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Option 1: Download or clone the test wave file from github.

git clone https://github.com/aricwang88/hackrf_example_res.git

Option 2: Install ffmpeg or libav-tools to convert the mp3 to wave file.

Search in repository:

apt-cache search libav-tools

libav-tools - Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder

apt-get install libav-tools

avconv -i mm_didu.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vol 200 MM_didu.wav

gcc -o HACKRF_WBFM_Transmit HackRF_WBFM_Transmit.c -lm -lhackrf

make wav

编译出可执行程序 HACKRF_WBFM_Transmit.

chmod +x HACKRF_WBFM_Transmit


Usage:./HACKRF_WBFM_Transmit 验证

I also upload the test wave file, please clone from other repository or convert from mp3 by ffmpeg.

./HACKRF_WBFM_Transmit MM_didu.wav

HACKRF WBFM Transmit demo ...

Begin to init hackrf ...

hackrf_init sucessfully!

hackrf_open() success.

Board ID Number: 2 (HackRF One)

Firmware Version: 2015.07.2

HACKRF init done.

Load wav file:MM_didu.wav

(1-4): RIFF

(5-8) Overall size: bytes:32360616, Kb:31602

(9-12) Wave marker: WAVE

(13-16) Fmt marker: fmt

16 0 0 0

(17-20) Length of Fmt header: 16

(21-22) Format type: 1 PCM

(23-24) Channels: 2

(25-28) Sample rate: 44100

(29-32) Byte Rate: 176400 , Bit Rate:1411200

(33-34) Block Alignment: 4

(35-36) Bits per sample: 16

(37-40) Data Marker: data

(41-44) Size of data chunk: 32360580

Number of samples:8090145

Size of each sample:4 bytes

Approx.Duration in seconds=183.450211

Approx.Duration in h:m:s=0:3:3.450

.Valid range for data values : -32768 to 32767

Alloc memory resample done.

Alloc memory IQ data done.

Alloc memory TX data done.

Begin to process data ...(Please wait about 20 seconds.)

Processing: 0.00%

Processing: 5.45%

Processing: 10.90%

Processing: 16.35%

Processing: 21.80%

Processing: 27.26%

Processing: 32.71%

Processing: 38.16%

Processing: 43.61%

Processing: 49.06%

Processing: 54.51%

Processing: 59.96%

Processing: 65.41%

Processing: 70.86%

Processing: 76.32%

Processing: 81.77%

Processing: 87.22%

Processing: 92.67%

Processing: 98.12%

IQ data transcode done.

Release intermedia memory.

Data process done, transmiting ...

Ctrl+C to stop transmiting.

准备测试数据源Option 1: Download or clone the test wave file from github.git clone https://github.com/aricwang88/hackrf_example_res.gitOption 2: Install ffmpeg or libav-tools to convert the mp3 to wave file....
准备工作: 这里使用的设备是 hackrf ,所以需要在kali下 安装 hackrf 的驱动和环境。打开终端,在终端中输入以下命令: sudo apt-get install hackrf lib hackrf -dev lib hackrf 0 安装 完毕之后,插上 hackrf ,运行以...
本文介绍LimeSDR gr-limesdr自带的example中的FM宽带广播 发射 与接收的GRC程序。 调频、宽带调频 WBFM 和窄带调频NBFM的相关基础知识网上有很多,可以参见下边的链接: https://zh-cn.fmuser.net/content/?801.html https://zhuanlan.zhihu.c...
用了GNURADIO FM 发射 之后,一直以来想写个 HackRF Windows下的 发射 机程序,但是苦于对IQ调制的理解一直没有动手, 前端时间在github网站上看到了一份关于 HACKRF FM的源码(https://github.com/hateonion/ hackrf Multi Tran sfer),于是调试了了发现不能运行,所以重新燃起了我写这个程序的希望。 原作者的源码是基于Footbal
FFTW ( the Faster Fourier Tran sform in the West) 是一个快速计算离散傅里叶变换的标准C语言程序集,其由MIT的M.Frigo 和S. Johnson 开发。可计算一维或多维实和复数据以及任意规模的DFT。 一个用C语言编写、支持一维和多维变换、支持任意大小输入、支持实数和复数的数字傅里叶变换软件库 1.从官网(http:// fftw .org/index.html)【外网,可能要架VPN】下载源码压缩包 fftw -3.3.8.tar.gz 2. ..