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StringBuilder sb = new Stringbuilder("select * from XXX c");
 sql.append(" AND c.name LIKE ?");
 params.add("%"+ classesDTO.getName()+"%");
之前写成  c.name LIKE %?%  params.add(classesDTO.getName())导致出错。 【异常-java- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter with that position [1] did not exist】 SQL参数化查询报此错。StringBuilder sb = new Stringbuilder("select * from XXX c"); sql.append(" AND c.name LIKE ?"); params.add("%"+ classesDTO.getName()+"%");之前写成  c.name LIKE %?%  params.add(classesDTO.getN...
问题如下; java . lang .ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : input == null! at java x.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO. java :1388) at com.pleanwar.fiying.FlyingObject.loadImage(FlyingObject. java :52) at com.pleanwar.hero.HeroAirPlean.(HeroAirPlean. java :22) Exception in thre
java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : Parameter with that position [1] did not exist org.hibernate.jpa.spi.BaseQueryImpl.find Parameter Registration(BaseQueryImpl. java :502) org.hibernate.jpa.spi.BaseQue
项目需要,写代码时候出现如下错误,百度了好多,没有解决,最后好好看了一下dao层的代码,类型映射错误,实体类是不能映射为字符串空的(" "),还有谢谢老铁(一位6B人物)的指点。 java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : Parameter value [] did not match expected type [net.shopxx.entit 更正的代码...
项目中报错 Parameter with that position [1] did not exist ; nested exception is java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : Parameter with that position [1] did not exist 这个bug的的意思是:参数不存在,请求的参数或请求的文件找不到 产生目前发现有三个...
程序描述:使用Jpa,根据主键id查询对应记录 异常 信息:参数值0与预期的类型不匹配 Caused by: java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : Parameter value [0] did not match expected type [ java . lang .String (n/a)] at org.hibernate.query.spi.Query Parameter BindingValidator.validate(Query Parameter BindingVali
Parameter value [2020-08-26] did not match expected type [ java .util.Date (n/a)]; nested exception is java . lang . IllegalArgumentException : Parameter value [2020-08-26] did not match expected type [ java .util.Date (n/a)]] with root cause 今天在测试一个请求天气数据接口的测试时,报这
SQLGrammarException could not execute query cause by not found column id ,, id指的是,返回的结果没有Id   封装结果集出错,,不是全部字段时应该用Object 接收,,不能再用对象   单个字段单条记录时,返回类型最好用对应字段的类型或者Object。   多个字段时,不论是多条记录还是单条记录,返...
【异常-java- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter with that position [1] did not exist】 org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 。a.a.a.: 你好 我在serviceimpl中写了 @Service("CommodityServicesImpl") 但就是显示上面这个报错 请问这是怎么回事呢 [code=java] package services.impl; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import entity.CommodityInfo; import mapper.CommodityMapper; import services.CommodityServices; @Service("CommodityServicesImpl") public class CommodityServicesImpl implements CommodityServices { @Autowired private CommodityMapper commodityMapper; @Override public List<CommodityInfo> findAll() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return commodityMapper.findAll(); @Override public int addInfo(CommodityInfo commodityInfo) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return commodityMapper.addInfo(commodityInfo); @Override public int delInfo(int id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return commodityMapper.delInfo(id); [/code] Spring data jpa HQL @Query 自定义查询及更新删除 及 sql写法 文天大人: