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男,汉族, 1974 11 月生于河南虞城,博士,教授,博士生导师;西北大学城市与环境学院副院长、国家林草局陕西西安城市生态系统定位观测研究站负责人、西安生态固碳与土壤质量协同提升国际科技合作基地负责人。

联系地址:西安市长安区学府大道 1 号 西北大学城市与环境学院

邮政编码: 710127

电话: 029-88308783

Email wangj@nwu.edu.cn

2003.6 至今    西北大学城市与资源学系 / 环境科学系,讲师、副教授( 2007.5 )、教授( 2012.5

2000.9-2003.6 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验室,博士(生态学)

1997.9-2000.6 兰州大学干旱农业生态国家重点实验室,硕士(生态学),

1992.9-1996.7 兰州大学生物学系,理学学士(生态学与环境生物学)

2016.1-2016.2 澳大利亚联邦科工委组织( CSIRO )水土研究所,学术访问

2011.7-2011.12 美国农业部农业研究局北美平原农业研究实验室( USDA-ARS, NPARL ),访问学者

2009.7-2010.12 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,高级访问学者

2006.1- 2009.3 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,博士后 ( 农业资源利用 )

2004.9-2005.6 意大利 Salento 大学景观生态学实验室

1 陕西省精品资源共享课程《生态学》,主持人

2 陕西省省级双语教学示范课程《生态学》,主持人

3 陕西省省级教学团队 自然地理学 ,技术负责人

4 西北大学研究生重点课程《现代自然地理》,主持人

5 获得西北大学 2009-2010 年优秀教师称号

6 获得西北大学第八届青年教师讲课比赛二等奖

1 土壤碳氮循环与温室气体排放;

2 旱作农田生态系统水肥生产力形成机制;

3 西安城市生态系统定位观测研究。

1、 农村农业部人力资源开发中心、中国农学会 科创中国 深碳农业产业服务团专家

2、 陕西省第二届秦岭保护专家委员会委员

3、 中国林学会城市森林分会常务理事

4、 陕西省生态学会、地理学会常务理事

5、 Frontiers in Microbiology Agriculture 等期刊编委

1、 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项( 2023YFE0122900 ):旱地绿肥填闲种植系统稳产增汇技术研发, 2024-2026 ,主持

2、 国家重点研发计划子课题( 2 023 YFD1900302-03 ):北方碱性钙质土秸秆腐解剂研制与土壤碳库快速扩增技术, 2 024-2026 ,主持

3、 陕西秦岭山水林田湖草沙一体化保护与修复工程项目( XCJ-2023-76 ):秦岭北麓生态系统碳汇功能评估及提升技术模式研究, 2023.8-2024.12 ,课题负责人

4、 国家自然科学基金面上项目( 42277322 ):黄土塬区冬小麦填闲种植系统固碳稳产协同机制, 2023-2026 ,主持

5、 陕西省农业科技创新驱动项目( NYKJ-2022-XA-004 : 旱作农田秸秆覆盖固碳机理与增汇技术研发, 2022-2024 ,技术负责

6、 中国科学院 西部引进人才 项目(原百人计划), 2019-2022 ,主持

7、 陕西省农业科技创新驱动项目( NYKJ-2021-XA-005 ):旱地绿肥填闲种植系统稳产减施增益技术研发集成与示范, 2021-2023 ,主持

8、 陕西省国际科技合作与交流计划重点项目( 2020KWZ-010 ):旱作农田填闲种植系统生产力形成机制及其环境效益, 2020-2022 ,主持

9、 国家自然科学基金( 31570440 ):旱作冬小麦 - 填闲作物系统土壤水碳氮过程及其对作物产量和温室气体排放的影响, 2016-2019 ,主持

10、 陕西省国际科技合作与交流计划项目( 2015KW-026 ):旱作农田固碳减排复合管理技术研究, 2015-2016 ,主持

11、 国家自然科学基金( 31270484 ):黄土高原旱作农田净综合增温潜势对降水变化的响应机制, 2013-2016 ,主持

12、 陕西省教科文卫重点引智项目 SX201770 :旱作农田填闲种植系统关键生态过程研究, 2017.7-2017.12 ,主持

13、 陕西省教科文卫重点引智项目( 20166100047 ):人为管理措施对旱作农田固碳减排的调控机理与技术对策, 2016.7-2016.12 ,主持

14、 教育部人文社会科学项目( 12YJC840040 ):西北地区农村社会对干旱的适应对策 -- 社会 - 生态系统视角, 2012-2014 ,主持

15、 教育部科技重点项目( 209123 ):旱作农田土壤 CO 2 释放特征及调控机制, 2009-2012 ,主持

16、 国家自然科学基金项目( 30500077 ):半干旱区社会 - 生态系统对干旱的适应演化机制, 2006-2008 ,主持

17、 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(国科金生外 30610103120 ):中国西北地区社会 - 生态系统对干旱的恢复力研究, 2007 ,主持

