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hi, I wan to update my gridview but I got this error.
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox' to type 'System.IConvertible'
here my aspx code :
< asp:GridView ID =" GridView1" runat =" server" AutoGenerateColumns =" False" DataKeyNames =" productID" DataSourceID =" ObjectDataSource1" onrowdeleting =" GridView1_RowDeleting" onrowupdating =" GridView1_RowUpdating" ShowFooter =" True" > < columns > < asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton =" True" ShowEditButton =" True" / > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" productID" InsertVisible =" False" SortExpression =" productID" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label1" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Eval( " productID" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:Button ID =" Button1" runat =" server" onclick =" Button1_Click" Text =" Insert" / > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label1" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productID" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < footer style wrap =" True" / > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" productName" SortExpression =" productName" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox1" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productName" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox7" runat =" server" > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label2" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productName" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" productDescription" SortExpression =" productDescription" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox2" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productDescription" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox8" runat =" server" > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label3" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productDescription" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" productImg" SortExpression =" productImg" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox3" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productImg" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label4" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productImg" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" pCategoryID" SortExpression =" pCategoryID" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox4" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " pCategoryID" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:DropDownList ID =" DropDownList1" runat =" server" > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label5" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " pCategoryID" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" productPrice" SortExpression =" productPrice" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox5" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productPrice" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox9" runat =" server" > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label6" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " productPrice" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < asp:TemplateField HeaderText =" stockQuantity" SortExpression =" stockQuantity" > < edititemtemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox6" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " stockQuantity" ) %> ' > < /edititemtemplate > < footertemplate > < asp:TextBox ID =" TextBox10" runat =" server" > < /footertemplate > < itemtemplate > < asp:Label ID =" Label7" runat =" server" Text =' <% # Bind( " stockQuantity" ) %> ' > < /itemtemplate > < /columns >
my cs code :
int ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value); String productName = Convert.ToString((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox1" )); String productDesc = Convert.ToString((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox2" )); String productImg = Convert.ToString((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox3" )); int pCategoryID = Convert.ToInt32((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox4" )); // the error occur in this line String productPriceS = Convert.ToString((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox5" )); String stockQuantityS = Convert.ToString((TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox6" )); int pCategoryIDS = Convert.ToInt32(pCategoryID); int productPrice = Convert.ToInt32(productPriceS); int stockQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(stockQuantityS); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ " DKGWConnectionString" ].ConnectionString)) string sql = ( " UPDATE BQ_Product" + " productName=@productName, productDescription=@productDescription, productImg=@productImg, pCategoryID=@pCategoryID, productPrice=@productPrice, stockQuantity=@stockQuantity" + " WHERE productID=@productID" ); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @productName" , productName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @productDescription" , productDesc); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @productImg" , productImg); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @pCategoryID" , pCategoryID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @productPrice" , productPrice); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @stockQuantity" , stockQuantity); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); GridView1.EditIndex = -1; GridView1.DataBind();
I've got the wrong PC with me so have the wrong VisStudio :-(
Try breaking the line down into its parts e.g.
GridViewRow dr = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex];
TextBox tb = (TextBox)dr.FindControl("TextBox4");
int pCategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text);
(syntax might need to be corrected). Then debug to check what's available at each stage - e.g. make sure it's found textbox4 etc
I think first you have create obejct of textbox then get Text from textbox object and convert it to int or whatever
TextBox CategoryID = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl( " TextBox4" ); int pCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID.Text);
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