本主题讨论对用于 SQL Server (SqlClient) 的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序中的异步编程的支持,包括为支持 .NET Framework 4.5 中引入的异步编程功能而进行的增强。


在 .NET Framework 4.5 之前,使用 SqlClient 进行的异步编程是通过以下方法和 Asynchronous Processing=true 连接属性完成的:

  • SqlCommand.BeginExecuteNonQuery

  • SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader

  • SqlCommand.BeginExecuteXmlReader

    .NET Framework 4.5 中的 SqlClient 中仍保留了此功能。

    从 .NET Framework 4.5 开始,这些旧方法不再需要连接字符串中的 Asynchronous Processing=true

    .NET Framework 4.5 中增加了异步编程功能


    有关 .NET Framework 4.5 中引入的异步编程功能的详细信息,请参阅:

  • C# 中的异步编程

  • 使用 Async 和 Await 的异步编程 (Visual Basic)

  • 在 .NET Framework 4.5 中使用 SqlDataReader 的新异步方法(第 1 部分)

  • 在 .NET Framework 4.5 中使用 SqlDataReader 的新异步方法(第 2 部分)

    当用户接口无响应或服务器无法扩展时,很可能需要使代码异步程度更高。 以前,编写异步代码涉及安装回调(也称为延续)来表示异步操作完成后发生的逻辑。 这将增加异步代码结构的复杂性(与同步代码相比)。

    现在,您可以调用异步方法而无需使用回调,也不需要跨多个方法或 lambda 表达式来拆分代码。

    async 修饰符用于指定异步方法。 调用 async 方法时,将返回一个任务。 将 await 运算符应用到任务时,当前方法会立即退出。 在该任务完成时,执行会在同一方法中恢复。

    如果应用程序还使用 Context Connection 连接字符串关键字,则不支持异步调用。

    调用 async 方法不会分配任何附加线程。 结束时,它可以简单地使用现有 I/O 完成线程。

    .NET Framework 4.5 中增加了用于支持异步编程以下方法:

  • DbConnection.OpenAsync

  • DbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync

  • DbCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync

  • DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync

  • DbCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync

  • GetFieldValueAsync

  • IsDBNullAsync

  • DbDataReader.NextResultAsync

  • DbDataReader.ReadAsync

  • SqlConnection.OpenAsync

  • SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync

  • SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync

  • SqlCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync

  • SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync

  • SqlDataReader.NextResultAsync

  • SqlDataReader.ReadAsync

  • SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync

    增加了其他异步成员以支持 SqlClient 流式处理支持

    新的异步方法不需要连接字符串中的 Asynchronous Processing=true


    您可以将现有应用程序升级以使用新的异步功能。 例如,假设应用程序具有同步连接算法,并在每次 UI 线程连接到数据库时加以阻止,连接后,该应用程序将调用向刚登录的用户之外的其他用户发送信号的存储过程。

    using SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("…");
       using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedure_Logon", conn))


    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class A {
       static async Task<int> Method(SqlConnection conn, SqlCommand cmd) {
          await conn.OpenAsync();
          await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
          return 1;
       public static void Main() {
          using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=NorthWind; Integrated Security=SSPI")) {
             SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select top 2 * from orders", conn);
             int result = A.Method(conn, command).Result;
             SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
             while (reader.Read())


    也可以在不更改现有异步逻辑的情况下添加新的异步功能 (SqlConnection::OpenAsync)。 例如,如果应用程序当前使用:

    AsyncCallback productList = new AsyncCallback(ProductList);
    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("…");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Current Product List]", conn);
    IAsyncResult ia = cmd.BeginExecuteReader(productList, cmd);


    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class A {
       static void ProductList(IAsyncResult result) { }
       public static void Main() {
          // AsyncCallback productList = new AsyncCallback(ProductList);
          // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=NorthWind; Integrated Security=SSPI");
          // conn.Open();
          // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select top 2 * from orders", conn);
          // IAsyncResult ia = cmd.BeginExecuteReader(productList, cmd);
          AsyncCallback productList = new AsyncCallback(ProductList);
          SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=NorthWind; Integrated Security=SSPI");
          conn.OpenAsync().ContinueWith((task) => {
             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select top 2 * from orders", conn);
             IAsyncResult ia = cmd.BeginExecuteReader(productList, cmd);
          }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);


