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Android Studio (Dolphin | 2021.3.1) & (Electric Eel | 2022.1.1) does not show layout preview

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I'm using Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 & Electric Eel | 2022.1.1

After updating Android studio chipmunk | 2021.2.1 to Android studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 my all project design preview and layout preview not showing. If anyone solved this issue please help me.

I have tried all possible ways but didn't find any solution for this. Below are points that I have tried

  • Invalidate caches.
  • Restart IDE.
  • Repair IDE.
  • Update Gradle plugin version to 7.3.0 from setting project structure (No working)
  • Check the Below screenshot so everyone gets an idea of what I have issue faced.

    Thanks in advance.

    For me, some layouts are working fine but in some layouts, I am getting the below error which used to work in earlier versions of Android Studio.

    The same issue I faced in Android (Electric Eel | 2022.1.1). Still, this Issue continues.

    There appear to be a variety of bugs with Dolphin's layout preview . If you create a new empty project, does preview work there? CommonsWare Sep 19, 2022 at 11:25 A couple of the bugs that were reported are related to themes that have missing elements. Are any issues reported with your themes? If you switch from "Split" to "Design" and switch the preview theme, do you get better results? CommonsWare Sep 19, 2022 at 11:48 @voidpointer my suggestion is to wait for some days. I think this issue is still not resolved in Eel stable version. bcoz I have faced some issues in Eel. Kaushal Panchal Jan 17 at 3:48 can you share more detail? because I try this but didn't work. Thank you for your answer. Kaushal Panchal Sep 21, 2022 at 3:47

    After alot of searching and testing, I upgraded my gradle version and its work for me.

    Just goto File -> Project Structure or press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S and then upgrate the gradle version as shown in the image below and then invalidate cache and restart the Android Studio and its working

    As shown in the image I upgrade my gradle.

    even after gradle plug-in update it's not working. Getting below error. infinite cycle trying to resolve '?textAppearance': Render may not be accurate. Sujit Sep 21, 2022 at 7:13 @SyedRafaqatHussain Thank you for answering, but in my case after gradle plug-in update it's not working. Kaushal Panchal Sep 24, 2022 at 20:02

    Apparently, there are many people reporting the exact same issue to Google but no concrete solution has been given so far:

  • Issues with Layout Preview in AS since Dolphin
  • Layout rendering inside AS stops on most of layout after upgrade to 2021.3.1 RC 1 (worked on Chipmunk)
  • NPE in AarResourceRepositoryCache.createCachingData (AS Dolphin+)
  • Dolphin continuously refuses to show Design Layouts
  • Layout editor preview almost always broken
  • Layout previews have stopped working
  • I tried most of the suggestions from the other answers, but the only thing that has worked for me so far was upgrading to Flamingo ( 2022.2.1 Canary 10 ) or downgrading to Chipmunk ( 2021.2.1 Patch 2 ).

    These solutions are obviously far from ideal, but until Google decides to fix this in either Dolphin or Electric Eel , I believe that's what we're stuck with.

    Yes @Renan Ferrari. We have to wait until Google fix this issue or we have to downgrade the studio to chipmunk Kaushal Panchal Dec 24, 2022 at 20:08

    In my case, I found two situations.

    1. Include

    the android studio can't show the XML if it contains the " include " tag.

    My project has more than 100+ XML files that have the include , and none of them can show the preview. Otherwise, it was fine.

    Setting the app theme doesn't work for this case.

    Edit: Custom font can be a problem
    Still I am not sure, but loading font can be a problem. I set isEditMode() condition to all Typeface , and it looks like the preview rendering issue was solved.

    2. Setting app theme

    On top of the preview screen, you can select the app theme. (If you can't find it, try enlarging the android window itself. Then the hidden app theme menu will be revealed.)

    Then, try setting some theme, such as "AppTheme" or "BaseTheme", etc. Then, for some cases, this will show you the preview.

    The same issue I am also facing in my projects I have more than 30 projects, and Only the layout preview is not showing rest of everything is working fine. Thanks for yor answer. Kaushal Panchal Sep 21, 2022 at 13:07 Thank you from answer but i have used stable version of material library also i have more then 100 project so i can't manually change dependency version Kaushal Panchal Nov 6, 2022 at 11:01 Same here, updating material to the latest version solved my own issue (render problem / invalid character *) Paul W Jan 18 at 12:39 This did work for me thanks! Actually trying other versions like 1.9.0-beta01 did not work as well. Marcel Hofgesang Mar 21 at 9:02

    Frankly guys tried everything as suggested in mentioned answers, but doesn't seems to work for me, might be a recent Android Studio bug.

    Sharing something what worked for me (workaround, not a fix)

    I accidentally clicked the LayoutValidation tab as mentioned in screenshot, and for now using it to preview my design while updating XML code. Preview gets updated as you make changes.

    But yes this might not be helpful if want to make changes using design.

