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  • Reduce the number of search terms. Each term you use focuses the search further.
  • Check your spelling. A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result.
  • Try substituting synonyms for your original terms. For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training"
  • Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ? If so, follow the appropriate link below to find the content you need.
  • Problem

    This technote discusses an issue with grafana pod to use the secret correctly to create the organizations from starting sequence of monitoring-grafana pod.
    When you try restarting monitoring-grafana pod Logged on ICP console and asked for the URL You excpect that grafana is available on
    however, the result : 500 Internal Server Error
  • ICP version: 3.2.0
  • Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5
  • Platform: Linux 64-Bit
  • Type of cluster: Production
  • Diagnosing The Problem

    You can use following commands to print the user/password in dashboard controller container. Replace the pod name with the real one in the command

    Lings-MBP:stable blue0$ kubectl exec -it monitoring-grafana-598ffcfd45-nsctw -c dashboard-crd-controller -n kube-system -- /bin/sh sh-4.2$ echo $PASSWORD admin sh-4.2$ echo $USER admin

    And compare the value with the ones stored in monitoring-grafana-secret, to check they are same or not.

    kubectl exec -it monitoring-grafana-598ffcfd45-nsctw -c grafana -n kube-system -- /bin/sh
    sh-4.2$ curl -kv https://$GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER:$GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD@localhost:8443
    If the above command get the 401 response, means the grafana does not use the usr/pwd in the env.
    To fix this, inside grafana container, you will need to issue the following command to specify the password of admin user.
    Please replace @PASSWORD@ with the real password you want to use
    sh-4.2$ grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password --homepath "/usr/share/grafana" @PASSWORD@
    INFO[09-18|15:18:38] Connecting to DB                         logger=sqlstore dbtype=sqlite3
    INFO[09-18|15:18:38] Starting DB migration                    logger=migrator
    Admin password changed successfully ✔