剧情简介: 《中华赌侠》讲述了香港新崛起的小赌侠泽西(张家辉 饰)为人无厘头兼手段高强,与拜金又风骚的女友芭娜娜(钟丽缇 饰)纵横赌界,泽西自认风头无两,却被人点破他一直心仪并想超越三年前为情而消失于江湖的一代赌侠阿酷(古天乐 饰)。阿酷拥有一手飞牌绝技,与女友可人(朱茵 饰)、搭档杨光一起几乎登顶亚洲赌坛之巅,然而因为杨光的背叛,阿酷失去了一切……泽西与芭娜娜赴日本旅游,竟意外与栖身小饭店的阿酷相结识,泽西力劝阿酷回港,但后者只想守候可人无心复出。此时杨光再出毒计,逼迫阿酷出面与日本赌王铁男争夺亚洲赌王的位置,而暗地里布置了更大的陷阱……
Jersy is the self proclaimed King of Gamblers in Hong Kong. When he hears the story about his idol, Cool, disappearing for 3 years, he hopes to one day find him. His girlfriend, Banana, decides that they should go to Tokyo. The couple go and one night, go to a Chinese restaurant, where the owner turns out to be Cool. Cool was betrayed by old friend Yeung Kwong, who married Cool's girlfriend Nancy. Cool wants revenge but first, he must deal with the #1 Asian Gambler, Tetsuo.