8523526 #etc... It 's just that EnumChildWindows itself doesn' t return anything . If you want to have all of the child window handles in a list , do that in the handler : >> > parent_handle = 33230502 >> > child_handles = [ ] >> > def all_ok ( hwnd , param ) : . . . child_handles . append ( hwnd ) . . . >> > win32gui . EnumChildWindows ( parent_handle , all_ok , None ) >> > child_handles [ 17630538 , 12911940 , 8260536 , 4131432 , 14356400 , 11471888 , 9048526 , 18942076 , 8523526 , 6951400 , 5968556 , 19203900 , 4459544 , 15208240 , 9700614 , 5769012 , 11277176 , 7409598 , 10225510 , 8392342 , 19270296 , 32377256 , 7276984 , 20449052 , 8262502 , 11734380 , 14749460 , 5310608 , 3935978 , 125374254 , 8457268 , 2621704 , 24840652 , 5706936 , 35261636 , 10357170 , 5641372 , 8260848 , 6559366 ]


The handler is indeed called for each child:&gt;&gt;&gt; def all_ok(hwnd, param):... print hwnd... return True...&gt;&gt;&gt; win32gui.EnumChildWindows(parent_handle, all_ok, None)17630538129119408260536413143214356400114718889048526 handle = win 32 gui .Find Win dow(classname, title) handle = win 32 gui .GetForeground Win dow()--------------<获取所有 窗口 最上面的句 > 二.获取字句 的方法: hwnd = win 32 gui .Find Win dowEx(parent_handle, handle_... unsigned int tid = 0; HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, Find Win dowsThread, this, 0, &tid); CloseHandle(handle); Enum Win dows函数( win user.h) 通过将句 传递给每个 窗口
BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildProc(HWND hwndChild, LPARAM lParam) HWND hwnd = GetDlgItem(hwndChild,lParam); if (NULL != hwnd) CWnd* pbtn = CWnd::FromHandle(hwnd); CODPButton *pCbtn = (CODPButton *)
fff.huoqujubing() hwnd = win 32 gui .Find Win dow(None, "【魔域】") print(hwnd) controls = [] win 32 gui . EnumChildWindows (hwnd, lambda hwnd, param: param.append(hwnd), controls) for control in controls: title = win 32 gui .Get Win dowText(control) 将获取的 内容保存为TXT