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Let’s start with an example on how to find the diff between two dictionaries using diff() method:

from dictdiffer import diff, patch, swap, revert
first = {
    "title": "hello",
    "fork_count": 20,
    "stargazers": ["/users/20", "/users/30"],
    "settings": {
        "assignees": [100, 101, 201],
second = {
    "title": "hellooo",
    "fork_count": 20,
    "stargazers": ["/users/20", "/users/30", "/users/40"],
    "settings": {
        "assignees": [100, 101, 202],
result = diff(first, second)
assert list(result) == [
    ('change', ['settings', 'assignees', 2], (201, 202)),
    ('add', 'stargazers', [(2, '/users/40')]),
    ('change', 'title', ('hello', 'hellooo'))]

Now we can apply the diff result with patch() method:

result = diff(first, second)
patched = patch(result, first)
assert patched == second

Also we can swap the diff result with swap() method:

http://dictdiffer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Dictdiffer    Dictdiffer is a helper module that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries.InstallationDictdiffer is on PyPI so all you need i...
____tz_zs 对比两个深层的 dict 输入两个 dict。返回值分别为:data_1 所独有的键值对, data_2 所独有的键值对,两个 dict 均有的 key 的对比结果。 def compare_data(data_1, data_2): 对比两个 dict。 :param data_1: :param data_2: :retur...
下面先给大家介绍下Python 3 判断2个字典相同的方法, Python自带的数据结构dict非常好用,之前不知道怎么比较2个字典是否相同,做法是一个一个key比较过去。。。 现在想到可以直接用==进行判断!!! a = dict(one=1, two=2, three=3) b = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3} c = dict(zip(['one', 'two', 'three'], [1, 2, 3])) d = dict([('two', 2), ('one', 1), ('three', 3)]) e = dict({'three': 3, '
假设背包的存储结构是这样的。 是一个字典,{物品id:数量}。 在背包类初始化的时候,把背包物品信息copy保存到一个oldbag变量,进行一些物品操作后(比如使用物品,领取物品奖励等),在调用save()方法存进redis时,对新的bag字典与oldbag字典进行差异对比就得出变动情况了。 千言不如一码。 def symmetric_d