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child = pexpect.popen_spawn.PopenSpawn('ssh pi@') a = child.expect(['password:', 'The authenticity of host'], timeout=300, async=True) if a == 0: child.sendline('123456789') print('this ip has exists in know_host files!') if a == 1: print('this ip will be added to know_host files!') child.sendline('yes') child.expect('password:') child.sendline('raspberry') # send test child.sendline("echo TestMessage") child.interact() except pexpect.EOF: traceback.print_exc()
java控制外层循环一次内层也循环一次 java循环体内外定义变量

1.嵌套for循环1.1 概述根据外层的条件,判断里层能否执行,如果能执行,就把里层代码都循环完毕后,再继续执行外层,继续判断1.2 形式for(...){ for(...){ }1.3 入门案例//总结1:当i=1时,j取到了所有满足条件的数据,1,2,3,4,5 //也就是说外循环执行1次,内循环执行多次 for(int i=1;i<=3;i++) {//外循环