Iam have developed a BLE module to act as BLE Central,based on py bluez .I learned that for module to run and enable the BLE from the host ,need to run container as following ,which I have tried and working fine.
docker run --net=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -t our-container****.I would like to deploy it as an Iot edge odule and test.Please help me to understand how can I add Container arguments in container create options in Azure portal.I have already set **priviliged
as below
"HostConfig": {
"Privileged": true
Not sure how to set other arguments.
Host platform :Raspberry pi 4b Raspbian.
and IOT EDGE V1.2
IoT Edge modules are implemented as Docker-compatible containers on your IoT Edge device. Docker offers many options for creating containers, and those options apply to IoT Edge modules, too. Have you already referred to
Docker container create options
How to configure container create options for IoT Edge modules
Thanks Ashok,
I have read and understood ,how can we provide container create options.I would like to know ,how can we give docker run arguments like "-t" for pseudo tty .
How to give Docker [run options] using deployment file or directly in azure portal itself