    Only this solution worked for me, Thanks. Android studio version - Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 1 void pointer Mar 17 at 6:35

    I tried to update gradle but not work with me.

    so after that i changed them from


    work with me

    if this solution does not work with you

    add this line to root group view in layout


    another solution

    down material version to this version

    material_version = '1.6.1'

    I hope that helps you.

    I have same issue as above just solved by doing below things

    Setting - SDK tools and check for Android Emulator Update just Update it and Rebuild project and Done

    No need to downgrade API versions.

    Note - if not work after it just try to invalidate cach and restart

    Option 2

    after doing above task try to just update or select app theme from above preview design actually after this my preview shows but for only 2-3 sec after that it disappear again so i tried by selecting theme as in my updated answer and it worked well. – YuvrajsinhJadeja Sep 22, 2022 at 14:10 This did not work. Even with all the cache restarts and so on. Its either not showing or not correctly showing or just for 2 seconds. installed and reinstalled all sdk tools, emulators and so on – Fabian K Sep 27, 2022 at 0:49

    New solution:

    I just tried the latest canary build of Android Studio Flamingo and it seems that the layout preview is now fixed! At least it works for me again without any problems, with MDC 1.8.0-alpha03 and the latest gradle plugin and gradle version.

    Old solution:

    It appears to be a bug in Dolphin in connection with API 33, but for me at least the layout preview toolbar is shown. In case the preview toolbar is somehow accessible, the following workaround solves the disappeared preview (at least for me): Select API 32 in the layout toolbar instead of the preselected API 33.

    Then the preview is shown to me as it should and I do not have to downgrade anything and can use the latest gradle version.

    Starting with Android Studio Chipmunk, if you're seeing java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: view_tree_saved_state_registry_owner or java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: androidx.savedstate.R$id in the issues panel, make sure to include a debugImplementation dependency to androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate in your module.

    If you're seeing java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: view_tree_lifecycle_owner in the issues panel, make sure to include a debugImplementation dependency to androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime in your module.

    If you're seeing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class androidx.customview.poolingcontainer.PoolingContainer or java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: androidx/customview/poolingcontainer/PoolingContainerListener in the issues panel, make sure to include a debugImplementation dependency to androidx.customview:customview-poolingcontainer in your module.

    Issue tracker : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/247058594

    Workaround Solution : File - Project Structure -

    This is still not resolved. My all-old project layout editor not showing the preview in Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 – Kaushal Panchal Sep 21, 2022 at 11:44

    I'm on Android Studio Electric Eel and I managed to fix the issue after a whole day of trying by replacing com.google.android.material:material version 1.8.0 with 1.7.0. Even though 1.8.0 is now 'stable' it was the one causing the issue.

    In my case solve this issue I do following steps

    First I just update Gradle plugin version to 7.3.0 from setting project structure (No working)

    after that I also update com.google.gms:google-services version to 4.3.14

    now every things work fine.

    I was using custom views, styles and fonts from a library and ran into this when upgrading to Dolphin. I fixed the issue by upgrading the libraries compile SDK to 33. Upgraded gradle to 7.3 and upgraded androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.4+

    Once you do that, invalidate caches and rebuild and it should work.

    Google is aware of this issue https://issuetracker.google.com/issues?q=dolphin%20layout%20preview

    Downgrading to Chipmunk until a patch is released will also fix the issue if you can't or wont upgrade.

    For you that because of others dependencies cannot update the Android Gradle Plugin:

    You'll have to wait a little bit, the devs are already aware. There should eventually be a version to correct this.

    For now what you can do to keep working is downgrading the Android Studio Version to Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 (or older)

    Maybe it's not going to fix your problem. But it may helps someone who gets into the same trouble as I had. I have an extended layout, the exception says it's not able to initial this class, and pointing to a singleton property variable.

    private SingletonProperty property = SingletonProperty.getInstance();

    Turns out it's not possible to have a singleton field in a layout class(which it's okay before Android Studio Dolphin). Everything works fine after I move it into several methods. Don't forget to build your project after this.

    For me, disabling assertions fixed the issue.
    I found the fix here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/255525863
    To disable assertions, add -da to Custom VM Options:

    In case that Android Studio won't start after applying the new options,
    the custom VM options file is located at:


    ~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudio2021.3/studio.vmoptions

    Open Layout Validation tab from right side or search it from toolbar search menu now see the issue in my case is inside MaterialAutoCompleteTextView after investigating issue is android:fontFamily="More Fonts..." font is not point to right one enter image description here

    Exactly. Mine is 16, too. This happens through periodic updates of Android Studio: it requires more RAM after a specific release. Similar issues happened years ago when 8GB RAM was considered to be sufficient and after some time and releases, Android Studio couldn't work with that amount of RAM; specifically the emulator would automatically stop working and became closed. – Ali Has Mar 3 at 13:37