Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar.

在这里插入图片描述 解决方法:选中某个数据库就行
在这里插入图片描述 再次运行即可

Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar.错误代码:1046。未选择数据库通过双击侧栏中“架构”列表中的数据库名称来选择要使用的默认数据库。解决方法:选中某个数据库就行再次运行即可...
The World Wide Web has been credited with br ing ing the Internet to the masses. The Internet was previously the stomp ing ground of academics and a small, elite group of computer professionals, mostly UNIX programmers and other od db all types, runn ing obscure commands like ftp and f ing er, archie and telnet, and so on. With the arrival of graphical browsers for the Web, the Internet suddenly exploded. Anyone could find th ing s on the Web. You didn't need to be "in the know" anymore--you just needed to be properly networked. Equipped with Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer or any other browser, everyone can now explore the Internet freely. But graphical browsers can be limit ing . The very interactivity that makes them the ideal interface for the Internet also makes them cumbersome when you want to automate a task. It's analogous to edit ing a document by hand when you'd like to write a script to do the work for you. Graphical browsers require you to navigate the Web manually. In an effort to diminish the amount of tedious point ing -and- click ing you do with your browser, this book shows you how to liberate yourself from the confines of your browser. Web Client Programm ing with Perl is a behind-the-scenes look at how your web browser interacts with web servers. Readers of this book will learn how the Web works and how to write software that is more flexible, dynamic, and powerful than the typical web browser. The goal here is not to rewrite the browser, but to give you the ability to retrieve, manipulate, and redistribute web-ba sed information in an automated fashion. Who This Book Is For I like to think that this book is for everyone. But since that's a bit of an exaggeration, let's try to identify who might really enjoy this book. This book is for software developers who want to expand into a new market niche. It provides proof-of-concept examples and a compilation of web-related technical data. This book is for web administrators who maintain large amounts of data. Administrators can replace manual maintenance tasks with web robots to detect and correct problems with web sites. Robots perform tasks more accurately and quickly than human hands. But to be honest, the audience that's closest to my heart is that of computer enthusiasts, tinkerers, and motivated students, who can use this book to satisfy their curiosity about how the Web works and how to make it work for them. My editor often talks about when she first learned UNIX script ing and how it opened a world of automation for her. When you learn how to write scripts, you realize that there's very little that you can't do within that universe. With this book, you can extend that confidence to the Web. If this book is successful, then for almost any web-related task you'll find yourself think ing , "Hey, I could write a script to do that!" Unfortunately, we can't teach you everyth ing . There are a few th ing s that we assume that you are already familiar with: G The concept of client/server network applications and TCP/IP. G How the Internet works, and how to access it. G The Perl language. Perl was chosen as the language for examples in this book due to its ability to hide complexity. Instead of deal ing with C's data structures and low-level system calls, Perl introduces higher-level functions and a straightforward way of defin ing and us ing data. If you aren't already familiar with Perl, I recommend Learn ing Perl by Randal Schwartz, and Programm ing Perl (popularly known as "The Camel Book") by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Randal Schwartz. Both of these books are published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. There are other fine Perl books as well. Check out for the latest book critiques. Is This Book for You? Some of you already know why you picked up this book. But others may just have a nagg ing feel ing that it's someth ing useful to know, though you may not be entirely sure why. At the risk of seem ing self-serv ing , let me suggest some ways in which this book may be helpful: G Some people just like to know how th ing s tick. If you like to think the Web is magic, fine--but there are many who don't like to get into a car without know ing what's under the hood. For those of you who desire a better technical understand ing of the Web, this book demystifies the web protocol and the browser/server interaction. G Some people hate to waste even a minute of time. Given the choice between repeat ing an action over and over for an hour, or writ ing a script to automate it, these people will choose the script every time. Call it productivity or just stubbornness--the effect is the same. Through web automation, much time can be saved. Repetitive tasks, like track ing packages or stock prices, can be relegated to a web robot, leav ing the user free to perform more fruitful activities (like eat ing lunch). G If you understand your current web environment, you are more likely to recognize areas that can be improved. Instead of wait ing for solutions to show up in the marketplace, you can take an active role in shap ing the future direction of your own web technology. You can develop your own specialized solutions to fit specific problems. G In today's frenzied high-tech world, knowledge isn't just power, it's money. A reasonable understand ing of HTTP looks nice on the resume when you're compet ing for software contracts, consult ing work, and jobs.