18、 中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目( kzcx2-yw-424-1 ):旱作农田生态系统水循环与降水生产潜力的适度开发, 2007-2010 ,子课题主持

19、 陕西省自然科学基金项目( 2006D02 ):黄土高原社会 - 生态系统对干旱的适应演化机制, 2007-2008 ,主持

20、 国家林业公益性行业科研专项项目( 201304309 ):秦岭天然林对气候变化的时空响应及管理对策, 2013-2016 ,参加

21、 国家自然科学基金项目( 30700648 ),陕北沙漠化土壤驱动机制与植物的耐胁迫性研究, 2008-2010 ,参加

[1] Zhu, S., Sainju, U.M., Zhang, S., Tan, G., Wen, M., Dou, Y., Yang, R., Chen, J., Zhao, F., Wang, J.*, 2024. Cover cropping promotes soil carbon sequestration by enhancing microaggregate-protected and mineral-associated carbon. Science of The Total Environment 908, 168330.


[2] Wen, M., Yang, C., Liu, Y., Zhang, N., Liang, Y., Dou, Y., Zhao, F., Wang, J.*, 2024. Long-term fertilization differentially increased the CAZyme encoding genes responsible for soil organic matter decomposition under winter wheat on the Loess Plateau of China. Applied Soil Ecology 198, 105354.


[3] Liu, Y., Liu, R., Ghimire, R., Zhang, N., Zhou, S., Zhao, F., Wang, J.*, 2023. Linking soil phosphorus fractions to associated microbial functional profiles under crop rotation on the Loess Plateau of China. Soil and Tillage Research 233, 105809.


[4] Liang, Y., Yang, C., Sainju, U.M., Zhang, N., Zhao, F., Wang, W., Wang, J.*, 2023. Differential Responses of Soil Microbial N-Cycling Functional Genes to 35 yr Applications of Chemical Fertilizer and Organic Manure in Wheat Field Soil on Loess Plateau. Agronomy 13, 1516. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13061516

[5] Yang, C., Sainju, U.M., Li, C., Fu, X., Zhao, F., Wang, J.*, 2023. Long-Term Chemical and Organic Fertilization Differently Affect Soil Aggregates and Associated Carbon and Nitrogen in the Loess Plateau of China. Agronomy 13, 1466.


[6] Ying Dou, Mengmeng Wen, Caidi Yang, Fazhu Zhao, Chengjie Ren, Nannan Zhang, Yinyan Liang, Jun Wang*, 2023. Effects of straw and plastic film mulching on microbial functional genes involved in soil nitrogen cycling. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1205088. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1205088

[7] Zhang, N., Sainju, U.M., Zhao, F., Ghimire, R., Ren, C., Liang, Y., Yang, C., Wang, J.*, 2023. Mulching decreased the abundance of microbial functional genes in phosphorus cycling under maize. Applied Soil Ecology 187, 104833.


[8] Li, H., Liu, R., Peng, Y., Wang, X., Zhou, C., Wang, J.*, Wang, L.*, 2023. Straw Residual Retention on Wheat Photosynthetic Characteristics, Utilization of Water and Nitrogen, and Reactive Nitrogen Losses. Agronomy 13, 2988.


[9] Muhammad, I., Lv, J.*, Wang, J.*, Ahmad, S., Farooq, S., Ali, S., Zhou, X., 2022. Regulation of soil microbial community structure and biomass to mitigate soil greenhouse gas emission. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 868862.


[10] Zhou, S., Chen, L., Wang, J., He, L., Wang, J.*, Ren, C., Guo, Y., Zhao, F., 2022. Stronger microbial decay of recalcitrant carbon in tropical forests than in subtropical and temperate forest ecosystems in China. Catena 215, 106351.


[11] Adil, M., Zhang, S., Wang, J.*, Shah, A.N., Tanveer, M., Fiaz, S., 2022. Effects of fallow management practices on soil water, crop yield and water use efficiency in winter wheat monoculture system: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 13.


[12] Zhang, S., Wang, J.*, Sainju, U.M., Ghimire, R., 2022. Soil water storage, winter wheat yield, and water‐use efficiency with cover crops and nitrogen fertilization. Agronomy Journal 114, 1361-1373.


