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解决 : Could not find play-services-basement.aar ( com .google. android .gms:play-services-basement:15.0.1). Searched in the following locations: https://jcenter.bintray. com / com /google/ android /gms/play-services-basement/15.0.1/play-services-basement-15.0.1.aar 最近google 出现不少 问题 1、google 欧洲反垄断罚金 2、 android 系统 手机策略变革 部分goolge依赖也编译不了 ,,,,,,,,,,, 在刚接触 Android Studio的时候,这玩意整起来确实费劲,现在接触多了,感觉还好,毕竟还有一段提升的空间,以后的必然趋势,所以还是潜心下来好好搞搞。 废话少说,切入正题。 如图所示的error提示,Could not find com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :23.1.1,提示我们系统没有找到23.1.1的相应版本的包,也就是说在lib文件夹下面... ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ': app @debug/ com pileClass pat h': Could not resolve com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :28.0.0. 这个 问题 一般是找不到相关依赖导致的。 问题 出在 app 下的build gradle中指定的 android sdk的版本,找不到对应的依赖库... Error:Could not find com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :25.3.1. Required by: cashking: app :unspecified cashking: app :unspecified > cashking:pull_refresh_library:unspecifiedPlease install the Could not find com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :28.0.0-beta01. Searched in the following locations: file:/D:/ Android SDK/extras/m2repository/ com / android / support / app com pat - v7 /28.0.0-beta01/ app ... All com . android . support libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 27.1 .1, 25.3.0. Examples include com . android . support :a... 在build.gradle里面添加一段代码,注意整个项目有两个build.gradle,一个在项目根目录,另一个在 app -->build.gradle,我们需要选择的是第二个,如图:我们打开这个build.gradle,名字显示的是 app 在里面添加如下代码:// 解决 support -annotations版本冲突configurations.all {    resolutionStrate... Unable to resolve dependency for ‘: app @debug/ com pileClass pat h’: Could not resolve com . android . support : app com pat - v7 : 27.1 .1 一直以为是网络 问题 ,所以折腾了好久的代理 问题 ,就是更新不下来,偶然检查gradle配置,在这个文件 C:\Users\cc.gradle\g... Could not find com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :25.3.1. Required by: project :sample project :sample > com .yanzhenjie:permission:1.0.7 project :sample > com .yanzhenjie.alertdialog:alertdialog:1.0.1 Search in build.g gradle 问题 处理记录: Could not find com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :28.0.0-alpha3 或 org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.DefaultLenientConfiguration$ArtifactResolveException: Could not resolve all files for configuration ': app :debugRuntimeClass pat h'.... Could not find any version that matches com . android . support : app com pat - v7 :29.+. 原因1:官方自28之后就不在更新,所以没有29+的版本,所以导入依赖的时候,(至于是开发工具的哪部分负责导入依赖不清楚),找不到29版本的依赖下载,就出错。 原因2:官方后边都是 android x了,如果象用 com pileSdkVersion 29 targetSdkVersion 29那么依赖库用这个 android x,就没有 问题 ,如: impleme 1、 解决 方法 – 添加相应的库依赖即可: implementation ‘ com . android . support : app com pat - v7 : 27.1 .1’ — The End.