SpringDoc注解的使用,它是基于OpenAPI 3和Swagger 3的现代化解决方案,相较于旧版的Swagger2(SpringFox),SpringDoc提供了更简洁、更直观的注解方式。
用于说明或定义的标签。也可以作用于方法上 部分参数:
name:名称 description:描述
@Tag(name = "用户接口", description = "用户管理相关接口") @RestController @RequestMapping("/users") public class UserController { 2. @Hidden 某个元素(API操作、实体类属性等)是否在 API 文档中隐藏。当我们想要隐藏某些不必要的信息时,可以使用@Parameter(hidden = true)、@Operation(hidden = true)或者@Hidden注解。 3. @ApiResponse API 的响应信息。也可以作用于方法上,一般常用于方法上 部分参数: responseCode:响应的 HTTP 状态码 description:响应信息的描述 content:响应的内容 @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "查询成功", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))) @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "查询失败") @GetMapping("/users/{id}") public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { // ... 4. @Schema 用于描述实体类属性的描述、示例、验证规则等,比如 POJO 类及属性。 部分参数: name:名称 title:标题 description:描述 example:示例值 required:是否为必须 format:属性的格式。如 @Schema(format = “email”) maxLength 、 minLength:指定字符串属性的最大长度和最小长度 maximum 、 minimum:指定数值属性的最大值和最小值 pattern:指定属性的正则表达式模式 type: 数据类型(integer,long,float,double,string,byte,binary, boolean,date,dateTime,password),必须是字符串。 如 @Schema=(type=“integer”) implementation :具体的实现类,可以是类本身,也可以是父类或实现的接口。 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password; 2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Tag(name = "用户接口", description = "用户管理相关接口") @RestController @RequestMapping("/users") public class UserController {
2. @Hidden 某个元素(API操作、实体类属性等)是否在 API 文档中隐藏。当我们想要隐藏某些不必要的信息时,可以使用@Parameter(hidden = true)、@Operation(hidden = true)或者@Hidden注解。 3. @ApiResponse API 的响应信息。也可以作用于方法上,一般常用于方法上 部分参数: responseCode:响应的 HTTP 状态码 description:响应信息的描述 content:响应的内容 @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "查询成功", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))) @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "查询失败") @GetMapping("/users/{id}") public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { // ... 4. @Schema 用于描述实体类属性的描述、示例、验证规则等,比如 POJO 类及属性。 部分参数: name:名称 title:标题 description:描述 example:示例值 required:是否为必须 format:属性的格式。如 @Schema(format = “email”) maxLength 、 minLength:指定字符串属性的最大长度和最小长度 maximum 、 minimum:指定数值属性的最大值和最小值 pattern:指定属性的正则表达式模式 type: 数据类型(integer,long,float,double,string,byte,binary, boolean,date,dateTime,password),必须是字符串。 如 @Schema=(type=“integer”) implementation :具体的实现类,可以是类本身,也可以是父类或实现的接口。 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password; 2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
某个元素(API操作、实体类属性等)是否在 API 文档中隐藏。当我们想要隐藏某些不必要的信息时,可以使用@Parameter(hidden = true)、@Operation(hidden = true)或者@Hidden注解。
API 的响应信息。也可以作用于方法上,一般常用于方法上 部分参数:
responseCode:响应的 HTTP 状态码 description:响应信息的描述 content:响应的内容
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "查询成功", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))) @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "查询失败") @GetMapping("/users/{id}") public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { // ... 4. @Schema 用于描述实体类属性的描述、示例、验证规则等,比如 POJO 类及属性。 部分参数: name:名称 title:标题 description:描述 example:示例值 required:是否为必须 format:属性的格式。如 @Schema(format = “email”) maxLength 、 minLength:指定字符串属性的最大长度和最小长度 maximum 、 minimum:指定数值属性的最大值和最小值 pattern:指定属性的正则表达式模式 type: 数据类型(integer,long,float,double,string,byte,binary, boolean,date,dateTime,password),必须是字符串。 如 @Schema=(type=“integer”) implementation :具体的实现类,可以是类本身,也可以是父类或实现的接口。 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password; 2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "查询成功", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))) @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "查询失败") @GetMapping("/users/{id}") public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { // ...
