Here is my reproducible code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
url = 'https://bullishbears.com/russell-2000-stocks-list/'
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
req = Request(url,headers=hdr)
page = urlopen(req)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
divTag = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "thrv_wrapper thrv_text_element"})
stock_list = []
for tag in divTag:
strongTags = tag.find_all("strong")
for tag in strongTags:
for x in tag:
[<span data-css="tve-u-17078d9d4a6">RUSSELL 2000 STOCKS LIST</span>,
<strong><strong><strong><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ac"> We provide you a list of Russell 2000 stocks and companies below</span><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ad">. </span></strong></strong></strong>,
<strong><strong><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ac"> We provide you a list of Russell 2000 stocks and companies below</span><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ad">. </span></strong></strong>,
<strong><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ac"> We provide you a list of Russell 2000 stocks and companies below</span><span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ad">. </span></strong>,
<span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ac"> We provide you a list of Russell 2000 stocks and companies below</span>,
<span data-css="tve-u-17031e9c4ad">. </span>,
'List of Russell 2000 Stocks & Updated Chart',
# More to the list but for brevity I removed the rest.