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Contact the database administrator to examine the reason code and increase the appropriate cost threshold accordingly.
The user has cancelled the query submission. No query was submitted.
The user has chosen to run the query in the background.
The query has been put in held state by Query Patroller.
Contact the database administrator to have the query released.
Correct the value of the DB2 registry variable registry-variable with the db2set command and resubmit the query.
An error was encountered while trying to cancel a job. The reason code maps to an SQL or DB2 message.
Examine the reason code, correct the error, and retry the action again.
The user has cancelled the query.
An error has occurred during internal processing.
Contact IBM Support and provide the db2diag log file and the qpdiag.log file.
The user user-ID is suspended from submitting a query to the database.
Contact the database administrator to have the user's submitter profile reactivated.
A system error occurred that prevented successful processing of the current environment command or SQL statement. This message (SQLCODE) is produced at statement compilation or execution time.
The command or statement cannot be processed. The current transaction is not rolled back and the application remains connected to the remote database.
Record the message number and the reason code. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
The statement cannot be executed as chained.
The statement must be sent again as a separate request.
sqlcode : -30002sqlstate : 57057
The current SQL statement failed because the SQL statement was routed to a server that does not support the requested function. The error was such that it will not preclude the successful execution of further SQL statements.
The statement cannot be executed. The SQLCA is formatted.
Notify the DBA for assistance in analyzing the SQL statement that prompted this SQL code.
location identifies the name of the server that could not support the required database protocols to perform the requested function. The product identifier is in the form <pppvvrrm>. It is an eight-byte field with alphanumeric characters, and identifies the product that could not support the function. ppp identifies the specific database product. vv identifies the product version. rr identifies the product release. m identifies the product modification level.
sqlcode : -30005
sqlstate : 56072
The command or statement cannot be processed. The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
Some possible reason codes include:
Indicates that the user is not authorized to perform the requested command.
The DRDA data stream for the request contains a syntax error.
The command could not be completed because of a permanent error. In most cases, the server will be in the process of an abend.
A command sent from the client has resulted in an unarchitected and implementation specific condition on the remote server for which there is no architected message to return to the client.
If the remote server is DB2 UDB for OS/390,zOS then check the console log for information about this error.
If the remote server is DB2 UDB for iSeries, the job log of the server job, and/or a first failure data capture (FFDC) spooled file is usually necessary to determine the cause of the error.
If the remote server is DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, then check the remote database server's administration notification log for information regarding this error.
The target server has received an invalid data description. If a user SQLDA is specified, ensure that the fields are initialized correctly. Also, ensure that the length does not exceed the maximum allowed length for the data type being used.
If you are using the DB2 Connect product in a gateway server environment with downlevel clients, this error may occur if your application's host variables and the queried table's column descriptions do not match.
If you are unable to resolve the problem (or if you have received reason codes not explained in this message), refer your DBA to the following instructions:
A system error occurred that prevented successful connection of the application to the remote database. This message (SQLCODE) is produced for SQL CONNECT statement. manager and level are numeric values that identify the incompatibility between the client and the server.
The command cannot be processed.
Record the message number, the manager , and level values. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database again.
The application cannot process the command or SQL statement because the specified resource has run out. The current transaction is not rolled back and the application remains connected to the remote database.
The command cannot be processed.
Increase the size of the specified resource and resubmit the command.
sqlcode : -30040sqlstate : 57012
The application cannot process the command or SQL statement because resources are not available at the remote database. This SQLCODE is produced at statement compilation or processing time.
Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.
If the resource-name is "Encrypt" or "Decrypt", the user exits for password encryption or decryption are unavailable or had an error.
The command or statement cannot be processed.
Investigate the remote database system environment.
Federated system users:
If using a user-supplied user exit, check the user exit source code to determine why the reason was returned. If the error is found in the user exit source code, fix the error, link-edit the object code with the federated server, and reissue the failing command or statement.
sqlcode : -30041
sqlstate : 57013
An application attempted to issue a command or SQL statement that is not valid while a precompile/bind operation is in progress. <number> is a numeric value that identifies the erroneous command or SQL statement.
The command or statement is not processed.
If the application is not the database manager precompiler/binder, verify that bind is not active before issuing the command or SQL statement.
