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Partner – DBSchema – NPI EA (tag = Spring Data JPA)
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DbSchema is a super-flexible database designer, which can take you from designing the DB with your team all the way to safely deploying the schema .

The way it does all of that is by using a design model , a database-independent image of the schema, which can be shared in a team using GIT and compared or deployed on to any database.

And, of course, it can be heavily visual, allowing you to interact with the database using diagrams, visually compose queries, explore the data, generate random data, import data or build HTML5 database reports.

Take a look at DBSchema

Course – RWSB – NPI EA(cat=REST)
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Now that the new version of REST With Spring - “REST With Spring Boot” is finally out, the current price will be available until the 22nd of June, 2024 , after which it will permanently increase by 50$


Partner – Microsoft – NPI EA (cat= Spring Boot)
Partner – Aegik AB – NPI EA (cat=JPA)
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Slow MySQL query performance is all too common. Of course it is. A good way to go is, naturally, a dedicated profiler that actually understands the ins and outs of MySQL.

The Jet Profiler was built for MySQL only , so it can do things like real-time query performance, focus on most used tables or most frequent queries, quickly identify performance issues and basically help you optimize your queries.

Critically, it has very minimal impact on your server's performance, with most of the profiling work done separately - so it needs no server changes, agents or separate services.

Basically, you install the desktop application, connect to your MySQL server , hit the record button, and you'll have results within minutes:

out the Profiler

eBook – Guide Junit – NPI EA (cat=Java)
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A quick guide to materially improve your tests with Junit 5:

>> The Junit 5 handbook
eBook – Jackson – NPI EA (cat=Jackson)
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Do JSON right with Jackson

Download the E-book

eBook – HTTP Client – NPI EA (cat=Http Client-Side)
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Get the most out of the Apache HTTP Client

Download the E-book

eBook – Maven – NPI EA (cat = Maven)
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Get Started with Apache Maven:

Download the E-book

Course – LS – NPI EA (cat=Spring)
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Get started with Spring and Spring Boot, through the reference Learn Spring course:


Partner – Machinet – NPI EA (cat = Testing)
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The AI Assistant to boost Boost your productivity writing unit tests - Machinet AI .

AI is all the rage these days, but for very good reason. The highly practical coding companion, you'll get the power of AI-assisted coding and automated unit test generation .
Machinet's Unit Test AI Agent utilizes your own project context to create meaningful unit tests that intelligently aligns with the behavior of the code.
And, the AI Chat crafts code and fixes errors with ease, like a helpful sidekick.

Simplify Your Coding Journey with Machinet AI :

>> Install Machinet AI in your IntelliJ

Partner – Codium – NPI EA (cat = Testing)
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Get non-trivial analysis (and trivial, too!) suggested right inside your IDE or Git platform so you can code smart, create more value, and stay confident when you push.

Get CodiumAI for free and become part of a community of over 280,000 developers who are already experiencing improved and quicker coding.

Write code that works the way you meant it to:

CodiumAI. Meaningful Code Tests for Busy Devs

Course – LSS – NPI EA (cat=Spring Security)
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Yes, Spring Security can be complex, from the more advanced functionality within the Core to the deep OAuth support in the framework.

I built the security material as two full courses - Core and OAuth , to get practical with these more complex scenarios. We explore when and how to use each feature and code through it on the backing project .

You can explore the course here:

>> Learn Spring Security

Partner – DBSchema – NPI EA (tag = SQL)
announcement - icon

DbSchema is a super-flexible database designer, which can take you from designing the DB with your team all the way to safely deploying the schema .

The way it does all of that is by using a design model , a database-independent image of the schema, which can be shared in a team using GIT and compared or deployed on to any database.

And, of course, it can be heavily visual, allowing you to interact with the database using diagrams, visually compose queries, explore the data, generate random data, import data or build HTML5 database reports.

Take a look at DBSchema

Partner – Aegik AB – NPI EA (tag = SQL)
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Slow MySQL query performance is all too common. Of course it is. A good way to go is, naturally, a dedicated profiler that actually understands the ins and outs of MySQL.

The Jet Profiler was built for MySQL only , so it can do things like real-time query performance, focus on most used tables or most frequent queries, quickly identify performance issues and basically help you optimize your queries.

Critically, it has very minimal impact on your server's performance, with most of the profiling work done separately - so it needs no server changes, agents or separate services.

Basically, you install the desktop application, connect to your MySQL server , hit the record button, and you'll have results within minutes:

out the Profiler

1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll show how to handle null parameters in Spring Data JPA .

In some cases, when we search for records by parameters, we want to find rows with null as the field value. Other times, we want to ignore a null and skip that field in our query.

Below we’ll show how to implement each of these.

