Faiss可以处理固定维度d的向量集合,typically a few 10s to 100s。向量集合被保存在矩阵中。我们假设行主存储(例如,the j'th component of vector number i is stored in row i, column j of the matrix)。Faiss只能使用32位浮点矩阵。


  • xb 为语料, that contains all the vectors that must be indexed, and that we are going to search in. 它的大小为nb-by-d
  • xq 为查询的向量集合, for which we need to find the nearest neighbors. 大小为nq-by-d. 如果我们只有一个查询向量,那么nq=1.
  • 下面例子,我们将学习在d=64维空间中向量,是0-1均匀分布,他们的值在(0,1)范围内。为了增加娱乐性,我们在第一个向量上加个小平移。

    import numpy as np
    d = 64                           # dimension
    nb = 100000                      # database size
    nq = 10000                       # nb of queries
    np.random.seed(1234)             # make reproducible
    xb = np.random.random((nb, d)).astype('float32')
    xb[:, 0] += np.arange(nb) / 1000.
    xq = np.random.random((nq, d)).astype('float32')
    xq[:, 0] += np.arange(nq) / 1000.
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    # plt.hist(xb[6])
    # plt.show()


    Faiss始终围绕着索引对象展开的. 它封装了数据向量集合, 并且可以对他们进行预处理,以提高搜索效率. 有很多类型的索引, 我们使用最简单的一个,执行暴力L2距离搜索(brute-force L2 distance search):IndexFlatL2.



    向索引添加数据,在xb上调用add方法. 有两个索引的状态变量:

  • is_trained, 布尔型,表示是否需要训练
  • ntotal, 被索引的向量集合的大小
  • 一些索引也可以对每个向量存储整型ID(IndexFlatL2不用). 如果不提供ID,使用向量的序号作为id,例如,第一个向量为0,第二个为1……以此类推

    import faiss                   # make faiss available
    index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)   # build the index
    index.add(xb)                  # add vectors to the index

    在索引上可以执行的最基本操作是 k-nearest-neighbor search(knn), 例如,对每个向量,在数据库中查找它的 k近邻.

    结果保存在大小为 nq-by-k 的矩阵中, 其中,第i行是其向量i的近邻id, 按距离升序排序. 除了k近邻矩阵外, 还会返回一个平方距离(squared distances)的矩阵,其大小为nq-by-k的浮点矩阵。

    常用距离计算方法: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/101277851

  • 先来一个简单测试,用数据库中的小部分向量进行检索,来确保其最近邻确实是向量本身
  • 先用训练数据进行检索,理论上,会返回自己。

    k = 4                          # we want to see 4 nearest neighbors
    D, I = index.search(xb[:5], k) # sanity check
    print('I', I)
    print('D', D)
    (100000, 64)
    I [[  0 393 363  78]
    [  1 555 277 364]
    [  2 304 101  13]
    [  3 173  18 182]
    [  4 288 370 531]]
    D [[0.        7.1751733 7.207629  7.2511625]
    [0.        6.3235645 6.684581  6.7999454]
    [0.        5.7964087 6.391736  7.2815123]
    [0.        7.2779055 7.5279865 7.6628466]
    [0.        6.7638035 7.2951202 7.3688145]]


    D, I = index.search(xq, k)     # actual search
    print('I[:5]', I[:5])          # neighbors of the 5 first queries
    print('D[:5]', D[:5])
    print('I[-5:]', I[-5:])        # neighbors of the 5 last queries
    print('D[-5:]', D[-5:])
    I[:5] [[ 381  207  210  477]
    [ 526  911  142   72]
    [ 838  527 1290  425]
    [ 196  184  164  359]
    [ 526  377  120  425]]
    D[:5] [[6.8154984 6.8894653 7.3956795 7.4290257]
    [6.6041107 6.679695  6.7209625 6.828682 ]
    [6.4703865 6.8578606 7.0043793 7.036564 ]
    [5.573681  6.407543  7.1395226 7.3555984]
    [5.409401  6.232216  6.4173393 6.5743675]]
    I[-5:] [[ 9900 10500  9309  9831]
    [11055 10895 10812 11321]
    [11353 11103 10164  9787]
    [10571 10664 10632  9638]
    [ 9628  9554 10036  9582]]
    D[-5:] [[6.5315704 6.97876   7.0039215 7.013794 ]
    [4.335266  5.2369385 5.3194275 5.7032776]
    [6.072693  6.5767517 6.6139526 6.7323   ]
    [6.637512  6.6487427 6.8578796 7.0096436]
    [6.2183685 6.4525146 6.548767  6.581299 ]]


    [[  0 393 363  78]
    [  1 555 277 364]
    [  2 304 101  13]
    [  3 173  18 182]
    [  4 288 370 531]]
    [[ 0.          7.17517328  7.2076292   7.25116253]
    [ 0.          6.32356453  6.6845808   6.79994535]
    [ 0.          5.79640865  6.39173603  7.28151226]
    [ 0.          7.27790546  7.52798653  7.66284657]
    [ 0.          6.76380348  7.29512024  7.36881447]]


  • 上面是knn矩阵,结果的确是它自己
  • 下面距离矩阵,相应的距离是0,按升序排序
  • 如果用查询向量搜索,会得到如下结果
  • [[ 381  207  210  477]
    [ 526  911  142   72]
    [ 838  527 1290  425]
    [ 196  184  164  359]
    [ 526  377  120  425]]
    [[ 9900 10500  9309  9831]
    [11055 10895 10812 11321]
    [11353 11103 10164  9787]
    [10571 10664 10632  9638]
    [ 9628  9554 10036  9582]]

    Because of the value added to the first component of the vectors, the dataset is smeared along the first axis in d-dim space. So the neighbors of the first few vectors are around the beginning of the dataset, and the ones of the vectors around ~10000 are also around index 10000 in the dataset.