If the application is the database manager precompiler/binder, record the message number (SQLCODE) and the <number> value. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to perform the bind operation again.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
An attempt has been made to issue a precompile/bind operation when precompile/bind is not active or an attempt was made to use an invalid package name and/or consistency token during an active precompile/bind operation.
The command or statement cannot be processed.
If the application is not the database manager precompiler/binder, verify that precompile/bind is active before issuing the bind operation and that correct information is being passed on the bind operation.
If the application is the database manager precompiler/binder, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to perform the operation again.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The SQL statement being compiled is not recognized by the precompiler and cannot be processed by the database.
The statement cannot be processed.
Ensure that the statement is correct and attempt to perform the operation again. If the problem continues, remove the statement from the program.
sqlcode : -30052sqlstate : 42932
The value specified for the OWNER option on the precompile/bind failed the authorization check at the remote database. This SQLCODE is produced during precompile/bind. It is not produced by the database manager precompiler/binder.
The precompile/bind operation cannot be processed.
Ensure that you are authorized to use the ID specified for the OWNER option, or do not use the OWNER option.
sqlcode : -30053sqlstate : 42506
Authorization ID <authorization-ID> attempted to perform the specified <operation> without having been granted the proper authorization to do so. This SQLCODE is produced at statement compilation or processing time.
The statement cannot be processed.
Ensure that the <authorization-ID> has been granted the authorization necessary to perform the desired operation.
sqlcode : -30060sqlstate : 08004
The database name is not an existing database at the remote database node.
The statement cannot be processed.
Resubmit the command with the correct database name or alias.
Federated system users: check to ensure that the entry in SYSCAT.SERVERS correctly specifies the database name of the data source.
sqlcode : -30061sqlstate : 08004
The remote database received a command that it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The statement cannot be processed.
Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the command identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The command cannot be processed.
Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the object identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues,
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The command cannot be processed.. The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the parameter identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The remote database received data it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The command cannot be processed.
Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the parameter identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues,
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The client received a reply it does not recognize. The current environment command or SQL statement cannot be processed successfully, nor can any subsequent commands or SQL statements.
The current transaction is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database. The statement cannot be processed.
Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the reply identifier. Record all error information from the SQLCA, if possible. Attempt to connect to the remote database and rerun the application.
If sufficient memory resources exist and the problem continues, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
Contact your technical service representative with the following information:
The reason-code contains the original error codes reported by Communications Manager.
For APPC error codes, the format is pppp-ssssssss-dddddddd where pppp is the primary return code, ssssssss is the secondary return code and dddddddd is the sense data. Each of these error code values is represented in hexadecimal notation. Possible primary and secondary error codes include 0003-00000004 and 0003-00000005, which indicate that a conversation with the Database Server could not be allocated. Sense data will only be displayed for an APPC ALLOCATE error.
The command cannot be processed. The connection attempted to the database is unsuccessful or the current transaction to the connected database is rolled back and the application is disconnected from the remote database.
Refer to the document IBM Communications Manager 1.0 APPC Programming Guide and Reference (SC31-6160) for explanation of the APPC primary and secondary return codes. For details of APPC sense data, refer to the IBM Communications Manager 1.0 Problem Determination Guide (SC31-6156) .
Ensure that both the database manager and Communications Manager are started at the Database Server and that all Communications Manager configuration parameters are correct.
sqlstate : 08001
An error has been detected by the communication subsystem.
The following is a description of the token values:
Communication protocol used and information that uniquely identifies the node that detected the error. If the location information is not available at the time that the error occurred, then the location token is not filled in. Valid token values are:
If protocol is MQ
If protocol is SOAP, rc1 contains the return code from the SOAP communication function.
If protocol is SSL, rc1 contains the return code from the Secure Sockets Layer (GSKit).
If protocol is SOCKS
If protocol is HTTP, rc1 contains the HTTP return code from the remote HTTP server.
Correct the problem indicated by the combination of reason code and token values returned.
sqlcode : -30081
sqlstate : 08001, 5UA0G, 5UA0H
An error occurred during security processing. The cause of the security error is described by the reason-code and corresponding reason-string value.
The following is a list of reason codes and corresponding reason strings:
The specific security error is not specified.
The password specified in the request has expired.