[13] Zhou, S., Wang, J.*, Chen, L., Wang, J., Zhao, F., 2022. Microbial community structure and functional genes drive soil priming effect following afforestation. Science of the Total Environment 825, 153925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153925

[14] Sainju, U.M., Ghimire, R., Wang, J., 2022. Relating soil organic carbon Fractions to crop yield and quality with covercrops. In: Lal, R. (Ed.), Soil organic matter and feeding the future. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 65-90.


[15] Wang, J., Zhang, S., Sainju, U.M., Ghimire, R., Zhao, F., 2021. A meta-analysis on cover crop impact on soil water storage, succeeding crop yield, and water-use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management 256, 107085.

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107085

[16] Wang, J., Fu, X., Ghimire, R., Sainju, U.M., Jia, Y., Zhao, F., 2021. Responses of soil bacterial community and enzyme activity to organic matter components under long-term fertilization on the Loess Plateau of China. Applied Soil Ecology 166, 103992.

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103992

[17] Raza, M.A., Gul, H., Wang, J. # , Yasin, H.S., Qin, R., Bin Khalid, M.H., Naeem, M., Feng, L.Y., Iqbal, N., Gitari, H., Ahmad, S., Battaglia, M., Ansar, M., Yang, F., Yang, W., 2021. Land productivity and water use efficiency of maize-soybean strip intercropping systems in semi-arid areas: A case study in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Journal of Cleaner Production 308, 127282.

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127282

[18] Muhammad, I., Wang, J.*, Sainju U.M., Zhang, S., Zhao, F., Khan, A., 2021. Cover cropping enhances soil microbial biomass and affects microbial community structure: A meta-analysis. Geoderma 381, 114696. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114696 ESI 1% 高被引论文和热点论文)

[19] Ghimire, R., Thapa, V.R., Acharya, P., Sainju, U.M., Wang, J., 2021. Soil indicators and management strategies for agroecosystem sustainability. Soil Science: Fundamentals to Recent Advances. Singapore: Springer., p. 127-140

[20] Ren, C., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Wang, J., Xu, M., Guo, Y., Wang, J., Han, X., Zhao, F., Yang, G., Doughty, R., 2021. Altered microbial CAZyme families indicated dead biomass decomposition following afforestation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160, 108362.

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[21] Zhou, S. Wang, J*, Zhao F.Z., 2021. Soil stoichiometry influence C, N, and P distribution in soil aggregates after afforestation. Scientia Forestalis, 49(129), e3325.


[22] Fu, X., Wang, J.*, Xie, M.Y., Zhao, F.Z., Doughty, R., 2020. Increasing temperature can modify the effect of straw mulching on soil C fractions, soil respiration, and microbial community composition. PLoS ONE 15(8), e0237245. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237245.

[23] Fu, X., Wang, J*., Sainju, U.M., Liu, W., 2019. Soil nitrogen fractions under long-term crop rotations in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil and Tillage Research 186, 42-51.


[24] Muhammad, I., Sainju, U.M., Zhao, F., Khan, A., Ghimire, R., Fu, X., Wang, J.*, 2019. Regulation of soil CO2 and N2O emissions by cover crops: A meta-analysis. Soil and Tillage Research 192, 103-112.


[25] Fu, X., Wang, J.*, Sainju, U.M., Zhao, F., Liu, W., 2019. Soil microbial community and carbon and nitrogen fractions responses to mulching under winter wheat. Applied Soil Ecology 139, 64-68.


[26] Fu, X., Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., Liu, W., Naeth, M.A., 2019. Aggregate size distribution and associated carbon and nitrogen in mulched winter wheat and spring corn. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 99, 1-13.


[27] Zhao F.Z., Bai L., Wang J.Y., Deng J., Ren C.J., Han X.H., Yang G.H., Wang J. Change in soil bacterial community during secondary succession depend on plant and soil characteristics. Catena, 2019, 173, 246-252.


[28] Zhao F.Z., Ren C.J., Han X.H., Yang G.H., Wang J., Doughty R., Wang Z.T. Trends in soil microbial communities in afforestation ecosystem modulated by aggradation phase. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 441, 167-175.


[29] Wang, J., Fu, X., Sainju, U.M., Zhao, F., 2018. Soil carbon fractions in response to straw mulching in the Loess Plateau of China. Biology and Fertility of Soils 54, 423-436.