    您可能需要创建一个能够连接到不同数据库并执行查询的工具。 您可以使用基本提供程序模型和新的异步功能。

    必须在服务器上启用 Microsoft 分布式事务处理控制器 (MSDTC) 以使用分布式事务。 有关如何启用 MSDTC 的信息,请参阅如何在 Web 服务器上启用 MSDTC

    using System;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class A {
       static async Task PerformDBOperationsUsingProviderModel(string connectionString, string providerName) {
          DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName);
          using (DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection()) {
             connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
             await connection.OpenAsync();
             DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
             command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM AUTHORS";
             using (DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync()) {
                while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
                   for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) {
                      // Process each column as appropriate
                      object obj = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync<object>(i);
       public static void Main()
           SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
           // replace these with your own values
           builder.DataSource = "your_server";
           builder.InitialCatalog = "pubs";
           builder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
           string provider = "System.Data.SqlClient";
           Task task = PerformDBOperationsUsingProviderModel(builder.ConnectionString, provider);

    使用 SQL 事务和新的异步功能

    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class Program {
       static void Main() {
          string connectionString =
              "Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=Northwind;server=(local)";
          Task task = ExecuteSqlTransaction(connectionString);
       static async Task ExecuteSqlTransaction(string connectionString) {
          using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
             await connection.OpenAsync();
             SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
             SqlTransaction transaction = null;
             // Start a local transaction.
             transaction = await Task.Run<SqlTransaction>(
                 () => connection.BeginTransaction("SampleTransaction")
             // Must assign both transaction object and connection
             // to Command object for a pending local transaction
             command.Connection = connection;
             command.Transaction = transaction;
             try {
                command.CommandText =
                    "Insert into Region (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (555, 'Description')";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                command.CommandText =
                    "Insert into Region (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (556, 'Description')";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                // Attempt to commit the transaction.
                await Task.Run(() => transaction.Commit());
                Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database.");
             catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Commit Exception Type: {0}", ex.GetType());
                Console.WriteLine("  Message: {0}", ex.Message);
                // Attempt to roll back the transaction.
                try {
                catch (Exception ex2) {
                   // This catch block will handle any errors that may have occurred
                   // on the server that would cause the rollback to fail, such as
                   // a closed connection.
                   Console.WriteLine("Rollback Exception Type: {0}", ex2.GetType());
                   Console.WriteLine("  Message: {0}", ex2.Message);

    使用 SQL 事务和新的异步功能

    在企业应用程序中,某些情况下,您可能需要添加分布式事务以启用多个数据库服务器之间的事务。 你可以使用 System.Transactions 命名空间并登记分布式事务,如下所示:

    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Transactions;
    class Program {
       public static void Main()
           SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
           // replace these with your own values
           builder.DataSource = "your_server";
           builder.InitialCatalog = "your_data_source";
           builder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
           Task task = ExecuteDistributedTransaction(builder.ConnectionString, builder.ConnectionString);
       static async Task ExecuteDistributedTransaction(string connectionString1, string connectionString2) {
          using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connectionString1))
          using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(connectionString2)) {
             using (CommittableTransaction transaction = new CommittableTransaction()) {
                await connection1.OpenAsync();
                await connection2.OpenAsync();
                try {
                   SqlCommand command1 = connection1.CreateCommand();
                   command1.CommandText = "Insert into RegionTable1 (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (100, 'Description')";
                   await command1.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                   SqlCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand();
                   command2.CommandText = "Insert into RegionTable2 (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (100, 'Description')";
                   await command2.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                catch (Exception ex) {
                   Console.WriteLine("Exception Type: {0}", ex.GetType());
                   Console.WriteLine("  Message: {0}", ex.Message);
                   try {
                   catch (Exception ex2) {
                      Console.WriteLine("Rollback Exception Type: {0}", ex2.GetType());
                      Console.WriteLine("  Message: {0}", ex2.Message);


    可通过使用 CancellationToken 来取消异步请求。

    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Samples {
       class CancellationSample {
          public static void Main(string[] args) {
             CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
             source.CancelAfter(2000); // give up after 2 seconds
             try {
                Task result = CancellingAsynchronousOperations(source.Token);
             catch (AggregateException exception) {
                if (exception.InnerException is SqlException) {
                   Console.WriteLine("Operation canceled");
                else {
          static async Task CancellingAsynchronousOperations(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
             using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);Integrated Security=true")) {
                await connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken);
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("WAITFOR DELAY '00:10:00'", connection);
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken);

