<!--设置页面的utf-8编码格式--> < meta http-equiv = " content-type " content = " text/html; charset=UTF-8 " > <!--引入了对应的css文件--> < link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " https://unpkg.com/todomvc-app-css@2.2.0/index.css " > <!--引入对应的vue.js外部文件--> < script type = " text/javascript " src = " https://unpkg.com/vue@latest/dist/vue.js " > </ script > < title > Title </ title > < style > [v-cloak] { display : none ; </ style > </ head > <!--定义了header,包括文字的提示和输入框--> < section class = " todoapp " > < header class = " header " > < h1 > todos </ h1 > < input autofocus autocomplete = " off " placeholder = " What needs to be done? " class = " new-todo " v-model = " newTodo " @keyup.enter = " addTodo " > </ header > <!-- 把用户已经输入的待办事项循环展示--> < section class = " main " v-show = " todos.length " v-cloak > <!--全选框--> < input id = " toggle-all " type = " checkbox " class = " toggle-all " > < ul class = " todo-list " > <!--v-for循环--> < li v-for = " todo in filteredTodos " class = " todo " :key = " todo.id " :class = " {completed: todo.completed,editing: todo == editedTodo} " > < div class = " view " > < input class = " toggle " type = " checkbox " v-model = " todo.completed " > < label @dblclick = " editTodo(todo) " > { {todo.title}} </ label > < button class = " destroy " @click = " removeTodo(todo) " > </ button > </ div > < input class = " edit " type = " text " v-model = " todo.title " v-todo-focus = " todo == editedTodo " @blur = " doneEdit(todo) " @keyup.enter = " doneEdit(todo) " @key.esc = " cancelEdit(todo) " > </ section > <!--底部的状态,点击后可以进行过滤--> < footer class = " footer " v-show = " todos.length " v-cloak > < span class = " todo-count " > < strong > { {remaining}} </ strong > { {remaining | pluralize}} left </ span > < ul class = " filters " > < li > < a href = " #/all " :class = " {selected: visibility == ' all ' } " > All </ a > </ li > < li > < a href = " #/active " :class = " {selected: visibility == ' active ' } " > Active </ a > </ li > < li > < a href = " #/completed " class = " {selected: visibility == ' completed ' } " > Completed </ a > </ li > < button class = " clear-completed " @click = " removeCompleted " v-show = " todos.length > remaining " > Clear completed </ button > </ footer > </ section > < script > // 下面的代码,表示使用了浏览器的localStorage进行存储,同事定义了fetch()和save() let STORAGE_KEY = "todos-vuejs-2.0" ; let todoStorage = { fetch : function ( ) { let todos = JSON . parse ( localStorage . getItem ( STORAGE_KEY ) || "[]" ) ; todos . forEach ( function ( todo , index ) { todo . id = index ; } ) ; todoStorage . uid = todos . length ; return todos ; save : function ( todos ) { localStorage . setItem ( STORAGE_KEY , JSON . stringify ( todos ) ) ; // 定义过滤器,可以分别对ative、completed和all进行过滤 let filters = { all : function ( todos ) { return todos ; active : function ( todos ) { return todos . filter ( function ( todo ) { return ! todo . completed ; } ) ; completed : function ( todos ) { return todos . filter ( function ( todo ) { return todo . completed ; } ) ; // app Vue instance let app = new Vue ( { // app initial state data : { todos : todoStorage . fetch ( ) , newTodo : "" , editedTodo : null , visibility : "all" // 定义watcher // watch todos change for localStorage persistence watch : { todos : { handler : function ( todos ) { todoStorage . save ( todos ) ; deep : true // 定义computed properties,可以认为是用来过滤的 // http://vuejs.org/guide/computed.html computed : { filteredTodos : function ( ) { return filters [ this . visibility ] ( this . todos ) ; remaining : function ( ) { return filters . active ( this . todos ) . length ; allDone : { get : function ( ) { return this . remaining === 0 ; set : function ( value ) { this . todos . forEach ( function ( todo ) { todo . completed = value ; } ) ; // 定义过滤器 filters : { pluralize : function ( n ) { return n === 1 ? "item" : "items" ; // methods that implement data logic. // note there's no DOM manipulation here at all. // 核心方法,实现对于待办事项的增加、删除和修改 // 注意:这里没有任何直接操作html dom的代码 methods : { addTodo : function ( ) { let value = this . newTodo && this . newTodo . trim ( ) ; if ( ! value ) { return ; this . todos . push ( { id : todoStorage . uid ++ , title : value , completed : false } ) ; this . newTodo = "" ; // 删除待办事项 removeTodo : function ( todo ) { this . todos . splice ( this . todos . indexOf ( todo ) , 1 ) ; // 编辑待办事项 editTodo : function ( todo ) { this . beforeEditCache = todo . title ; this . editedTodo = todo ; // 把待办事项标记为:已完成 doneEdit : function ( todo ) { if ( ! this . editedTodo ) { return ; this . editedTodo = null ; todo . title = todo . title . trim ( ) ; if ( ! todo . title ) { this . removeTodo ( todo ) ; // 取消编辑 cancelEdit : function ( todo ) { this . editedTodo = null ; todo . title = this . beforeEditCache ; // 删除已经完成的待办事项 removeCompleted : function ( ) { this . todos = filters . active ( this . todos ) ; // a custom directive to wait for the DOM to be updated // before focusing on the input field. // http://vuejs.org/guide/custom-directive.html // 使用自定义的directive,也就是html中的<todo-focus> directives : { "todo-focus" : function ( el , binding ) { if ( binding . value ) { el . focus ( ) ; } ) ; // handle routing // 处理路由 function onHashChange ( ) { let visibility = window . location . hash . replace ( /#\/?/ , "" ) ; if ( filters [ visibility ] ) { app . visibility = visibility ; } else { window . location . hash = "" ; app . visibility = "all" ; window . addEventListener ( "hashchange" , onHashChange ) ; onHashChange ( ) ; // mount // 最后,使用vue.js渲染整个页面 app . $mount ( ".todoapp" ) ; </ script > < script crossorigin = " " type = " text/javascript " src = " https://codesandbox.io/static/js/watermark-button.76f1e5b66.js " > </ script > </ body > </ html >

在这里插入图片描述 在文本框中输入内容及回车:
在这里插入图片描述 点击左侧圆点选项:
在这里插入图片描述 下面三个标签all、active、completed功能也比较清楚,active只显示没有被标记的项,completed只显示标记的项,即完成项,all则显示所有项。clear completed删除掉所有的完成项。


2.单击 待办 项的前面选择框可 实现 未完成或已完成切换 3.双击 待办 内容可以修改里面的内容,修改完成后点击空白处或enter键都可 实现 修改,如果不想修改按Esc键可恢复初始内容。 4.单击 待办 1、在输入框中输入 待办 事项 并按回车键可以把内容添加到下面列表中,并且 待办 事项 总数会随之增加 2.、点击 待办 事项 列表中"√"可以将事件添加到已完成事件中, 点击“×”按钮,该按钮可以删除该 事项 3.、已完成 事项 中可以删除事件 整个项目的结构: 实现 的效果图: 身为互联网农民工的我们,提起 Todo List 大家肯定一点都不陌生,因为Todo List是一个圈内比较知名的案例,可以通过 Java, Python 等后端语言再以少量的前端 Html 语言辅助 实现 整个 Todo List 的增、删、改、查功能。 今天分享的 Todo List 案例与常见的 实现 方式不太一样,因为今天分享的案例是由纯前端代码 Vue 组件化来 实现 的,完全没有后端语言的支撑,也能 实现 Todo List功能的动态效果。 Vue.js 是什么 这是 Vue 官网对 Vue 的介绍 每个人都需要做一个 待办 事项 清单 ,对吧? 这是一个处理多个列表的单页应用程序,并且(在 mColor 的帮助下)使用漂亮的渐变显示。 当前数据使用 HTML 5 本地存储进行持久化,但可以轻松扩展以将数据保存到后端数据库或您网站上更永久的内容。 matt[at]mattlag[dot]com To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. <%@ page contentType="text/ html ;charset=UTF-8" 文章目录0 使用技术1 项目搭建1.1 创建项目1.2 搭建项目结构1.2.1 准备数据1.2.2 组件化开发1.2.3 引入element-ui2 开发模块2.1 Header模块2.2 Input模块2.3 List模块2.4 Item模块3 项目文件4 优化4.1 条件渲染4.1.1 旧版渲染4.1.2 新版渲染4.2 按需更新4.2.1 利用生命周期4.2.2 利用纯组件5 用户体验 0 使用技术 axios 请求数据 json-server 模拟数据 react 操作dom element-ui