Android Java/Kotlin - 获取方法中的所有注释参数并转换为HashMap

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这个问题是关于Android开发中的自定义注解(Java/Kotlin)。我想为方法及其参数创建自定义注解,然后从注解键和参数值创建一个HashMap。 我的应用程序目前正在使用ParseCloud作为网络库。一个典型的ParseCloud API请求看起来像。

ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground(String, Map<String, Object>, FunctionCallback<T>)


fun login(username: String, password: String) {
    val params = HashMap<String, Any>()
    params["username"] = username
    params["password"] = password
    val callback = ... //FunctionCallback<LoginResponse>, LoginResponse is response data class
    ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("apiLogin", params, callback)


fun login(@Field("username") username: String,
          @Field("password") password: String) : Call<LoginResponse>

我喜欢Retrofit API的声明风格,想做同样的东西,所以我开始写。

// Annotation ApiParam, used for variables and parameters
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.LOCAL_VARIABLE, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER)
annotation class ApiParam(val key: String = "")
// Annotation ApiMethod, used for methods
annotation class ApiMethod(val api: String)
// Class ApiRequest that holds API path, parameters and method to send request
class ApiRequest<T>(private val api: String, private var params: Map<String, Any>) {
    fun send(callback: FunctionCallback<in T>) {
        ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground(api, params, callback)


interface AuthApiService {
    fun login(@ApiParam("username") username: String,
              @ApiParam("password") password: String): ApiRequest<LoginResponse>
fun login(username: String, password: String) {
    val api = ... // Create an instance of interface AuthApiService, it's also a great challenge