    使用 SqlBulkCopy 的异步操作

    异步功能也添加到了带有 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopySqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Odbc;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace SqlBulkCopyAsyncCodeSample {
       class Program {
          static string selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM [pubs].[dbo].[titles]";
          static string createDestTableStatement =
              @"CREATE TABLE {0} (
                [title_id] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
                [title] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
                [type] [char](12) NOT NULL,
                [pub_id] [char](4) NULL,
                [price] [money] NULL,
                [advance] [money] NULL,
                [royalty] [int] NULL,
                [ytd_sales] [int] NULL,
                [notes] [varchar](200) NULL,
                [pubdate] [datetime] NOT NULL)";
          // Replace the connection string if needed, for instance to connect to SQL Express: @"Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Demo;Integrated Security=true"
          // static string connectionString = @"Server=(localdb)\V11.0;Database=Demo";
          static string connectionString = @"Server=(local);Database=Demo;Integrated Security=true";
          // static string odbcConnectionString = @"Driver={SQL Server};Server=(localdb)\V11.0;UID=oledb;Pwd=[PLACEHOLDER];Database=Demo";
          static string odbcConnectionString = @"Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local);Database=Demo;Integrated Security=true";
          // static string marsConnectionString = @"Server=(localdb)\V11.0;Database=Demo;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";
          static string marsConnectionString = @"Server=(local);Database=Demo;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Integrated Security=true";
          // Replace the Server name with your actual sql azure server name and User ID/Password
          static string azureConnectionString = @"Server=SqlAzure;User ID=myUserID;Password=myPassword;Database=Demo";
          static void Main(string[] args) {
             // AsyncSqlBulkCopySqlServerToSqlAzure().Wait();
             // AsyncSqlBulkCopyCancel().Wait();
          // 3.1.1 Synchronous bulk copy in .NET Framework 4.5
          private static void SynchronousSqlBulkCopy() {
             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, conn)) {
                   SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                   string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                   cmd.CommandText = string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable);
                   using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn)) {
                      bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
          // 3.1.2 Asynchronous bulk copy in .NET Framework 4.5
          private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopy() {
             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, conn)) {
                   SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                   string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                   cmd.CommandText = string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable);
                   await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                   using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn)) {
                      bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
                      await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(dt);
          // 3.2 Add new Async.NET capabilities in an existing application (Mixing synchronous and asynchronous calls)
          private static async Task MixSyncAsyncSqlBulkCopy() {
             using (OdbcConnection odbcconn = new OdbcConnection(odbcConnectionString)) {
                using (OdbcCommand odbccmd = new OdbcCommand(selectStatement, odbcconn)) {
                   using (OdbcDataReader odbcreader = odbccmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                      using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                         await conn.OpenAsync();
                         string temptable = "temptable";//"[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                         SqlCommand createCmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable), conn);
                         await createCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                         using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn)) {
                            bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
                            await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(odbcreader);
          // 3.3 Using the NotifyAfter property
          private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyNotifyAfter() {
             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, conn)) {
                   SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                   string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                   cmd.CommandText = string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable);
                   await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                   using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn)) {
                      bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
                      bcp.NotifyAfter = 5;
                      bcp.SqlRowsCopied += new SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler(OnSqlRowsCopied);
                      await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(dt);
          private static void OnSqlRowsCopied(object sender, SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs e) {
             Console.WriteLine("Copied {0} so far...", e.RowsCopied);
          // 3.4 Using the new SqlBulkCopy Async.NET capabilities with DataRow[]
          private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyDataRows() {
             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, conn)) {
                   SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                   DataRow[] rows = dt.Select();
                   string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                   cmd.CommandText = string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable);
                   await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                   using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(conn)) {
                      bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
                      await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(rows);
          // 3.5 Copying data from SQL Server to SQL Azure in .NET Framework 4.5
          //private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopySqlServerToSqlAzure() {
          //   using (SqlConnection srcConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
          //   using (SqlConnection destConn = new SqlConnection(azureConnectionString)) {
          //      await srcConn.OpenAsync();
          //      await destConn.OpenAsync();
          //      using (SqlCommand srcCmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, srcConn)) {
          //         using (SqlDataReader reader = await srcCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()) {
          //            string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
          //            using (SqlCommand destCmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable), destConn)) {
          //               await destCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
          //               using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(destConn)) {
          //                  bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
          //                  await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(reader);
          //               }
          //            }
          //         }
          //      }
          //   }
          // 3.6 Cancelling an Asynchronous Operation to SQL Azure
          //private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyCancel() {
          //   CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
          //   using (SqlConnection srcConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
          //   using (SqlConnection destConn = new SqlConnection(azureConnectionString)) {
          //      await srcConn.OpenAsync(cts.Token);
          //      await destConn.OpenAsync(cts.Token);
          //      using (SqlCommand srcCmd = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, srcConn)) {
          //         using (SqlDataReader reader = await srcCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(cts.Token)) {
          //            string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
          //            using (SqlCommand destCmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable), destConn)) {
          //               await destCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cts.Token);
          //               using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(destConn)) {
          //                  bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
          //                  await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(reader, cts.Token);
          //                  //Cancel Async SqlBulCopy Operation after 200 ms
          //                  cts.CancelAfter(200);
          //               }
          //            }
          //         }
          //      }
          //   }
          // 3.7 Using Async.Net and MARS
          private static async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyMARS() {
             using (SqlConnection marsConn = new SqlConnection(marsConnectionString)) {
                await marsConn.OpenAsync();
                SqlCommand titlesCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [pubs].[dbo].[titles]", marsConn);
                SqlCommand authorsCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [pubs].[dbo].[authors]", marsConn);
                //With MARS we can have multiple active results sets on the same connection
                using (SqlDataReader titlesReader = await titlesCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                using (SqlDataReader authorsReader = await authorsCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()) {
                   await authorsReader.ReadAsync();
                   string temptable = "[#" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "]";
                   using (SqlConnection destConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                      await destConn.OpenAsync();
                      using (SqlCommand destCmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(createDestTableStatement, temptable), destConn)) {
                         await destCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                         using (SqlBulkCopy bcp = new SqlBulkCopy(destConn)) {
                            bcp.DestinationTableName = temptable;
                            await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(titlesReader);

