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教育经历: 2008/9-2013/9 华南理工大学,化学与化工学院,化学工程专业,获工学博士学位。 2011/9-2012/9 美国西北大学,化工系,化学工程专业,联合培养博士生 2004/9-2008/6 华南理工大学,化学与化工学院,化学工程与工艺专业,获工学学士学位。 工作经历: 2018/2-至今 任广州大学化学化工学院化工系专任教师,硕士生导师,从事教学和科学研究。 2013/9-2018/2 分别在华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室和新加坡国立大学工程学院化工系从事博士后研究。

Zhiwei Qiao, High-throughput computational screening of metal-organic framework membranes for upgrading of natural gas, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 551: 47-54. (SCI,IF= 6.578,Q1区,top期刊) Zhiwei Qiao, Qisong Xu, Anthony K. Cheetham, Jianwen Jiang*. High-Throughput Computational Screening of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Thiol Capture; Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121: 22208-22215. (SCI,IF= 4.484,Q1区,top期刊) Yongwei Chen, Zhiwei Qiao (共同一作), Daofei Lv, Houxiao Wu, Renfeng Shi, Qibin Xia*, Haihui Wang, Jian Zhou*, Zhong Li, Selective Adsorption of Light Alkanes on a Highly Robust Indium Based Metal-organic Framework, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56: 4488-4495. (SCI,IF= 3.141,Q1区,top期刊,化工三大期刊) Zhiwei Qiao, Chunwang Peng, Jian Zhou, Jianwen Jiang*, High-throughput computational screening of 137953 metal–organic frameworks for membrane separation of CO2/N2/CH4 mixture, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4: 15904-15912. (SCI,IF= 9.931,Q1区,top期刊) (封面论文) Zhiwei Qiao, Kang Zhang, Jianwen Jiang*, In silico screening of 4764 computation-ready, experimental metal–organic frameworks for CO2 separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(6): 2105-2114. (SCI,IF= 9.931,Q1区,top期刊) (封面论文) Zhiwei Qiao, Nanyi Wang, Jianwen Jiang, Jian Zhou*, Design of amine functionalized metal-organic frameworks for CO2 separation: the more amine, the better?, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(5): 974-977. (SCI,IF= 6.290,Q1区,top期刊) Zhiwei Qiao, Ariana Torres-Knoop, David Dubbeldam, David Fairen Jimenez, Jian Zhou*, Randall Q. Snurr*, Advanced Monte Carlo simulations of the adsorption of chiral alcohols in a homochiral metal-organic framework, AIChE Journal, 2014, 60(6): 2324-2334. (SCI,IF= 3.326,Q1区,化工三大期刊) Zhiwei Qiao, Jian Zhou*, Xiaohua Lu, Designing new amine functionalized metal-organic frameworks for carbon dioxide/methane separation, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 362(1): 342-348. (SCI,IF= 2.197,Q1区) Zhiwei Qiao, Haijun Feng, Jian Zhou*, Molecular dynamics simulations on the melting of gold nanoparticles, Phase Transitions, 2014, 87(1): 59-70. (SCI) 乔智威,李理波,周健*,生物相容性金属-有机骨架材料负载药物的分子模拟研究,高等学校化学学报,2014,35(12):2638 ~ 2644. (SCI) (封面论文) 乔智威,杨仁党,王海辉,周健*,面向生物甲烷分离的不同金属配位金属-有机骨架材料的分子设计,化工学报,2014,65(5):1729 ~ 1735. (EI) 乔智威,任树化,周健*,H2S/N2混合物在碳纳米管中吸附分离的分子模拟,高等学校化学学报,2012,33(4):800 ~ 805. (SCI) Zhiwei Qiao, Yili Wu, Xiaowei Li, Jian Zhou*, Molecular simulation on the separation of water/ethanol azeotropic mixture by poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2011, 302(1-2): 14-20. (SCI,IF= 2.197,Q1区)