The password specified in the request is not valid.
The request did not include a password.
The request violated security protocols.
The request did not include a userid.
The userid specified in the request is not valid.
The userid specified in the request has been revoked.
The group specified in the request is not valid.
The userid specified in the request has been revoked in the group.
The userid specified in the request is not in the group.
The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit.
The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit when coming from the local Logical Unit.
The userid specified in the request is not authorized to access the Transaction Program.
The installation exit failed.
Security processing at the server failed.
the password specified on a change password request did not meet the server's requirements.
the security mechanism specified by the client is invalid for this server. Some typical examples:
The username specified, password specified, or both, are invalid. Some specific causes are:
The server security plugin encountered an unexpected error. The administration notification log file on the server contains more specific problem information. The following are examples of issues that can cause problems:
Fix the problem identified by the plugin error message text in the administration notification log.
If you are unable to correct the problem, invoke the Independent Trace Facility and retry the scenario to collect information for IBM support.
Verify that the server credential is provided during security plugin initialization and that it is in a format recognized by the security plugin. As the credential will be used to accept contexts, it must be an ACCEPT or BOTH credential.
Contact your DBA. The server's credential must be renewed before the command is resubmitted. If renewing alters the credential handle, then a db2stop and db2start will be necessary. For information on how to renew your server's credential, consult the documentation available for the authentication mechanism used by the security plugin.
Resubmit the statement. If the problem still exists, then verify that the client security plugin is generating a valid security token.
Check the administration notification log file for the name of the required missing API. Add the missing API to the security plugin.
Specify the right type of security plugin in the appropriate database manager configuration parameter. For example, do not specify a userid-password based security plugin for the SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST database manager configuration parameter.
Install the matching security plugin that the database server used on the client. Ensure that the indicated security plugin is located in the client-plugin directory.
Check the administration notification log file on the client for more information. Fix the problem identified by the error message text in the administration notification log.
Specify a valid security plugin name. The name should not contain any directory path information.
Ensure that the security plugin is using a supported version of the APIs and that it is reporting a correct version number.
Check the administration notification log file on the client for more information. Fix the problem identified by the error message text in the administration notification log.
Check the administration notification log file for the principal name. Make sure the principal name is in a format that is recognized by the security plugin.
Verify that the client credential (generated by db2secGenerateInitialCred or provided as an inbound delegated credential) is in a format recognized by the security plugin. As the credential will be used to initiate contexts, it must be an INITIATE or BOTH credential.
The user issuing the statement must obtain the appropriate credentials (or re-obtain their initial credentials) and then resubmit the statement.
Resubmit the statement. If the problem still exists, then verify that the server security plugin is generating a valid security token.
Re-establish a trusted connection with valid credentials and re-submit a switch user request.
To enable local client or server authentication for non-root installations, the system administrator must run the db2rfe script. Alternatively, authentication can be done using a security plugin.
If additional explanation is required, contact your administrator for the query manager product.
sqlcode : -30082
sqlstate : 08001
The attempt to change password was rejected due to invalid or incorrect security information. The cause of the security error is described by the reason-code and corresponding reason-string values.
Ensure that the proper userid, current and new passwords are supplied.
The userid may be disabled, the userid may be restricted to accessing specific workstations, or the userid may be restricted to certain hours of operation.
The operation is invalid for the application execution environment. For example, an operation might be invalid for applications that have special restrictions on statements or APIs - applications such as those that operate in an XA Distributed Transaction Processing environment, such as CICS; those that operate with CONNECT type 2 connection settings; or those that use federated system functionality to update multiple heterogeneous data sources. The operation was rejected.
Possible reason codes are:
an SQL request that changes data (such as an INSERT or a CREATE) was issued against a read-only database; or, a stored procedure was invoked against a read-only database. Read-only databases include the following types:
Cursor hold is not supported in these environments.
An operation is not supported for pass-through.
The insert/update/delete operation requires the existence of a timestamp column and a unique index due to the restriction on thedata source .
