Getting Started With RSocket: Spring Boot Request-Stream

Engineering | Ben Wilcock | March 23, 2020 | ...

Time: about 15 minutes.

Previously in this series, you experimented with request - response and fire-and-forget messaging in Spring Boot with RSocket. This time you'll try another of RSocket's fresh new messaging models — request-stream.

In this exercise, you'll learn how to stream data using the conventional 'client-requests-a-server-stream' approach.

One thing that I haven't mentioned until now is that RSocket lets you use its messaging models in either direction. Therefore, if you wanted to use the less common 'server-requests-a-client-stream' model, that's no problem for RSocket. Plus, there are lots of non-java RSocket implementations to choose from, including Go, Javascript, and .Net—ideal if your architecture includes platforms where Java isn't perhaps the best fit.

With that cleared up, follow the steps below to add the streaming data capability to your existing RSocket client and server code from previous posts.

If you didn't read the previous posts on server-side , client-side request-response messaging, or fire-and-forget now's your chance! The code sample is on GitHub .

Step 1: Add The Server-Side Stream Method

Working once more in your server-side RSocketController class, add a new method called .stream() with the signature — 'accept-an-object, return-a-flux' — which RSocket expects for this messaging model. Annotate this new method with the @MessageMapping annotation, specifying a suitable mapping name — such as "stream" . The sample code for the method is below:

    Flux<Message> stream(Message request) {"Received stream request: {}", request);
        return Flux
                .map(index -> new Message(SERVER, STREAM, index))

The RSocketController is in the rsocket-server folder in the io.pivotal.rsocketserver package.

The .stream() method's sole parameter, Message, comes from the package discussed previously. This message forms the basis of the client's request for a data stream. The code above logs the client's request to the console as soon as it's received.

The Flux object returned by the method is part of Project Reactor and is also used in the reactive support of the Spring Framework.

RSocket uses Flux because it dramatically simplifies the handling of reactive data streams. Flux is a "Publisher" of data. It describes streams of 0 to N elements and offers a great many operators for processing streaming data — similar to Java 8's streaming APIs.

In the code above, a new Long element gets added to the Flux every second — set via the .interval() call — essentially providing a constant stream of data. The .map() function creates a new message object using the Long as the index value, and on the last line, the call to the .log() method prints all elements flowing through the Flux to the console, including errors etc.

Step 2: Add The Client-Side Stream Method

In the client-side project's RSocketShellClient class, first, add a global reference to a Disposable object like this:

private static Disposable disposable;

The RSocketShellClient is in the io.pivotal.rsocketclient package in the rsocket-client folder.

This Disposable object allows you to control the data stream once it starts.

Next, add a .stream() method to your RSocketShellClient. Annotate this method with the @ShellMethod annotation. The sample code for this is below:

    @ShellMethod("Send one request. Many responses (stream) will be printed.")
    public void stream() {"\nRequest-Stream. Sending one request. Waiting for unlimited responses (Stop process to quit)...");
        this.disposable = this.rsocketRequester
                .data(new Message(CLIENT, STREAM))
                .subscribe(er ->"Response received: {}", er));

In the code above, the rsocketRequester is told to route requests to the server's .stream() method by specifying "stream" as the .route(). A new message object provides the .data() for your request. Because you want the server to return a stream, you used the .requestFlux() method on the rsocketRequester, specifying that the Flux returned contains elements of type Message. Finally, you set a log function to act as your subscriber to the stream in the .subscribe() method.

Notice how the Disposable produced by the rsocketRequester is being kept. You'll need it to stop the stream.

Step 3: Add The Client Side Stop Stream Method

By keeping a reference to the stream, you can dispose of it when you want the streaming to stop. To add your stream canceling feature to your RSocketShellClient, add a new method called .s() and annotate it with @ShellMethod as follows:

    @ShellMethod("Stop streaming messages from the server.")
    public void s(){
        if(null != disposable){

Inside the method, calling disposable.dispose() cancels the stream. With this method in place, to stop the stream, type s at the shell:> prompt and then tap Enter. The stream will then stop. Your coding tasks are now complete. Next, test the client and server are working together.

Step 4: Build And Run The RSocket Server

Open a terminal window and move to the rsocket-server directory. Run the server using Maven and Spring Boot plugin as follows:

cd rsocket-server
./mvnw clean package spring-boot:run -DskipTests=true

The server starts up on localhost port 7000.

Step 5: Build And Run The RSocket Client

Open a second terminal window and move to the rsocket-client directory. From there, build and run the RSocket client application as follows:

cd rsocket-client
./mvnw clean package spring-boot:run -DskipTests=true

Once booted, Spring Shell presents you with a new prompt:


You request a stream from the server by typing stream at the prompt. The client sends one Message as its request for a stream. Each Message in the steam gets printed both as the server sends it, and as the client receives it. The console log on the client looks something like this:

Request-Stream. Sending one request. Waiting for responses (Type 's' to stop)...
New Response: Message(origin=Server, interaction=Stream, index=0, created=1583923683) (Type 's' to stop.)
New Response: Message(origin=Server, interaction=Stream, index=1, created=1583923684) (Type 's' to stop.)
New Response: Message(origin=Server, interaction=Stream, index=2, created=1583923685) (Type 's' to stop.)
New Response: Message(origin=Server, interaction=Stream, index=3, created=1583923686) (Type 's' to stop.)

To stop the stream, type s at the shell:> prompt and then tap Enter.

Step 5: Tidy Up

You can stop the rsocket-client by typing exit at the shell:> prompt like this.


You can stop the rsocket-server process by pressing Ctrl-C in its terminal window.

How It Works