文章目录1. WebAssembly是什么2. 为什么需要 WebAssembly3. WebAssembly 原理4. 编写 WebAssembly4.1 AssemblyScript 初体验4.2 为什么选 AssemblyScript 作为 WebAssembly 开发语言4.3 接入 Webpack 构建4.4 WebAssembly 相关文件格式5. WebAssembly 相关工具5.1 WebAssembly JS API5.2 WebAssembly 调 JS6. 不止于浏览器6.1 直接执
Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly
by Rick Battagline
Packt Publishing English 2019-05-31 596 pages
5.0/5.0 1 reviews
Title: Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly
Author: Rick Battagline
Length: 596 pages
Edition: 1
Language: English
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Publication Date: 2019-05-31
ISBN-10: 1838644652
ISBN-13: 9781838644659
Sales Rank: #1428959 (See Top 100 Books)
Computers & Technology
Digital Audio, Video & Photography
Make your WebAssembly journey fun while making a game with it
Key Features
Create a WebAssembly game that implements sprites, animations, physics, particle systems, and other game development fundamentals
Get to grips with advanced game mechanics in WebAssembly
Learn to use WebAssembly and WebGL to render to the HTML5 canvas element
Book Description
Within the next few years, WebAssembly will change the web as we know it. It promises a world where you can write an application for the web in any language, and compile it for native platforms as well as the web.
This book is designed to introduce web developers and game developers to the world of WebAssembly by walking through the development of a retro arcade game. You will learn how to build a WebAssembly application using C++, Emscripten, JavaScript, WebGL, SDL, and HTML5.
This book covers a lot of ground in both game development and web application development. When creating a game or application that targets WebAssembly, developers need to learn a plethora of skills and tools. This book is a sample platter of those tools and skills. It covers topics including Emscripten, C/C++, WebGL, OpenGL, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. The reader will also learn basic techniques for game development, including 2D sprite animation, particle systems, 2D camera design, sound effects, 2D game physics, user interface design, shaders, debugging, and optimization. By the end of the book, you will be able to create simple web games and web applications targeting WebAssembly.
What you will learn
Build web applications with near-native performance using WebAssembly
Become familiar with how web applications can be used to create games using HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, and SDL
Become well versed with game development concepts such as sprites, animation, particle systems, AI, physics, camera design, sound effects, and shaders
Deploy C/C++ applications to the browser using WebAssembly and Emscripten
Understand how Emscripten HTML shell templates, JavaScript glue code, and a WebAssembly module interact
Debug and performance tune your WebAssembly application
Who this book is for
Web developers and game developers interested in creating applications for the web using WebAssembly.
Game developers interested in deploying their games to the web
Web developers interested in creating applications that are potentially orders of magnitude faster than their existing JavaScript web apps
C/C++ developers interested in using their existing skills to deploy applications to the web
Table of Contents
Introduction to WebAssembly and Emscripten
HTML5 and WebAssembly
Introduction to WebGL
Sprite Animations in WebAssembly with SDL
Keyboard Input
Game Objects and the Game Loop
Collision Detection
Basic Particle System
Improved Particle Systems
AI and Steering Behaviors
Designing a 2D Camera
Sound FX
Game Physics
UI and Mouse Input
Shaders and 2D Lighting
Debugging and Optimization
点赞再看,微信搜索 【大迁世界】 关注这个没有大厂背景,但有着一股向上积极心态人。本文 GitHub https://github.com/qq449245884/xiaozhi 上已经收录,文章的已分类,也整理了很多.
WebAssembly 与 Rust 编程系列02 WebAssembly 调试工具的安装及使用
WebAssembly 与 Rust 编程系列03 手撕 WebAssembly 文本格式
我们手写了简单的wat代码,以及生成对应的wasm 二进制模块;
提供源文件,其文本被标记化并解析为抽象语法树。 这里执行语法级检查。
一旦解析了所有引用的源文件,就构造一个程序并从AST初始化。 在这里进行合理性检查。 然后,程序及其元素充当代码生成中的中间表示,包含解析类型,标识符,属性访问等所需的所有信息。
然后,执行将程序元素编译到Binaryen模块。 在此处执行对单个语句和表达式的最终检查。 ...
作者:Lin Clark 编译:胡子大哈
翻译原文:huziketang.com/blog/posts/… 英文原文:Creating and working with WebAssembly modules
本文是关于 WebAssembly 系列的第四篇文章(本系列共六篇文章)。如果你没有读先前文章的话,建议先读这里。如果对 WebAssembl...
本文是图说 WebAssembly 系列文章的第四篇。如果您还未阅读之前的文章,建议您从第一篇入手。
WebAssembly 是一种使得除 JavaScript 以外的编程语言也能运行在网页上的技术。在过去,当我们需要通过编程来控制网页内容时,我们的选择只有 JavaScript 。
所以当大家都说 WebAssembly 运行速度很快时...
WebAssembly(缩写为Wasm)是基于堆栈的虚拟机的二进制指令格式。Wasm被设计为可移植目标,用于编译高级语言(如C / C ++ / Rust),从而可以在Web上为客户端和服务器应用程序进行部署。
首先,我们需要创建一个 C 或 C++ 文件,将代码编写为一个函数,该函数接受两个数字作为参数并返回它们的和。例如,我们将创建一个叫做 "add.c" 的文件,代码如下:
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
接下来,我们需要使用 emscripten 编译器编译该代码,生成 WebAssembly 模块文件和 JavaScript 包装器。emscripten 编译器是一个工具集,它可以将 C/C++ 代码编译为 WebAssembly 模块和 JavaScript 包装器。我们可以使用以下命令进行编译:
emcc add.c -s WASM=1 -o add.js
这将生成一个名为 "add.js" 的 JavaScript 文件和一个名为 "add.wasm" 的 WebAssembly 模块文件。
现在我们可以在 HTML 文件中加载这些文件并使用它们。我们创建一个 HTML 文件,将其引入生成的 JavaScript 文件和 WebAssembly 模块文件,并使用以下代码调用 "add" 函数:
// 加载 WebAssembly 模块
const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(await fetch('add.wasm').then(response => response.arrayBuffer()));
// 创建 WebAssembly 实例
const wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule);
// 调用 "add" 函数
const result = wasmInstance.exports.add(2, 3);
console.log(result); // 输出 5
这将加载 WebAssembly 模块文件,创建 WebAssembly 实例并调用 "add" 函数,将 2 和 3 作为参数传递,并将结果打印到控制台。