a simple script to pop up a small window like element upon click ing on the label Klick and closes when use click s on Close (title of the window) it is basically <div> element
下一个最好的事情是使您只需单击一下鼠标就可以轻松选择内容块 < code > Click ing this code block select s the entire text within the code block </ code > npm install -g grunt-cli bower bower install npm test
①:这种情况一般是因为你在数据库中没有这个数据库,你新建一个你要导入的数据库名字的数据库,然后选中该数据库,再进行导入基本上就可以了 ②:初学者在建立表时容易遇到这样的报错: Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. 其实就是未指定数据库, 在 MySql 中建立数据库后create
MySQL workbench 导入表格,查询时 Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. 输入use +要用的schemas名 在workbench中操作删除了某选中数据库, 点击左上角第一个那个“+SQL”(create a new sql tab for execut ing queries ) 打开.sql文件或者粘贴sql语句并执行 报错: Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar.
对于 MySQL 的初学者来说通常会遇见下面这个错误: Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. 解决方法如下: 方法一:双击你要使用的库 方法二:use 数据库名
MySQL ’出现 Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar.(错误代码: 1046 。未选中数据库通过在侧边栏的SCHEMAS列表中双击其名称选择要使用的默认 DB )错误时 主要的原因是没有指定数据库,对于我来说,只需要 MySQL 语句中加上use 数据库名即可或者选中左侧列表中的数据库名即
初学者在建立表时容易遇到这样的报错: Error Code : 1046 . No database selected Select the default DB to be u sed by double - click ing its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. 其实就是未指定数据库, 在 MySql 中建立数据库后create database <...
Jupyter error : could not install packages due to an Environment Error : [Win Error ] is commonly encountered when try ing to install packages us ing Jupyter Notebook on a Windows operat ing system. This error indicates that there is an issue with the environment or the system's permissions. One possible cause of this error is that the package be ing installed requires administrative privileges to be installed correctly. In this case, you can try runn ing the Jupyter Notebook as an administrator by right- click ing on the Jupyter shortcut and select ing the "Run as administrator" option. This may resolve the permissions issue and allow the packages to be installed successfully. Another possible cause is that there might be a conflict between different Python versions or dependencies. In such cases, it is recommended to create a new virtual environment us ing a tool like Anaconda, which helps manage different Python environments and their dependencies. This can help resolve any conflicts and ensure a clean installation of packages without encounter ing environment error s. It is also possible that the error is related to the local network configuration or proxy sett ing s. In this case, it might be helpful to check the network connection, firewall sett ing s, and proxy configurations. Disabl ing the firewall temporarily or configur ing the proxy sett ing s correctly can sometimes resolve the installation issue. In some cases, this error can also occur due to insufficient storage space. Make sure that there is enough disk space available for install ing the packages. If the issue persists, it is recommended to search for specific error messages or code s encountered dur ing the installation process. This can provide more specific insights into the root cause of the problem and guide towards a more targeted solution. Overall, this error usually occurs due to permission, dependency, network, or storage issues. By follow ing the above suggestions and troubleshoot ing steps, you should be able to resolve the environment error and successfully install packages in Jupyter Notebook.
Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name Could not bind with [WinError 10049] 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。 (please check your host binding Could not bind with [WinError 10049] 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。 (please check your host binding a倍多分: 我也是,这个如和解决 Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name 站在井底憧憬星空: 遇到相同的问题,多谢老鸟 Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name -klara-: 双击名字后,字体会加粗 Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double clicking its name 恭喜一万名小学生同时: 你没双击对,你要双击名字,然后这个库的名会变深 Could not bind with [WinError 10049] 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。 (please check your host binding 找找LOcal Serve启动一下