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根据教育部及山东大学学籍管理规定中有关退学处理意见,依《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部第 41 号令)第三章第三十条和《山东大学研究生学籍管理规定(修订)》第四十三条,经导师同意、学院党政联席会研究,拟对超过学校规定期限未注册、未履行暂缓注册且无正当事由的两名外籍博士和 名外籍硕士(学生名单见附件)予以退学处理。

鉴于无法通过邮件、电话、微信等方式 联系到学生 ,按照教育部第 41 号令要求,现决定采用 公示 方式送达 退学 处理 决定。公示期 9 0 天,自北京时间 2023 8 23 起至 2023 11 20 止,公示期满视为送达本人, 退学 处理 决定自送达之日起生效。

根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部第 41 号令)第六章第六十条,学生对本处理决定有异议的,可 公示期 10 日内 实名发送邮件至 jxyjs@sdu.edu.cn 进行陈述申辩。


2023 8 23

公示邮箱: jxyjs@sdu.edu.cn

电话: 0531-88392118

Public Announcement Regarding Intended Dismissal of Five Graduate Students

According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of P.R. China and Shandong University (SDU) on dismissing students, specifically, Article 30 of Chapter 3 of the “ Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education ” (No. 41 Order of the Ministry of Education ), and Article 43 of “Administrative Regulations of Graduate Students in Shandong University (Revised),” with the consent of supervisors and Party-Government Joint Meeting [1], School of Mechanical Engineering has made the decision to dismi ss five foreign graduate students including two doctoral students and three master’s students (see the attachment for the list of students). The reason for dismissal is that these students have failed to register before the deadline set by SDU and have not followed the procedures for delayed registration without legitimate reasons.

[1] Party-Government Joint Meeting: a meeting where the leadership team of the school/college discusses and decides on important matters concerning the school/college.

Despite multiple attempts to contact the students via email, phone, WeChat, and other means, the School has been unable to establish communication. Therefore, per the requirements of Order No. 41, we are publishing this announcement to ensure that the students are aware of the decision. The announcement will be valid for 90 days, from August 23 to November 20 , 2023 (Beijing time); after which the students will be considered to have acknowledged the decision and the intended dismissal will take effect.

Under Article 60 of Chapter 6 of the “ Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education ” (No. 41 Order of the Ministry of Education ), if any of the affected student s wish to express their views and defend themselves, they may submit a written appeal that includes his/her full name to jxyjs@sdu.edu.cn within 10 days after the expiration of this announcement.

School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University August 23, 2023

Email: jxyjs@sdu.edu.cn

Tel: 0531-88392118