I have the following Mongo query I'm trying to translate to Go using
db.getCollection('cluster').find({"clusterName": {"$in": ["clusterA", "clusterB"]}})
"clusterName" is a string field. Basically the naive alternative would be to perform multiple calls to mongo for each value in the list.
The query I wrote:
func ReadClusters(clusterNames []string) (*[]kusto.Cluster, error) {
var clusters *[]kusto.Cluster
err := readObjects(clusterCollection, bson.M{"clusterName": bson.M{"$in": clusterNames}}, &clusters, "" /* sortField */)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clusters, nil
And my helper functions:
func readObjects(collection string, query bson.M, dest interface{}, sortField string) error {
err := getDocuments(collection, query, dest, sortField)
if err != nil {
if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
return ErrNotFound
return err
return nil
func getDocuments(collectionName string, query bson.M, dest interface{}, sortField string) error {
session := client.Copy()
defer session.Close()
collection := getCollection(session, collectionName)
find := collection.Find(query)
if sortField != "" {
find = find.Sort(sortField)
return find.All(dest)
I'm getting the error:
2020/07/09 11:58:46 http: panic serving [::1]:54085: result argument
must be a slice address
I'm currently using Go1.11, and the mgo version I see under go.mod
is github.com/globalsign/mgo v0.0.0-20181015135952-eeefdecb41b8
is already of pointer type to slice, so taking its address will be a pointer to pointer to slice.
Declare it to be a non-pointer to slice:
var clusters []kusto.Cluster