To return expected results, you can:

  • Reduce the number of search terms. Each term you use focuses the search further.
  • Check your spelling. A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result.
  • Try substituting synonyms for your original terms. For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training"
  • Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ? If so, follow the appropriate link below to find the content you need.
  • [RunTests/instance4 (3)]: Can't load log handler "java.util.logging.FileHandler" [RunTests/instance4 (3)]: Couldn't get lock for C:\Program Files\IBM\RIT-Agent/logs/engine-%u-%g.log, maxLocks: 100 [RunTests/instance4 (3)]: Couldn't get lock for C:\Program Files\IBM\RIT-Agent/logs/engine-%u-%g.log, maxLocks: 100 [RunTests/instance4 (3)]:       at java.util.logging.FileHandler.openFiles(

    Each RunTests instance runs stubs for a given project and environment.
    In later versions of Rational Test Virtualization Server (RTVS), a log file is created for each RunTests process.
    When deploying high numbers of stubs that are in differing projects you can cause high numbers of RunTests processes to execute.
    See this section of the Knowledge Center documentation for an explanation of this: Handling many RunTests instances
  • Run RIT-Agent Library Manager.
  • Add the following entry with a value of your choice, on its own line to the JVM Arguments section.
    Ensure that the value is larger than the maximum number of required RunTests instances.
  • Re-start RIT-Agent and stubs.
    [{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSBLXN","label":"IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]