2. Quick Example

Let’s say we have a Customer entity:

public class Customer {
    private long id;
    private String name;
    private String email;
    public Customer(String name, String email) {
        this.name = name;
        this.email = email;
    // getters/setters

Also, we have a JPA repository:

public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long> { 
   // method1
   // method2

We want to search for customers by name and email.

For this purpose, we’ll write two methods that handle null parameters differently.

3. Ways to Handle Null Parameters

First, we’ll create a method that interprets null values of the parameters as IS NULL. Then we’ll create a method that ignores null parameters and excludes them from the WHERE clause.

3.1. IS NULL Query

The first method is very simple to create because null parameters in the query methods are interpreted as IS NULL by default.

Let’s create the method:

List<Customer> findByNameAndEmail(String name, String email);

Now if we pass a null email, the generated JPQL will include the IS NULL condition:

customer0_.email is null

To demonstrate this, let’s create a test.

First, we’ll add some customers to the repository:

public void before() {
    entityManager.persist(new Customer("A", "[email protected]"));
    entityManager.persist(new Customer("D", null));
    entityManager.persist(new Customer("D", "[email protected]"));

Now let’s pass “D” as the value of the name parameter and null as the value of the email parameter to our query method.

We can see that exactly one customer will be found:

List<Customer> customers = repository.findByNameAndEmail("D", null);
assertEquals(1, customers.size());
Customer actual = customers.get(0);
assertEquals(null, actual.getEmail());
assertEquals("D", actual.getName());

3.2. Avoid null Parameter With Alternative Methods

Sometimes we want to ignore some parameters and not include their corresponding fields in the WHERE clause.

We can add more query methods to our repository.

For example, to ignore email, we can add a method that only accepts name:

 List<Customer> findByName(String name);

But this way of ignoring one of our columns scales poorly as the number increases since we would have to add many methods to achieve all the combinations.

3.3. Ignoring null Parameters Using the @Query Annotation

We can avoid creating additional methods by using the @Query annotation and adding a small complication to the JPQL statement:

@Query("SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE (:name is null or c.name = :name) and (:email is null"
  + " or c.email = :email)")
List<Customer> findCustomerByNameAndEmail(@Param("name") String name, @Param("email") String email);

Notice that if the email parameter is null, the clause is always true and so doesn’t influence the whole WHERE clause:

:email is null or s.email = :email

Let’s make sure that this works:

List<Customer> customers = repository.findCustomerByNameAndEmail("D", null);
assertEquals(2, customers.size());

We found two customers whose name is “D”, ignoring their emails.

The generated JPQL WHERE clause looks like this:

where (? is null or customer0_.name=?) and (? is null or customer0_.email=?)

With this method, we are putting trust in the database server to recognize the clause regarding our query parameter being null and optimize the execution plan of the query so that it doesn’t have a significant performance overhead. There could be a performance overhead for some queries or database servers, especially involving a huge table scan.

Please note that the above methods for querying null parameters also work if the parameter type is of type – UUID. We can find examples in our Github repo.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we demonstrated how Spring Data JPA interprets null parameters in query methods and how to change the default behaviour.

Perhaps in the future, we’ll be able to specify how to interpret null parameters using the @NullMeans annotation. Notice that it’s a proposed feature at this time and is still under consideration.

To sum up, there are two main ways to interpret null parameters, and they would both be provided by the proposed @NullMeans annotation:

  • IS (is null) – the default option demonstrated in Section 3.1.
  • IGNORED (exclude a null parameter from the WHERE clause) – achieved either by extra query methods (Section 3.2.) or by using a workaround (Section 3.3.)
  • As usual, the complete source code is available on GitHub.

    Partner – Aegik AB – NPI EA (tag = SQL)
    announcement - icon

    Slow MySQL query performance is all too common. Of course it is.

    The Jet Profiler was built entirely for MySQL, so it's fine-tuned for it and does advanced everything with relaly minimal impact and no server changes.

    out the Profiler

    Partner – Codium – NPI EA (cat = Testing)
    announcement - icon

    Explore the secure, reliable, and high-performance Test Execution Cloud built for scale. Right in your IDE:

    CodiumAI. Meaningful Code Tests for Busy Devs

    Basically, write code that works the way you meant it to.

    Partner – Machinet – NPI EA (cat = Testing)
    announcement - icon

    AI is all the rage these days, but for very good reason. The highly practical coding companion, you'll get the power of AI-assisted coding and automated unit test generation.
    Machinet's Unit Test AI Agent utilizes your own project context to create meaningful unit tests that intelligently aligns with the behavior of the code.

    Simplify Your Coding Journey with Machinet AI:

    >> Install Machinet AI in your IntelliJ

    Course – LSD (cat=Persistence)
    announcement - icon

    Get started with Spring Data JPA through the reference Learn Spring Data JPA


    res – Persistence (eBook) (cat=Persistence)