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研究生: 陳伯愷
研究生(外文): Po-Kai Chen
論文名稱: 注意力缺失/過動症混合表現型與不專注主顯型孩童的醫師診斷、睡眠多項生理檢查儀與持續注意力測驗之關聯性
論文名稱(外文): Association between Polysomnography and CPT-II in the Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined type and Inattention type children
指導教授: 何明洲 何明洲引用關係
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 中山醫學大學
系所名稱: 心理學系暨臨床心理學系
學門: 社會及行為科學學門
學類: 心理學類
論文種類: 學術論文
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 注意力缺失/過動症 亞型 醫師診斷 睡眠 持續注意力測驗 睡眠多項生理檢查儀
外文關鍵詞: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ADHD subtypes sleep CPT-II polysomnography PSG
  • 被引用 被引用: 1
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研究結果: (1) 醫師診斷為注意力缺失與過動症-混合表現型的孩童在持續注意力測驗的測驗表現,相較於不專注主顯型的孩童,有較高區組間的反應時間變異性。(2) 醫師診斷為注意力缺失與過動症-混合表現型的孩童在睡眠多項生理檢查結果,相較於不專注主顯型的孩童有較高的睡眠效率。(3) 睡眠多項生理檢查與持續注意力測驗測得的變項無顯著相關。
Background: Children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often found sleep problems, such as longer total sleep time, lower sleep efficiency, shorter time of rapid eye movement sleep, shorter proportion of rapid eye movement sleep by using polysomnography (PSG). Besides, there is a higher rate to comorbid obstructive sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorders. However, fewer studies have explored the association between ADHD subtypes and PSG. In the past years, studies investigate ADHD subtypes through the Conners'' continuous performance test-II (CPT-II) tended to think that children’s behavior can be observed during the test are different compared to the performance results in CPT-II. On the other words, it does not clearly indicate that which CPT-II variables are significantly different between ADHD subtypes. Hence, the present study aimed to explore the correlation between the psychiatrist''s diagnosis of ADHD subtypes including ADHD-combine type (ADHD-C) and ADHD-predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-IA), PSG, and CPT-II.
Method: 16 children of ADHD-IA and 50 children of ADHD-C were diagnosed by a psychiatrist and conducted with CPT-II, then referral to a sleep center for PSG assessment. Data are analyzed by point biserial correlations or partial correlation analysis after data collection is completed.
Result: (1) The CPT-II results of ADHD-C children had higher variability of response time between blocks compared with ADHD-IA children. (2)The PSG results of ADHD-C children have higher sleep efficiency compared with ADHD-IA children. (3) There were no significant correlations between the results of PSG and CPT-II.
Discussion: The variability of response time between blocks in CPT-II can be used as a means of clinically identifying ADHD-C or ADHD-IA. The results of actigraphy and CPT-II cannot be inferred to correlation to the PSG and CPT-II, which may be related to the research design and subject factors.
第一節 注意力缺失/過動症簡介1
第二節 研究目的2
第三節 ADHD孩童的睡眠問題2
第四節 ADHD孩童的睡眠衡鑑-睡眠多項生理檢查儀3
第五節 醫師診斷之ADHD亞型的睡眠差異7
第六節 ADHD的持續注意力測驗表現與亞型的差異8
第七節 睡眠與持續注意力測驗的表現9
第八節 ADHD孩童的睡眠困擾是否與藥物治療有關?10
第一節 實驗對象、排除條款及實驗流程13
第二節 醫師診斷13
第三節 持續注意力測驗13
第四節 睡眠多項生理檢查儀15
第五節 統計分析17
第一節 受試者排除受試者排除、人口學變項與描述統計資料18
第二節 醫師診斷與持續注意力測驗的點二系列相關結果22
第三節 醫師診斷與睡眠多項生理檢查儀的點二系列相關結果22
第四節 持續注意力測驗與睡眠多項生理檢查儀的淨相關結果23
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