学院汇聚国际创新力量和资源,组建了一支由 IEEE Fellow、IFAC Fellow 领衔的高水平国际学术队伍。在此基础上,获批国家自然基金委国际交流(合作)重点项目4项,并获批教育部“111”创新引智基地。通过引智计划、中国模型预测控制学校等方式邀请有国际影响力的海外知名学者来访,开展高水平的合作研究和学术交流。
学院依托强大的海外学术合作团队,联合培养国际化人才,建立多个国际联合学术机构,如中日远程科学研究与教育联合实验室、SMC 北京理工大学气动技术中心和北理工-普林斯顿汽车主动安全联合实验室,形成对人才培养、科学研究、学科发展的多维度支撑。
此外,学院创办国际学术期刊《Unmanned Systems》并入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划。近年来成功举办10余次国际学术会议和研讨会,极大地推动了相关研究领域的发展,有效提升学科的国际学术影响力。
自动化学院学生创新创业工作屡创佳绩、硕果累累, 已经成为学院一张闪亮名片。
为进一步加强高水平师资队伍建设,提升学科影响力,学院还聘请了国内外高水平的专家、教授为我校的名誉教授、客座教授和顾问教授,共计25人。积极引进外籍教师,不断扩大对外合作,拓展前沿新兴交叉领域研究,引进全职外籍教师广田薰教授、Sasa Rakovic教授、马中静副教授,其中广田薰教授荣获2019年度“中国政府友谊奖”,Sasa Rakovic教授入选2020年北京市外籍高层次人才资助计划。
学院本科毕业生就业率高于98%。近三年,本科生继续深造率65%-70%。本科生国内深造主要是本校本专业(一流大学一流学科),除此之外还有前往清华大学、北京大学、中科院等双一流学校或研究所相关专业;国外深造去向主要有美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)、英国帝国理工学院(Imperial college london)、瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)、新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)等国际一流名校的电子工程、计算机科学、机器人等专业。
School of Automation has now about 126 faculty members, including 25 professors and 55 associate professors. Over 70% of the faculty members have PhD degrees, including one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, two Yangtze River Distinguished Professors, two professors received National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, one professor received the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, one member of The State Department discipline review group, ten professors appointed in the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Chinese Universities, two professors with Millions of Talents Project in the New Century by National Ministry of Personnel, two middle-aged and young experts with outstanding contributions to Technology and Industry for National Defence, and two distinguished professors of Beijing. School of Automation has one research group supported by supported by the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and two research groups supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in Universities.
School of Automation has now about 1000 undergraduate students, over 350 Master students and nearly 160 PhD students. Every year the School of Automation undertakes 50 national scientific research projects, including “973” and “863” projects, grants from the National Nature Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Development, National Defence Pre-research, National Defence Foundation, and High-tech Project and Model Development etc. Every year, the school receives about 80 million RMB research grants, publishes over 200 papers, files over 15 invention patent applications. In the last three years the school has received three National Progress Awards, 17 Provincial awards and published 10 textbooks and monographs (two of which are in English). The Post-doctoral research station of “Control Science and Engineering” was established in 1998, and was entitled to be first-level discipline authorized to offer doctorate degree. The second-level disciplines under the first-level discipline are Control Science and Control Engineering, Navigation Guidance and Control, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Systems Engineering, and Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment. “Control Science and Control Engineering” was honored as a National Key Discipline in 2001. “Pattern Recognition and Intellectual Control” was honored as a State Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Industry Key Discipline in 2002. In 2007, “Control Science and Control Engineering” was honored as a National Key Disciplines again, and “Navigation Guidance and Control” was honored as a National Key Cultivating Disciplines. “Control Science and Engineering” was honored as a Key First- Level Discipline of Beijing in 2008, and was among the top ten in National discipline assessment in 2002 and 2006.
School of Automation has two majors for undergraduate education, “Electrical Engineering and Automation” and “Automation” (which is a famous major of university), and the two majors are collobaration partners in the National Electrical and Electronic Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. In term of laboratory construction, School of Automation currently has some high-level labortaries, including “Intelligent control and decision of complex system” which is the state key laboratory, “Navigation guidance and control center” which is the Engineering Centre of ministry of education and the Base of State Key Laboratory Cultivation, and “Automatic control system lab” which is the Key Lab of Beijing,. School of Automation has developed cooperation programs with over ten universities, research institutes and enterprises of American, Germany, Japan, England, Russia, Australia, and Pakistan etc in academic exchange, personnel training, scientific research and so on. In recent years, School of Automation has undertaken the second and the third stage of “Project 211”, the first, the second, and the third stage of “Project 985”. The scientific environment, experimental conditions, quality of personnel training and academic level have been significantly improved.