I have several elements which I need to modify when the keyboard is shown or hidden. If I understand correctly, this can be done in Android 11 using SetOnApplyWindowInsetsListener . However, I am having trouble figuring out how to do this (and none of the examples are in Xamarin.Android / C#). I have looked at the following sites:


How exactly do I create the IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener ? Are there any good tutorials or examples of this in C# for Xamarin.Android? Thanks.

You could try the following way to create a class for implementing IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener :

   public class RootViewDeferringInsetsCallback : WindowInsetsAnimationCompat.Callback, IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener{  

Then, there are some methods you must implement which would be mentioned by VS:

   public override WindowInsetsCompat OnProgress(WindowInsetsCompat insets, IList<WindowInsetsAnimationCompat> runningAnimations){}  
           private View view;  
           private WindowInsetsCompat lastWindowInsets;  
           private bool deferredInsets = false;  
           public RootViewDeferringInsetsCallback(int dispatchMode) : base(dispatchMode)  
           public WindowInsetsCompat OnApplyWindowInsets(View v, WindowInsetsCompat insets)  
               view = v;  
               lastWindowInsets = insets;  
               return WindowInsetsCompat.Consumed;  

Referring to the blog you mentioned, we could know that we could use the following code to get the state of keyboard:

   bool visible = false;  
   visible = insets.IsVisible(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.Ime());  
   if (visible == true){ // do something}  

In Activity file, we could call it via:

   ViewCompat.SetOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(view, rootViewInsetsCallback);  
   ViewCompat.SetWindowInsetsAnimationCallback(view, rootViewInsetsCallback);  

Do you think the above will be useful to you?