A DependencyProperty is set to enable declarative code to alter the properties of an object which reduces the data requirements by providing a more powerful notification system regarding the change of data in a very specific way. In .NET, there are two types of properties: the normal property, and a Dependency Property which adds functionality over the normal property.

Now, let us discuss on how to implement such a Dependency Property to give a powerful notification on a data change.

First of all, implement the UserControl class from the INotifyPropertyChanged interface:

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void OnPropertyChanged( string propertyName) if (PropertyChanged != null ) PropertyChanged( this , new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Create your own normal property. Let's say the name of the property is “ Caption ”.

public string Caption get { return GetValue(CaptionProperty).ToString(); } set { SetValue(CaptionProperty, value ); }

Now, register the DependencyProperty to the CLR by calling the Register method and by passing the property field that you used to store the data in the earlier step:

public static readonly DependencyProperty CaptionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( " Caption" , typeof ( string ), typeof (MyUserControl), new PropertyMetadata( string .Empty, OnCaptionPropertyChanged));

The name of the identifier field of the DependencyProperty will be same as you used in the property after appending “Property” at the end. In this example, our property name is “ Caption ”, hence our identifier field name is “ CaptionProperty ”. Add the PropertyMetaData with the default value and the callback event handler within the Register method as mentioned in the above code. Mark the identifier as static and readonly so that this will be unique to the CLR.

Now, implement the OnCaptionPropertyChanged event handler:

private static void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) MyUserControl myUserControl = dependencyObject as MyUserControl; myUserControl.OnPropertyChanged( " Caption" ); myUserControl.OnCaptionPropertyChanged(e); private void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) txbCaption.Text = Caption;

The implementation of the Dependency Property is complete. You can either call it from XAML:

< local:MyUserControl Caption =" My First Dependency Property Example" / >

or from the code-behind:

MyUserControl myUserControl = new MyUserControl(); myUserControl.SetValue(MyUserControl.CaptionProperty, " My First Dependency Property Example" );


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Kunal Chowdhury is a former Microsoft "Windows Platform Development" MVP (Most Valuable Professional, 2010 - 2018), a Codeproject Mentor, Speaker in various Microsoft events, Author, passionate Blogger and a Senior Technical Lead by profession.

He is currently working in an MNC located in India. He has a very good skill over XAML, C#, Silverlight, Windows Phone, WPF and Windows app development. He posts his findings, articles, tutorials in his technical blog ( www.kunal-chowdhury.com ) and CodeProject.

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What is txbCaption OnCaptionPropertyChanged event. It seems to be a textblock but its a MyUserControl class so where this XAML control came???? not clear....
Sign In · View Thread My vote of 3
Nice layout of syntax, but it did not really help with concepts.
Changed from 3 to 4 because it helped me out of a bind.

modified 18-Aug-13 11:31am.

Sign In · View Thread Very helpful post. The "move" in the post for me was the switch from the static "OnCaptionPropertyChanged" method to the instance "OnCaptionPropertyChanged" method.
I haven't seen that elsewhere.
Sign In · View Thread Can you tell me why the Identifier should be defined readonly?
And if its readonly how is the Set {} is used.
Sign In · View Thread Hi phobik,
Can you explain me what was badly explained there? Please provide your suggestion to improve the article.

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Kunal Chowdhury ( Microsoft MVP [Silverlight] | Follow My Blog | Follow Me @ Twitter )

Sign In · View Thread Hi Uday,
Sorry for the late reply but the method OnCaptionPropertyChanged should not be static. One is already static but the another will never be static.
private static void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) private void OnCaptionPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
The first one is static but the second one we are calling from the instance of the object. So, never be static. If you have any concerns, please let me know.
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Regards - Kunal Chowdhury | Software Developer | Chennai | India | My Blog | My Tweets | Silverlight Tutorial
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