For an update/delete operation accessing data sources:
An illegal combination of updatable cursors, cursor hold, and isolation level of Repeatable Read exists. Invalid combinations are:
An update request (or, a DDL operation that results in the update of a system catalog table) has been issued that would result in multiple data sources being updated when one or more of the data sources in the unit of work only supports one-phase commit. Possible causes are:
A federated insert, update, or delete operation, or a call to federated procedure with an SQL data access indication of MODIFIES SQL DATA is invalid in a function, a data-change-table-reference, a dynamic compound statement, a trigger, and an application execution environment where a
ensure that only one database is accessed within a unit of work for which EXEC SQL COMMIT or EXEC SQL ROLLBACK will be issued in place of syncpoint requests to an external transaction manager. If multiple databases must be accessed within the unit of work, utilize the commitment control interface provided by the external transaction manager product.
ensure that all databases being accessed within a unit of work are under the commitment control of the same type of request: external transaction processing monitor (such as CICS SYNCPOINT) or local COMMIT and ROLLBACK EXEC SQL.
do one of the following steps:
Either remove the federated insert, update or delete operation, or the call to the federated procedure with an SQL data access indication of MODIFIES SQL DATA or:
If the failing statement was CREATE TYPE MAPPING, do not resubmit the statement. If the failing statement was CREATE SERVER, examine the federation catalog for type mappings for the server type and drop these mappings. In either case, consult the data source documentation for information about types and type mappings supported by the data source.
If the failing statement was CREATE FUNCTIONMAPPING, do not resubmit the statement. If the failing statement was CREATE SERVER, examine the federation catalog for function mappings for the server type and drop these mappings. In either case, consult the data source documentation for information about functions and function mappings supported by the data source.
Ensure that the trusted userid is not switched during a transaction.
An application cannot access multiple 2-phase commit servers of this data source in the same connection. Execute the application in a different environment.
An application cannot access 1-phase commit server while a connection to 2-phase commit server is active, or vice versa. Execute the application in a different environment.
Perform the following steps:
Bind options were specified on the REBIND request however the database server does not support respecification of any bind options. The bind options specified will be ignored and the options from the original BIND request will be used.
No action is required. This is a warning situation only.
While processing the BIND or PRECOMPILE parameters, either the BIND or PRECOMPILE option or the value is not acceptable, or the option and value pair is not appropriate.
The statement cannot be processed.
Examine the command options and values to determine the error and resubmit the command.
sqlcode : -30104sqlstate : 56095
An error was detected with the input data for one row of a multiple row INSERT operation. No further rows will be inserted. For an atomic operation, all inserted rows are rolled back. For a non-atomic operation, rows inserted successfully before the row containing the invalid input data was encountered are not rolled back.
Correct the row containing the invalid input data and submit the multiple row INSERT again for the rows that did not get inserted.
sqlcode : -30106
sqlstate : 22527
You can enable database applications to continue to process transactions with minimal interruption from connection failures by using the automatic client reroute feature. This message is returned when automatic client reroute has detected a connection failure.
The value of the token reason-code indicates which special registers would be applied to the new connection:
The value of the token reason-code also indicates whether connection would be re-established within the current group or in a new group:
The value of the tokens host-name and service-name depend on the token reason-code :
The value of the token underlying-error depends on the value of the token connection-failure-code :
sqlcode : -30108
sqlstate : 08506
There was an attempt to re-establish the connection on a different database server from within the current group of servers or on a database server in an alternate group. The reason code indicates which of these applies.
A connection to the database server failed and a connection could not be re-established to an alternate server in the group as none of the available servers in the group had a release level compatible with the initial connection. The release level of the alternate server in the group to which the last connect attempt was made is not compatible with the release level of the original connection.
A connection to the database server failed and a connection could not be re-established to a server in an alternate group of servers as none of the available servers in the alternate group had a release level compatible with the initial connection. The release level of the server in the alternate group to which the last connect attempt was made is not compatible with the release level of the original server in the original group.
A software product that interacts with the database manager, but is not part of the database product, is returning information about a warning or informational situation in token-list .
Use the information in token-list along with any documentation available for the product that is returning the information to understand the situation being reported on.
sqlcode : +32765
sqlstate : (any SQLSTATE might be returned)
A software product that interacts with the database manager, but is not part of the database product, is returning information about an error situation in token-list .
Use the information in token-list along with any documentation available for the product that is returning the information to determine how to handle this error situation.
sqlcode : -32766
sqlstate : (any SQLSTATE might be returned)