引用: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34906385/article/details/93524163
app:tabIndicatorColor :指示线的颜色
app:tabIndicatorHeight : 指示线的高度
app:tabIndicatorFullWidth=false 指示线是否铺满宽度
electedTextColor : tab选中时的字体颜色
app:tabTextColor=@color/colorPrimary :未选中字体颜色
app:tabBackground=color : 整个tablayout颜色
"A number of fixes and improvements."[r 149]
Support for ResizeObservers, will notify you when an element’s content rectangle has changed its size.
Modules can now access to host specific metadata with import.meta.
The pop-up blocker gets stronger.
window.alert() no longer changes tab focus.
now supports named captures in regular expressions.
The default preload value for <audio> and <video> elements is now metadata.
You can now use Request.prototype.cache to view the cache mode of a Request and determine whether a request is a reload request.
Using the Focus Management API, you can now focus an element without scrolling to it with the preventScroll attribute.[r 150]
Extensions page generates packages in CRX3 format now.[r 151]
Android version:
Prevents sites with abusive ad experiences from opening new windows or
without your permission.
"Stability and performance improvements."[r 152]
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.al