// The physical device and the device are correct
// requirements are for a RGBA image of 1024x1024 pixels
// memory properties is just vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eDeviceLocal
void IMemoryObject::Allocate(vk::PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, vk::Device device, const vk::MemoryRequirements& requirements, vk::MemoryPropertyFlags properties)
unsigned int memoryTypeIndex = 0;
bool memoryIndexTypeFound = false;
vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties = physicalDevice.getMemoryProperties();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < memoryProperties.memoryTypeCount && !memoryIndexTypeFound; i++)
vk::MemoryType memoryType = memoryProperties.memoryTypes[i];
if (requirements.memoryTypeBits & 1 << i && (memoryType.propertyFlags & properties) == properties)
memoryTypeIndex = i;
memoryIndexTypeFound = true;
if (!memoryIndexTypeFound)
throw std::exception();
vk::ExportMemoryAllocateInfo exportAllocInfo;
vk::MemoryAllocateInfo allocateInfo;
allocateInfo.setPNext(&exportAllocInfo); // Remove this line and the allocation won't fail
deviceMemory_ = device.allocateMemoryUnique(allocateInfo);
// Call VkBindBufferMemory or VkBindImageMemory, never reached anyway when allocateInfo.pNext == &exportAllocInfo;
BindMemory(*deviceMemory_, 0);