[30] Wang, J., Fu, X., Zhao, F., Sainju, U.M., 2018. Response of soil carbon fractions and dryland maize yield to mulching. Soil Science Society of America Journal 82, 371-381.


[31] Wang, J., Ghimire, R., Fu, X., Sainju, U.M., Liu, W., 2018. Straw mulching increases precipitation storage rather than water use efficiency and dryland winter wheat yield. Agricultural Water Management 206, 95-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.05.004

[32] Muhammad, I., Khan, F.U., Khan, A., Wang, J.*, 2018. Soil fertility in response to urea and farmyard manure incorporation under different tillage systems in Peshawar, Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 20, 1539-1547.

https://doi.org/ 10.17957/ijab/15.0664

[33] Zhao F.Z., Ren C.J., Han X.H., Yang G.H., Wang J., Doughty R. 2018. Changes of soil microbial and enzyme activities are linked to soil C, N and P stoichiometry in afforested ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 427, 289-295.


[34] Zhao FZ, Fan XD, Ren CJ, Zhang L, Han XH, Yang GH, Wang J, Doughty R. Changes of the organic carbon content and stability of soil aggregates affected by soil bacterial community after afforestation. Catena, 2018, 171, 622-63.


[35] Zhao Fazhu, Ren Chenjie, Zhang Lu, Han Xinhui, Yang Gaihe, Wang Jun, 2018.Changes in soil microbial community are linked to soil carbon fractions after afforestation. European Journal of Soil Science, 69(2), 370-379.


[36] Zhao F.-Z., Ren C.-J., Shelton S., Wang Z.-T., Pang G.-W., Chen J. Wang J*., 2017. Grazing intensity influence soil microbial communities and their implications for soil respiration Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 249, 50-56.


[37] Fu, X., Wang, J*., Sainju U.M., Liu W.-Z., 2017. Soil Carbon Fractions in Response to Long-term Crop Rotations in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81, 503-513.


[38] Zhao, F.-Z., Zhang, L., Sun, J., Ren, C.-J., Han, X.-H., Yang, G.-H., Wang, J.,* 2017. Effect of soil C, N and P stoichiometry on carbon fractions after afforestation. Pedosphere, 27 (4), 705-713.

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/s1002-0160(17)60479-x

[39] Zhao F.-Z., Zhang L., Sun J., Ren C.-J., Han X.-H., Yang G.-H., Wang J., 2016. Effect of microbial C, N and P stoichiometry on soil carbon fractions under a black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia ) forest within the Central Loess Plateau of China. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80, 1520-1530.


[40] Wang, J., Liu, Q.-Q., Chen, R.-R., Liu, W.-Z., Sainju, U.M., 2015. Soil carbon dioxide emissions in response to precipitation frequency in the Loess Plateau, China. Applied Soil Ecology 96, 288-295.

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[41] Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., 2014. Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Fractions and Crop Yields Affected by Residue Placement and Crop Types. PLoS ONE 9, e105039.


[42] Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., 2014. Aggregate-Associated Carbon and Nitrogen Affected by Residue Placement, Crop Species, and Nitrogen Fertilization. Soil Science 179, 153-165.


[43] Sainju, U.M., Stevens, W.B., Caesar-TonThat, T., Liebig, M.A., Wang, J., 2014. Net Global Warming Potential and Greenhouse Gas Intensity Influenced by Irrigation, Tillage, Crop Rotation, and Nitrogen Fertilization. Journal of Environmental Quality 43, 777-788.


[44] Sainju, U.M., Barsotti, J.L., Wang, J., 2014. Net Global Warming Potential and Greenhouse Gas Intensity Affected by Cropping Sequence and Nitrogen Fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78, 248-261.


[45] Wang Jun, Liu Wen-Zhao, Dang Ting-Hui, Sainju U.M. 2013. Nitrogen Fertilization Effect on Dryland Soil Water Balance and Winter Wheat Yield in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agronomy Journal 105, 143-149.


[46] Wang J., UM Sainju, JL Barsotti. 2012. Residue Placement and Rate, Crop Species, and Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Environmental Protection, 3, 1238-1250


[47] Wang, J., Liu, W., Dang, T., 2011. Responses of soil water balance and precipitation storage efficiency to increased fertilizer application in winter wheat. Plant and Soil 347, 41-51.


[48] Wang, J., Liu, W.-Z., Mu, H.-F., Dang, T.-H., 2010. Inorganic Phosphorus Fractions and Phosphorus Availability in a Calcareous Soil Receiving 21-Year Superphosphate Application. Pedosphere 20, 304-310.


