1. 2010/09-2015/06,河北工业大学,材料科学与工程专业,硕博连读,工学博士学位
2. 2006/09-2010/06,邢台学院,物理学专业,本科,理学学士学位
1. 2021/07-今,天津大学,理学院物理系,高级工程师
2. 2015/07-2021/06,天津大学,理学院物理系,工程师
1. 2021/12-2022/11,新加坡科技与设计大学,科学、数学和技术学院,访问学者
长期从事新型磁性功能材料及其相关自旋电子器件的设计方面的研究工作,主要研究材料的电子结构、磁性和输运特性等物性,揭示调控材料各种物性的物理机制,为在自旋电子学器件中的应用提供理论依据。主持完成国家自然科学基金和天津市自然科学基金各1项,参与国家自然科学基金3项,作为合作单位负责人参与完成天津市自然科学基金1项。在Applied Physics Letters、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Alloys and Compounds等期刊发表学术论文40余篇;多次参加国内外学术会议,邀请报告1次、口头报告2次;第一/通讯作者发表教学论文8篇;主编《近代物理学实验》教材1部,参编《大学物理实验》教材1部;主持教改项目4项;指导本科生获全国大学生物理实验竞赛二等奖4项;指导市级大学生创新训练计划2项。
《近代物理学实验》, 天津大学出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5618-6683-2,2020年5月,第三主编
Yuan Liu, Li Huang, Liying Wang*. Large Magnetoresistance and Spin-polarized Photocurrent in Mn2.25Co0.75Ga0.5Sn0.5/MgO/Mn2.25Co0.75Ga0.5Sn0.5 Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Computational Materials Science, 2023, 221: 112086
Li Huang, Jiaojiao Zhu, Weikang Wu, Jin Cao, Zeying Zhang, Yalong Jiao, YuanLiu, LiyingWang* and Shengyuan A. Yang. Antiferromagnetic Nodal loop and Strain-controllable Magnetic Phase Transition in Monolayer MnAl, Appllied Physics Letters, 2022, 121: 213101
YuanLiu, Li Huang, Hongshuang Liu, Liying Wang*.Theoretical Scheme of the Nonvolatile Strain Switchable High/low Resistance Based on the Novel Strain-tunable Magnetic Anisotropy in Mn2.25Co0.75Ga0.5Sn0.5/MgO Superlattice, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24:7826-7835
YuanLiu, Liying Wang*. Effects of Interfacial Termination, Oxidation, and FilmThickness on the Magnetic Anisotropy in Mn2.25Co0.75Ga0.5Sn0.5/MgO Heterostructures, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13:47293-47301
YueWang, Yuan Liu, Haolei Cheng and Liying Wang*,First-Principles Investigation of Ti2.25Co0.75Si and Ti2.25Co0.75Si0.5X0.5(X = As and Sb) Heusler Alloys: Spin-Polarized Electronic, Magnetic, andMechanical Properties, Journal ofSuperconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2021, 34: 285-294
YueWang, Liying Wang*, Wenbo Mi, Highly Spin-polarized ElectronicStructure and Magnetic Properties of Mn2.25Co0.75Al1-xGexHeusler Alloys: First-principles Calculations, RSC Advances, 10, 2020, 22556-22569
王悦,王立英*,陈红建. MXenes结构Mo2C,Zn2N和Pb2C的第一性原理研究,功能材料,2019,11(50):11057
LiefengFeng, Jiannan Ma, Yue Yang, Tingting Lin, Liying Wang*, TheElectronic, Magnetic, Half-Metallic and Mechanical Properties of the EquiatomicQuaternary Heusler Compounds FeRhCrSi and FePdCrSi: A First-Principles Study, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018, 8: 2370
JiannanMa, Liefeng Feng, Ruikang Guo, Yi Liao, Rabah Khenata, Guodong Liu, LiyingWang*. New Half-Metallic Materials: FeRuCrP and FeRhCrP Quaternary Heusler Compounds, Materials,2017, 10: 1367
JiangtaoDu, Liefeng Feng, Xiaotian Wang, Jingjin Liu, Zhu Qin, J.T. Yang, LiyingWang*. Half-Metallicity of the Fe-based Single Atomic Chainsin CoFeTiAl Quaternary Semiconductor, Journalof Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2017, 30(3): 597-602
JiangtaoDu, Liefeng Feng, Xiaotian Wang, Zhu Qin, Zhenxiang Cheng, Liying Wang*. NovelBipolar Magnetic Semiconducting and Fully Compensated Ferrimagnetic SemiconductingCharacters in Newly Designed LiMgPdSn-type Compounds: KCaCX (X =O, S, and Se), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,710: 1-7
JiangtaoDu, Shengjie Dong, Xiaotian Wang, Hui Zhao, Liying Wang*,Liefeng Feng*. First-principles Study on the Half-metallicProperties of the d0 Quaternary Heusler Compounds: KCaCBr and KCaCI, AIP Advances, 2016, 6(10):105308
Liying Wang, Xiaotian Wang, Lei Chen, Yan Zhang, Qiuli Xia, Guodong Liu*. The Synthesis and Martensitic Transformation of the Co2TiSb1-xSnx (x = 0,0.25, 0.5) Heusler Alloys, Journal of Superconductivityand Novel Magnetism, 2016, 29(4): 995-1000
Liying Wang, Xiaotian Wang, Ruikang Guo, Tingting Lin, Guodong Liu*, Electronicand Magnetic Properties of Cr-Mn-Ni-Al Compound with LiMgPdSb-type Structure, Solid State Communications, 2016, 244: 38-42
Liying Wang, Xuefang Dai, Xiaotian Wang, Yong Li, Zhimin Wu, Yuting Cui, GuodongLiu*. Highly-spin-polarized Interface in CoTiSb/Fe(Mn)/CoTiSb Superlattice,Superlattices and Microstructures,2015, 86: 493-500
Liying Wang, Xuefang Dai, Xiaotian Wang, Pengpeng Li, Enke Liu, Wenhong Wang, GuanghengWu, Guodong Liu*. Antisite-induced Half-metallicity and Ferrimagnetismby Co-Mn Antisites in The Co-Mn-V-Al Compound with LiMgPdSb Prototype Structure,Materials Research Express, 2015, 2:106101
Liying Wang, Xuefang Dai, Xiaotian Wang, Tingting Lin, Lei Chen, Ran Liu, YutingCui and Guodong Liu*. Electronic Structure and Magnetism of The Co2TiSb1-xSnx (x=0, 0.25,0.5) Heusler Alloys: A Theoretical Study of The Shape Memory Behavior. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24: 126201
Liying Wang,Xuefang. Dai , Xiaotian. Wang, Pengpeng Li, Qiuli. Xia, Yan Zhang, Yuting Cuiand Guodong Liu*. Single Spin Channels in Fe-doped CoTiSb Semiconductor,Superlattices and Microstructures, 2015,83: 261
Liying Wang, Xuefang Dai, Xiaotian Wang, Xifeng Liu, Pengpeng Li, Yuting Cui, Enke Liu, Wenhong Wang, Guangheng Wu,Guodong Liu. The Realization of Ferro-ferrimagnetic Transition andHalf-metallicity in Half-Heusler CoMnGa Alloy, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105: 212403