    异步使用多个命令与 MARS

    该示例将打开与 AdventureWorks 数据库的单个连接。 使用 SqlCommand 对象时,将创建一个 SqlDataReader。 使用阅读器时,打开第二个 SqlDataReader,使用第一个 SqlDataReader 的数据作为第二个阅读器的 WHERE 子句的输入。

    下面的示例使用随 SQL Server 提供的 AdventureWorks 示例数据库。 示例代码中提供的连接字符串假定数据库已安装并且在本地计算机上可用。 根据环境需要修改连接字符串。

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class Class1 {
       static void Main() {
          Task task = MultipleCommands();
       static async Task MultipleCommands() {
          // By default, MARS is disabled when connecting to a MARS-enabled.
          // It must be enabled in the connection string.
          string connectionString = GetConnectionString();
          int vendorID;
          SqlDataReader productReader = null;
          string vendorSQL =
            "SELECT VendorId, Name FROM Purchasing.Vendor";
          string productSQL =
            "SELECT Production.Product.Name FROM Production.Product " +
            "INNER JOIN Purchasing.ProductVendor " +
            "ON Production.Product.ProductID = " +
            "Purchasing.ProductVendor.ProductID " +
            "WHERE Purchasing.ProductVendor.VendorID = @VendorId";
          using (SqlConnection awConnection =
            new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
             SqlCommand vendorCmd = new SqlCommand(vendorSQL, awConnection);
             SqlCommand productCmd =
               new SqlCommand(productSQL, awConnection);
             productCmd.Parameters.Add("@VendorId", SqlDbType.Int);
             await awConnection.OpenAsync();
             using (SqlDataReader vendorReader = await vendorCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()) {
                while (await vendorReader.ReadAsync()) {
                   vendorID = (int)vendorReader["VendorId"];
                   productCmd.Parameters["@VendorId"].Value = vendorID;
                   // The following line of code requires a MARS-enabled connection.
                   productReader = await productCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
                   using (productReader) {
                      while (await productReader.ReadAsync()) {
                         Console.WriteLine("  " +
       private static string GetConnectionString() {
          // To avoid storing the connection string in your code, you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
          return "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";

    使用 MARS 异步读取和更新数据

    MARS 允许将连接用于读取操作和数据操作语言 (DML) 操作,其中有多个待处理操作。 此功能使应用程序无需处理连接繁忙错误。 此外,MARS 可以替换服务器端游标的用户,这通常会消耗更多资源。 最后,因为可以在单个连接上执行多个操作,所以,这些操作可以共享相同的事务上下文,不需要使用 sp_getbindtoken 和 sp_bindsession 系统存储过程