[49] Liu, W., Zhang, X.C., Dang, T., Ouyang, Z., Li, Z., Wang, J., Wang, R., Gao, C., 2010. Soil water dynamics and deep soil recharge in a record wet year in the southern Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management 97, 1133-1138.


[50] Wang, J., Li, F.-M., Jia, Y., 2006. Responses of Soil Water, Nitrogen, and Organic Matter to the Alfalfa Crop Rotation in Semiarid Loess Area of China. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 28, 117-130.

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[51] Li, F.-M., Wang, J., Xu, J.-Z., 2005. Plastic Film Mulch Effect on Spring Wheat in a Semiarid Region. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 25, 5-17.


[52] Li, F.-M., Wang, J., Xu, J.-Z., Xu, H.-L., 2004. Productivity and soil response to plastic film mulching durations for spring wheat on entisols in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Soil and Tillage Research 78, 9-20.


[53] Li, F.-M., Wang, P., Wang, J., Xu, J.-Z., 2004. Effects of irrigation before sowing and plastic film mulching on yield and water uptake of spring wheat in semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management 67, 77-88.


[54] Li Feng-Min, Jun Wang, Yu-Zhen Li, Hui-Lian Xu. 2002. Effects of Mulching Duration with Transparent Plastic Film on Yield Formation of Spring Wheat in Semiarid Area. Japanese Journal of Crop Science, 71(s1): 38-39.

[55] Li Feng-Min, Jun Wang, Yu-Zhen Li, Hui-Lian Xu. 2002. Effects of Transparent Plastic Film Mulch and Pre-Sowing on Irrigation Yield of Spring Wheat in Semiarid Loess Plateau. Japanese Journal of Crop Science, 71(s1): 40-41.

[56] 张义宁 , 王俊 *, 2023. 绿肥腐解过程及其对旱作农田土壤碳氮和玉米产量的影响 . 生态学杂志 42, 2613-2621.

[57] 邢文超 , 王俊 *, 朱少青 , 谈光野 , 温萌萌 , 豆莹 , 2023. 长期秸秆和地膜覆盖对旱作冬小麦农田土壤碳组分的影响 . 干旱地区农业研究 41, 107-115.

[58] 李超 , 王俊 *, 温萌萌 , 张少宏 , 邢文超 , 付鑫 , 2023. 绿肥填闲种植对旱作冬小麦农田土壤团聚体有机碳含量的影响 . 干旱地区农业研究 41, 210-217.

[59] 周莎 , 马寰菲 , 王洁莹 , 任成杰 , 郭垚鑫 , 王俊 *, 赵发珠 , 2022. 我国森林土壤微生物生物量碳的纬度分布特征及影响因子 . 林业科学 58, 49-57.

[60] 张少宏 , 王俊 , 方震文 , 付鑫 , 2022. 冬季绿肥对黄土高原旱作春玉米农田土壤温室气体排放的影响 . 环境科学 43, 4848-4857.

[61] 张少宏 , 王俊 * , Ghimire, R., 邢文超 , 胡映明 , 张南南 , 2021. 黄土高原绿肥填闲种植的水分与产量效应: Meta 分析 . 中国生态农业学报 29, 1879-1892.

[62] 杨超 , 付鑫 , 刘文清 , 王俊 * , 2021. 补施氮肥对秸秆覆盖条件下旱作冬小麦光合特性及产量形成的影响 . 生态学杂志 40, 1012-1021.

[63] 张少宏 , 付鑫 , Muhammad, I., 刘文清 , 王俊 *, 2020. 秸秆和地膜覆盖对黄土高原旱作小麦田土壤团聚体氮组分的影响 . 水土保持学报 34, 236-241,248.

[64] 袁胜南 , 商雨晴 , 王俊 *, 2020. 不同温度下添加绿肥对旱作农田土壤有机碳矿化的影响 . 干旱地区农业研究 38, 45-550.

[65] 王俊 , 刘文清 , 2020. 旱作农田绿肥填闲种植系统中的生态权衡问题 . 西北大学学报(自然科学版) 50, 695-702.

[66] 商雨晴 , 解梦怡 , 王俊 *, 张少宏 , 2020. 不同覆盖措施下旱作玉米田土壤呼吸对氮添加的响应 . 西北大学学报(自然科学版) 50, 711-719.

[67] 解梦怡 , 商雨晴 , 赵发珠 , 王俊 *, 2020. 不同覆盖方式下旱作玉米田土壤呼吸对温度变化的响应 . 应用生态学报 31, 467-473.

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