
1 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目( No. BK20201310 含氮有机污染物生物强化降解过程中菌群功能基因及作用机制 , 2020 7 -2023 6

2 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金( No. 51508275 环状硝基污染物生物强化电化学降解机制与功能菌群全息解析 , 2016 1 -2018 12

3 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金( No. 51348007 完全生物调控、面向极端条件运行的微生物燃料电池构建及对环状硝基污染物降解效能 , 2014 1 -2014 12

4 教育部博士点新教师类专项科研基金( No.20133219120018 )“基于微生物调控、面向极端条件运行的微生物燃料电池构建” , 2014 1 -2016 12

5 中国博士后科学基金一等资助( No. 2014M560426 )“生物电化学系统中电极微生物协同强化降解硝基酚机制” , 2014 9 -2015 12

6 江苏省博士后基金( No. 1302100C )“微生物燃料电池中阳极、阴极菌群协同降解硝基酚效能” , 2014 1 -2015 6

7 南京理工大学自主科研专项计划( No. 30920140122008 )“化工污染物减量与综合利用” , 2014 1 -2015 12

8 化工污染控制与资源化江苏省高校重点实验室开放基金项目( No.30920130122007-001 )“面向极端条件运行的微生物燃料电池阳极优势菌群研究 , 2013 1 -2014 12

1 Jianjun Luo,YuxiXu, JingWang, Libin Zhang* , XinbaiJiang, JinyouShen. Coupled biodegradation of p-nitrophenol and p-aminophenol in bioelectrochemical system: Mechanism and microbial functional diversity. Journal of Environmental Sciences , 2021, 108: 134-144.

2 Jing Wang, Xiaolin Liu, Xinbai Jiang, Libin Zhang* , Cheng Hou, Guanyong Su, Lianjun Wang, Yang Mu, Jinyou Shen*. Nitrate stimulation of N-Methylpyrrolidone biodegradation by Paracoccus pantotrophus: Metabolite mechanism and Genomic characterization. Bioresource Technology , 2019, 294:122185.

3 Libin Zhang , Hongling Zhang, Xinbai Jiang, Yuxi Xu, Yang Li, Yuzhe Chen, Jinyou Shen, Xiaodong Liu, Lianjun Wang. Degradation of p -nitrophenol by coupled cathodic reduction and anodic oxidation in a self-powered bioelectrochemical system and analysis of microbial community. Desalination and Water Treatment , 2018, 132:179-187.

4 Libin Zhang , Xinbai Jiang, Jinyou Shen, Kaichun Xu, Jiansheng Li, Xiuyun Sun, Weiqing Han, Lianjun Wang. Enhanced bioelectrochemical reduction of p -nitrophenols in cathode of self-driven microbial fuel cells. RSC Advances , 2016, 6(35): 29072-29079.

5 Libin Zhang , Jinyou Shen, Lianjun Wang, Lili Ding, Ke Xu, Hongqiang Ren. Stable Operation of Microbial Fuel Cells at Low Temperatures (5~10°C) with light-exposure and Its Anodic Microbial Analysis. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering , 2014, 37: 819-827.

6 Libin Zhang , Chao Li, Lili Ding, Ke Xu, Hongqiang Ren. Influences of Initial pH on Performance and Anodic Microbes of Fed-batch Microbial Fuel Cells. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology , 2011, 86:1226-1232.

7 Libin Zhang , Lili Ding, Chao Li, Ke Xu, Hongqiang Ren. Effects of Electrolyte Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) on Performance and Anodic Microbes of Microbial Fuel Cells. African Journal of Biotechnology , 2011, 10(74): 16909-16914.

8 Chao Li, Libin Zhang , Lili Ding, Hongqiang Ren, Hao Cui. Effect of Conductive Polymers Coated Anode on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) and Its Biodiversity Analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics , 2011, 26: 4169-4176.

9 Li Cha o, Zhang Libin , Xu Ming , Ding Lili, Xu Ke, Ren Hongqi a ng. Influence of Coulombic Efficiency in Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell by Temperature and Baffle-microfiltration Membrane Barrier. Asian Journal of Chemistry , 2013, 25(8): 4165-4170.

10 Chao Li, Hao Cui, Lili Ding, Libin Zhang , Ke Xu, Hongqiang Ren. Application of Conductivepolymers in Biocathode of Microbial Fuel Cells and Microbial Community. Bioresource Technology , 2012, 116: 459-465.

11 张丽彬 , 江心白, 迟强, 孙秀云, 沈锦优. 2021. 环境类科研平台与学生培养的多元映射. 大学教育 , 2021(01): 66-68.

12 徐钰茜, 华琮歆, 徐小朋, 张丽彬 * , 沈锦优, 王连军. 2019. 对硝基苯酚生物电化学还原过程及优势菌群生物群落分析. 环境污染与防治 , 41:1177-1181.

13 张丽彬 ,李超,丁丽丽,任洪强. 2010. 温度、pH值对微生物燃料电池产电的影响. 环境污染与防治 , 32(4): 62-66.

14 张丽彬 , 王启山, 丁丽丽等. 2009. 富营养化水体中浮游动物对藻类的控制作用 . 生态环境学报 , 18(1):64-67.

15 张丽彬 , 王启山, 徐新惠等. 2008. 乙醇法测定浮游植物叶绿素a 含量的讨论 . 中国环境监测 , 24(6):9-10.

16 张丽彬 , 王金鑫, 王启山等. 2007. 浮游动物在生物操纵法除藻中的作用研究 . 生态环境 , 16(6): 1648-1653.

1 一种完全生物调控的硝基酚强化电化学降解方法 . 张丽彬 ,王连军,华琮歆,沈锦优,李健生,孙秀云,韩卫清,刘晓东 . 2018. 授权号 : ZL201410745666.X.

2 一种藻类阴极双室微生物燃料电池及其应用 . 丁丽丽, 张丽彬 ,符波,任洪强 . 2010. 公开号 : CN101764241A.

3 鲢鱼和三角蚌联合控藻方法 . 王启山 , 王嵩 , 张丽彬 , 王金鑫 . 2008. 公开号 : CN101186391.




Environmental Biotechnology (留学生)