    下面的控制台应用程序演示如何使用两个包含三个 SqlCommand 对象的 SqlDataReader 对象和一个启用了 MARS 的 SqlConnection 对象。 第一个命令对象检索信用评级为 5 的供应商列表。 第二个命令对象使用 SqlDataReader 提供的供应商 ID 为第二个 SqlDataReader 加载特定供应商的所有产品。 每个产品记录由第二个 SqlDataReader 访问。 通过执行计算来确定新的 OnOrderQty。 然后,通过第三个命令对象来使用新值更新 ProductVendor 表。 整个过程发生在单个事务中,该事务在结束时回滚。

    下面的示例使用随 SQL Server 提供的 AdventureWorks 示例数据库。 示例代码中提供的连接字符串假定数据库已安装并且在本地计算机上可用。 根据环境需要修改连接字符串。

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    class Program {
       static void Main() {
          Task task = ReadingAndUpdatingData();
       static async Task ReadingAndUpdatingData() {
          // By default, MARS is disabled when connecting to a MARS-enabled host.
          // It must be enabled in the connection string.
          string connectionString = GetConnectionString();
          SqlTransaction updateTx = null;
          SqlCommand vendorCmd = null;
          SqlCommand prodVendCmd = null;
          SqlCommand updateCmd = null;
          SqlDataReader prodVendReader = null;
          int vendorID = 0;
          int productID = 0;
          int minOrderQty = 0;
          int maxOrderQty = 0;
          int onOrderQty = 0;
          int recordsUpdated = 0;
          int totalRecordsUpdated = 0;
          string vendorSQL =
              "SELECT VendorID, Name FROM Purchasing.Vendor " +
              "WHERE CreditRating = 5";
          string prodVendSQL =
              "SELECT ProductID, MaxOrderQty, MinOrderQty, OnOrderQty " +
              "FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor " +
              "WHERE VendorID = @VendorID";
          string updateSQL =
              "UPDATE Purchasing.ProductVendor " +
              "SET OnOrderQty = @OrderQty " +
              "WHERE ProductID = @ProductID AND VendorID = @VendorID";
          using (SqlConnection awConnection =
            new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
             await awConnection.OpenAsync();
             updateTx = await Task.Run(() => awConnection.BeginTransaction());
             vendorCmd = new SqlCommand(vendorSQL, awConnection);
             vendorCmd.Transaction = updateTx;
             prodVendCmd = new SqlCommand(prodVendSQL, awConnection);
             prodVendCmd.Transaction = updateTx;
             prodVendCmd.Parameters.Add("@VendorId", SqlDbType.Int);
             updateCmd = new SqlCommand(updateSQL, awConnection);
             updateCmd.Transaction = updateTx;
             updateCmd.Parameters.Add("@OrderQty", SqlDbType.Int);
             updateCmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int);
             updateCmd.Parameters.Add("@VendorID", SqlDbType.Int);
             using (SqlDataReader vendorReader = await vendorCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()) {
                while (await vendorReader.ReadAsync()) {
                   vendorID = (int)vendorReader["VendorID"];
                   prodVendCmd.Parameters["@VendorID"].Value = vendorID;
                   prodVendReader = await prodVendCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
                   using (prodVendReader) {
                      while (await prodVendReader.ReadAsync()) {
                         productID = (int)prodVendReader["ProductID"];
                         if (prodVendReader["OnOrderQty"] == DBNull.Value) {
                            minOrderQty = (int)prodVendReader["MinOrderQty"];
                            onOrderQty = minOrderQty;
                         else {
                            maxOrderQty = (int)prodVendReader["MaxOrderQty"];
                            onOrderQty = (int)(maxOrderQty / 2);
                         updateCmd.Parameters["@OrderQty"].Value = onOrderQty;
                         updateCmd.Parameters["@ProductID"].Value = productID;
                         updateCmd.Parameters["@VendorID"].Value = vendorID;
                         recordsUpdated = await updateCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                         totalRecordsUpdated += recordsUpdated;
             Console.WriteLine("Total Records Updated: ", totalRecordsUpdated.ToString());
             await Task.Run(() => updateTx.Rollback());
             Console.WriteLine("Transaction Rolled Back");
       private static string GetConnectionString() {
          // To avoid storing the connection string in your code, you can retrieve it from a configuration file.
          return "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
  • 在 ADO.NET 中检索和修改数据