4. @Schema 用于描述实体类属性的描述、示例、验证规则等,比如 POJO 类及属性。 部分参数: name:名称 title:标题 description:描述 example:示例值 required:是否为必须 format:属性的格式。如 @Schema(format = “email”) maxLength 、 minLength:指定字符串属性的最大长度和最小长度 maximum 、 minimum:指定数值属性的最大值和最小值 pattern:指定属性的正则表达式模式 type: 数据类型(integer,long,float,double,string,byte,binary, boolean,date,dateTime,password),必须是字符串。 如 @Schema=(type=“integer”) implementation :具体的实现类,可以是类本身,也可以是父类或实现的接口。 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password; 2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
用于描述实体类属性的描述、示例、验证规则等,比如 POJO 类及属性。
name:名称 title:标题 description:描述 example:示例值 required:是否为必须 format:属性的格式。如 @Schema(format = “email”) maxLength 、 minLength:指定字符串属性的最大长度和最小长度 maximum 、 minimum:指定数值属性的最大值和最小值 pattern:指定属性的正则表达式模式 type: 数据类型(integer,long,float,double,string,byte,binary, boolean,date,dateTime,password),必须是字符串。 如 @Schema=(type=“integer”) implementation :具体的实现类,可以是类本身,也可以是父类或实现的接口。
@Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password; 2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户实体类") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "long") private Long id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "long") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "password", minLength = "6", maxLength = "20") private String password;
2.2 作用于方法上 1. @Operation 描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上 部分参数: summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。 @Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
描述 API 操作的元数据信息。常用于 controller 的方法上
summary:简短描述 description :更详细的描述 hidden:是否隐藏 tags:标签,用于分组API operationId:操作的唯一标识符,建议使用唯一且具有描述性的名称 parameters:指定相关的请求参数,使用 @Parameter 注解来定义参数的详细属性。 requestBody:指定请求的内容,使用 @RequestBody 注解來指定请求的类型。 responses:指定操作的返回内容,使用 @ApiResponse 注解定义返回值的详细属性。
@Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Operation( summary = "操作摘要", description = "操作的详细描述", operationId = "operationId", tags = "tag1", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "param1", description = "参数1", required = true), @Parameter(name = "param2", description = "参数2", required = false) requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) // @Tag(name = "标签1") // @ApiResponses(value = { // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "成功", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ResponseModel.class))), // @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "錯誤", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseModel.class))) //}) public void Operation() { // 逻辑
2. @Parameter 用于描述 API 操作中的参数 部分参数: name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”) @Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
用于描述 API 操作中的参数
name : 指定的参数名 in:参数来源,可选 query、header、path 或 cookie,默认为空,表示忽略 ParameterIn.QUERY 请求参数 ParameterIn.PATH 路径参数 ParameterIn.HEADER header参数 ParameterIn.COOKIE cookie 参数 description:参数描述 required:是否必填,默认为 false schema :参数的数据类型。如 schema = @Schema(type = “string”)
@Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>(); 3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Operation(summary = "根据用户名查询用户列表") @GetMapping("/query/{username}") public List<User> queryUserByName(@Parameter(name = "username", in = ParameterIn.PATH, description = "用户名",required = true) @PathVariable("username") String userName) { return new ArrayList<>();
3. @Parameters 包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。 @Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
包含多个 @Parameter 注解,指定多个参数。
@Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer") 4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Parameters({ @Parameter( name = "param1", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string") @Parameter( name = "param2", description = "description", required = true, in = ParameterIn.QUERY, schema = @Schema(type = "integer")
4. @RequestBody @Content 内容注解。 部分参数: mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。 @Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
mediaType:内容的类型。比如:application/json schema:内容的模型定义,使用 @Schema 注解指定模型的相关信息。
@Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑 三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Operation( requestBody = @RequestBody( description = "请求描述", required = true, content = @Content( mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = RequestBodyModel.class) public void Operation() { // 逻辑
三、场景配置 3.1 类及 pojo 上 @Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password; 3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Tag(name = "用户", description = "用户交互载体") @Data public class User { @Schema(name = "用户id", type = "string") private String id; @Schema(name = "用户名", type = "string") private String name; @Schema(name = "密码", type = "string") private String password;
3.2 Controller 上 @RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id); 3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@RestController @RequestMapping("/user") @Tag(name = "用户管理", description = "用户数据增删改查") public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @GetMapping("/{id}") @Operation( summary = "根据ID,查询用户", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH) responses = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200",description = "成功",content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = @Schema(implementation = User.class))), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "错误", content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")) public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) { return userService.getUserById(id);
3.3 分页场景 @Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document
@Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = { "developers", }, parameters = { @Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") @GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" }) ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory( @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString, // 目标页数必须不是负数 @Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip, // 返回的结果数不能大于50条记录 @Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit); 之前在SpringBoot项目中一直使用的是SpringFox提供的Swagger库,上了下官网发现已经有接近两年没出新版本了!前几天升级了SpringBoot 2.6.x 版本,发现这个库的兼容性也越来越不好了,有的常用注解属性被废弃了居然都没提供替代!无意中发现了另一款Swagger库SpringDoc,试用了一下非常不错,推荐给大家! SpringDoc简介 SpringDoc是一款可以结合SpringBoot使用的API文档生成工具,基于OpenAPI 3,目前在Github上已有1.7K+. @Configuration注解是Spring框架中的一个注解,用于标识一个类是配置类。Spring框架会自动扫描并加载被@Configuration注解修饰的类,将其中的@Bean注解的方法返回的对象注册到Spring容器中,以供其他组件进行依赖注入使用。 @Configuration注解的解析过程如下: 1. Spring容器启动时,会扫描所有被@Configuration注解修饰的类。 2. 对于被@Configuration注解修饰的类,Spring会创建一个CGLIB代理对象,用于管理该配置类中的@Bean方法。 3. Spring会解析配置类中的@Bean方法,将其返回的对象注册到Spring容器中。如果@Bean方法有参数,则Spring会根据参数类型从容器中获取依赖对象,并传递给@Bean方法。 4. 被@Configuration注解修饰的类可以通过@Autowired注解或构造函数参数的方式使用其他被Spring管理的组件。 总结来说,@Configuration注解用于标识一个类是配置类,其中的@Bean注解用于定义Spring容器中的Bean对象。通过@Configuration注解和@Bean注解的配合使用,可以实现依赖注入和组件的自动化配置。 AudioCapture permission has been blocked because of a Feature Policy applied to the current document