class Structural { def open()=print("A class instance Opened") }
object Structural__Type {
def main(args: Array[String]){
init(new { def open()=println("Opened") }) //创建了一个匿名对象,实现open方法
type X = { def open():Unit } //将右边的表达式命名为一个别名
def init(res:X) = res.open
init(new { def open()=println("Opened again") })
object A { def open() {println("A single object Opened")} } //创建的单例对象里面也必须实现open方法
val structural = new Structural
def init( res: {def open():Unit} ) { //要求传进来的res对象具有open方法,不限制类型
trait Compound_Type1;
trait Compound_Type2;
class Compound_Type extends Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2
object Compound_Type {
def compound_Type(x: Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2) = {println("Compound Type in global method")} //限制参数x即是Type1的类型,也是Type2的类型
def main(args: Array[String]) {
compound_Type(new Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2) //匿名方式,结果:Compound Type in global method
object compound_Type_oject extends Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 //object继承方式,trait混入object对象中
compound_Type(compound_Type_oject) //结果都一样,Compound Type in global method
type compound_Type_Alias = Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 //定义一个type别名
def compound_Type_Local(x:compound_Type_Alias) = println("Compound Type in local method") //使用type别名进行限制
val compound_Type_Class = new Compound_Type
compound_Type_Local(compound_Type_Class) //结果:Compound Type in local method