extends Object implements ResponseExtractor <T>
Response extractor that uses the given entity converters to convert the response into a type T .
Arjen Poutsma, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • RestTemplate
  • Description
    Create a new instance of the HttpMessageConverterExtractor with the given response type and message converters.
    Creates a new instance of the HttpMessageConverterExtractor with the given response type and message converters.
    Extract data from the given ClientHttpResponse and return it.
    protected MediaType
    Determine the Content-Type of the response based on the "Content-Type" header or otherwise default to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM .


    public HttpMessageConverterExtractor ( Class < T > responseType, List < HttpMessageConverter <?>> messageConverters)
    Create a new instance of the HttpMessageConverterExtractor with the given response type and message converters. The given converters must support the response type.


    public HttpMessageConverterExtractor ( Type responseType, List < HttpMessageConverter <?>> messageConverters)
    Creates a new instance of the HttpMessageConverterExtractor with the given response type and message converters. The given converters must support the response type.
    public T extractData ( ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException
    Description copied from interface: ResponseExtractor
    Extract data from the given ClientHttpResponse and return it.
    Specified by:
    extractData in interface ResponseExtractor < T >
    response - the HTTP response
    the extracted data
    IOException - in case of I/O errors


    protected MediaType getContentType ( ClientHttpResponse response)
    Determine the Content-Type of the response based on the "Content-Type" header or otherwise default to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM .
    response - the response
    the MediaType, or "application/octet-stream"