关键对象

列式建模逐步添加模型的列(包括目标函数和约束条件系数)完成建模的,与行式建模有很多大不同。在CPLEX中要首先定义模型的目标函数对象(Objective object)和约束条件对象(Range object),然后借助列对象(Column object)将每一列的系数放入目标函数和约束条件之中,最后生成该列对应的决策变量。

1、列对象 Column object



IloColumn (CPLEX Java API Reference Manual)

Objects of class IloColumn create a variable to use in column-wise modeling. In column-wise modeling, newly constructed variables are inserted into existing modeling objects. The procedure for column-wise modeling is as follows.

Start from an existing set of modeling objects of these classes: IloObjective, IloRange, and IloLPMatrix.

For each modeling object affected by the addition of the new variable, call the method IloMPModeler.column with the object as an argument, along with the other arguments needed to install a new variable in the existing modeling objects. See the documentation of the methods for the details of these arguments. Each of these methods returns an object of type IloColumn that contains information about how to add a new variable to the modeling object for which the IloMPModeler.column method has been called.

The column objects can then be linked to an aggregate column object by the method IloColumn.and. This aggregate object contains information about how to add a new variable to all of the modeling objects represented by its parts.

The column object constructed this way is now ready to be used to create a new variable. This is done by passing the column object as an argument to the constructor methods for variables, for example IloMPModeler.numVar() or IloMPModeler.intVar(). The newly created variable will immediately be part of the existing modeling objects that have been used to construct the column object.

2、约束条件对象 Range object


IloRange (CPLEX Java API Reference Manual)

This is the interface for modeling objects representing ranged constraints of the format lb <= expr <= ub. lb and ub are double values, referred to as the lower bound and upper bound of the ranged constraint, and expr is an expression. Values +- infinity can be used as bounds. This allows you to use IloRange objects to represent more commonly used constraints:

  • for expr == rhs, set `lb = ub = rhs
  • for expr == rhs, set lb = ub = rhs
  • for expr <= rhs, set lb = -infinity and ub = rhs
  • for expr >= rhs, set lb = rhs and ub = infinity
  • IloRange objects can be constructed using a variety of methods defined for IloModeler: addRange(), addEq(), addLe(), addGe(), range(), eq(), le(), and ge(). The methods of IloRange allow you to query the expressions and bounds of a ranged constraint and to change its bounds or replace the expression.

    3.2 列式建模步骤


    Cplex model = new Cplex();



    IObjective obj = model.AddMinimize();
    INumVar[] x = new INumVar[objCoef.Length];
    IRange[] cons = new IRange[consValue.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
        if (i==0)
            cons[i] = model.AddRange(consValue[i], double.MaxValue);
        else if (i==1)
            cons[i] = model.AddRange(consValue[i], consValue[i]);
            cons[i] = model.AddRange(-double.MaxValue, consValue[i]);


    通过列对象创建每一列,并生成每列对应的决策变量。model.Column(obj, objCoef[j])表示将系数objCoef[j]插入到目标函数obj之中。

    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
        Column column = model.Column(obj, objCoef[j]);
        for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
            column = column.And(model.Column(cons[i], consCoef[i,j]));
        x[j] = model.NumVar(column, 0, double.MaxValue, "x[" + j + "]");


    Console.WriteLine("Solution status: " + model.GetStatus());
    Console.WriteLine("Objective vaule: " + model.ObjValue);
    for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {

    3.3 整体代码

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        // data
        double[] objCoef = new double[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 };
        double[,] consCoef = new double[,]{{1, 2, 1, 1},
                               {2, 0, 4, 2},
                               {3, 1, 1, 2}};
        double[] consValue = new double[] { 160, 200, 180 };
        // build model
        Cplex model = new Cplex();
        IObjective obj = model.AddMinimize();
        INumVar[] x = new INumVar[objCoef.Length];
        IRange[] cons = new IRange[consValue.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
            if (i==0)
                cons[i] = model.AddRange(consValue[i], double.MaxValue);
            else if (i==1)
                cons[i] = model.AddRange(consValue[i], consValue[i]);
                cons[i] = model.AddRange(-double.MaxValue, consValue[i]);
        for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
            Column column = model.Column(obj, objCoef[j]);
            for (int i = 0; i < consValue.Length; i++) {
                column = column.And(model.Column(cons[i], consCoef[i,j]));
            x[j] = model.NumVar(column, 0, double.MaxValue, "x[" + j + "]");
        // solve the model
        Console.WriteLine("Solution status: " + model.GetStatus());
        Console.WriteLine("Objective vaule: " + model.ObjValue);
        for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {


    Solution status: Optimal
    Objective vaule: 680

