namespace Net { enum AddressFamily { InterNetwork = AF_INET, InterNetworkV6 = AF_INET6, struct IPEndPoint { private: mutable Byte _AddressBytes[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; // 16 AddressFamily _AddressFamily; public: const int Port; public: static const int MinPort = 0; static const int MaxPort = UINT16_MAX; static const UInt32 NoneAddress = INADDR_NONE; public: inline IPEndPoint() : IPEndPoint(NoneAddress, 0) { inline IPEndPoint(UInt32 address, int port) : _AddressFamily(AddressFamily::InterNetwork) , Port(port) { *(UInt32*)this->_AddressBytes = address; IPEndPoint(const char* address, int port); IPEndPoint(AddressFamily af, const void* address_bytes, int address_size, int port); public: inline bool IsNone() { if (AddressFamily::InterNetwork != this->_AddressFamily) { return false; else { UInt32 dw = this->GetAddress(); return dw == IPEndPoint::NoneAddress; inline std::string GetAddressBytes() const { int datalen; Byte* data = this->GetAddressBytes(datalen); return std::string((char*)data, datalen); inline Byte* GetAddressBytes(int& len) const { if (this->_AddressFamily == AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6) { len = sizeof(this->_AddressBytes); return this->_AddressBytes; else { len = sizeof(UInt32); return this->_AddressBytes; inline UInt32 GetAddress() const { return *(UInt32*)this->_AddressBytes; inline AddressFamily GetAddressFamily() const { return this->_AddressFamily; inline bool Equals(const IPEndPoint& value) const { IPEndPoint* right = (IPEndPoint*)&reinterpret_cast(value); if ((IPEndPoint*)this == (IPEndPoint*)right){ return true; if ((IPEndPoint*)this == (IPEndPoint*)NULL || (IPEndPoint*)right == (IPEndPoint*)NULL || this->Port != value.Port) { return false; return *this == value; inline bool operator == (const IPEndPoint& right) const { if (this->_AddressFamily != right._AddressFamily) { return false; Byte* x = this->_AddressBytes; Byte* y = right._AddressBytes; if (x == y) { return true; if (this->_AddressFamily == AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6) { UInt64* qx = (UInt64*)x; UInt64* qy = (UInt64*)y; return qx[0] == qy[0] && qx[1] == qy[1]; return *(UInt32*)x == *(UInt32*)y; inline bool operator != (const IPEndPoint& right) const { bool b = (*this) == right; return !b; inline IPEndPoint& operator = (const IPEndPoint& right) { this->_AddressFamily = right._AddressFamily; const_cast(this->Port) = right.Port; int address_bytes_size; Byte* address_bytes = right.GetAddressBytes(address_bytes_size); memcpy(this->_AddressBytes, address_bytes, address_bytes_size); return *this; inline std::string ToAddressString() noexcept { int address_bytes_size; Byte* address_bytes = GetAddressBytes(address_bytes_size); return ToAddressString(this->_AddressFamily, address_bytes, address_bytes_size); std::string ToString() noexcept; public: static std::string GetHostName() noexcept; static std::string ToAddressString(AddressFamily af, const Byte* address_bytes, int address_size) noexcept; inline static std::string ToAddressString(UInt32 address) noexcept { return ToAddressString(AddressFamily::InterNetwork, (Byte*)&address, sizeof(address)); inline static std::string ToAddressString(AddressFamily af, const std::string& address_bytes) noexcept { return ToAddressString(af, (Byte*), address_bytes.size()); inline static UInt32 PrefixToNetmask(int prefix) { UInt32 mask = prefix ? (~0 << (32 - prefix)) : 0; return htonl(mask); inline static int NetmaskToPrefix(UInt32 mask) { unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*)&mask; unsigned int bitLength = 0; unsigned int idx = 0; // find beginning 0xFF for (; idx < sizeof(mask) && bytes[idx] == 0xff; idx++); bitLength = 8 * idx; if (idx < sizeof(mask)) { switch (bytes[idx]) { case 0xFE: bitLength += 7; break; case 0xFC: bitLength += 6; break; case 0xF8: bitLength += 5; break; case 0xF0: bitLength += 4; break; case 0xE0: bitLength += 3; break; case 0xC0: bitLength += 2; break; case 0x80: bitLength += 1; break; case 0x00: break; default: // invalid bitmask return ~0; // remainder must be 0x00 for (unsigned int j = idx + 1; j < sizeof(mask); j++) { unsigned char x = bytes[j]; if (x != 0x00) { return ~0; return bitLength; public: template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint ToEndPoint(const IPEndPoint& endpoint) { AddressFamily af = endpoint.GetAddressFamily(); if (af == AddressFamily::InterNetwork) { return WrapAddress(endpoint.GetAddress(), endpoint.Port); else { int len; const Byte* address = endpoint.GetAddressBytes(len); return WrapAddressV6(address, len, endpoint.Port); template inline static IPEndPoint ToEndPoint(const boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint& endpoint) { boost::asio::ip::address address = endpoint.address(); if (address.is_v4()) { return IPEndPoint(ntohl(address.to_v4().to_ulong()), endpoint.port()); else { boost::asio::ip::address_v6::bytes_type bytes = address.to_v6().to_bytes(); return IPEndPoint(AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6,, bytes.size(), endpoint.port()); template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint NewAddress(const char* address, int port) { if (NULL == address || *address == '\x0') { address = ""; if (port < IPEndPoint::MinPort || port > IPEndPoint::MaxPort) { port = IPEndPoint::MinPort; boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::ip::address ba = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(address, ec); if (ec) { ba = boost::asio::ip::address_v4(IPEndPoint::NoneAddress); boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint defaultEP(ba, port); return defaultEP; template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint WrapAddress(UInt32 address, int port) { typedef boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint protocol_endpoint; return protocol_endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4(ntohl(address)), port); template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint WrapAddressV6(const void* address, int size, int port) { typedef boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint protocol_endpoint; if (size < 0) { size = 0; boost::asio::ip::address_v6::bytes_type address_bytes; unsigned char* p = &address_bytes[0]; memcpy(p, address, size); memset(p, 0, address_bytes.size() - size); return protocol_endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v6(address_bytes), port); template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint AnyAddress(int port) { return NewAddress("\x0", port); template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint LocalAddress(boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver& resolver, int port) { return GetAddressByHostName(resolver, GetHostName(), port); template inline static boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint GetAddressByHostName(boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver& resolver, const std::string& hostname, int port) { typedef boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver protocol_resolver; typename protocol_resolver::query q(hostname.c_str(), std::to_string(port).c_str()); #ifndef _WIN32 typename protocol_resolver::iterator i = resolver.resolve(q); typename protocol_resolver::iterator l; if (i == l) { return AnyAddress(port); #else typename protocol_resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(q); if (results.empty()) { return AnyAddress(port); typename protocol_resolver::iterator i = results.begin(); typename protocol_resolver::iterator l = results.end(); #endif for (; i != l; ++i) { boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint localEP = *i; if (!localEP.address().is_v4()) { continue; return localEP; return AnyAddress(port); template inline static bool Equals(const boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint& x, const boost::asio::ip::basic_endpoint& y) { if (x != y) { return false; if (x.address() != y.address()) { return false; return x.port() == y.port();


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include "Ipep.h"
#include "IPEndPoint.h"
namespace Server {
    namespace Net {
        IPEndPoint::IPEndPoint(const char* address, int port) 
            : _AddressFamily(AddressFamily::InterNetwork)
            , Port(port) {
            if (NULL == address || *address == '\x0') {
                *(UInt32*)this->_AddressBytes = 0;
                this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetwork;
            else {
                struct sockaddr_in6 in6;
                int err = inet_pton(AF_INET6, address, &in6);
                if (err > 0) {
                    this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6;
                    memcpy(this->_AddressBytes, &in6.sin6_addr, sizeof(this->_AddressBytes));
                else {
                    *(UInt32*)this->_AddressBytes = inet_addr(address);
                    this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetwork;
                boost::system::error_code ec;
                boost::asio::ip::address host;
                try {
                    host = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(address, ec);
                catch (std::exception&) {
                    ec = boost::asio::error::invalid_argument;
                if (ec) {
                    this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetwork;
                    *(UInt32*)this->_AddressBytes = IPEndPoint::NoneAddress;
                else if (host.is_v6()) {
                    this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6;
                    boost::asio::ip::address_v6::bytes_type buf = host.to_v6().to_bytes();
                    memcpy(this->_AddressBytes,, buf.size());
                else {
                    this->_AddressFamily = AddressFamily::InterNetwork;
                    boost::asio::ip::address_v4::bytes_type buf = host.to_v4().to_bytes();
                    memcpy(this->_AddressBytes,, buf.size());
        IPEndPoint::IPEndPoint(AddressFamily af, const void* address_bytes, int address_size, int port) 
            : _AddressFamily(af)
            , Port(port) {
            int limit_size = 0;
            if (af == AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6) {
                limit_size = sizeof(struct in6_addr);
            else {
                af = AddressFamily::InterNetwork;
                limit_size = sizeof(struct in_addr);
            memset(this->_AddressBytes, 0, limit_size);
            if (NULL != address_bytes && address_size > 0) {
                memcpy(this->_AddressBytes, address_bytes, std::min(address_size, limit_size));
            this->_AddressFamily = af;
        std::string IPEndPoint::GetHostName() noexcept {
            char szz[256]; // 域名规定不超过64字节(但是几乎大部分实现为64-1字节)
            int err = gethostname(szz, 0xff);
            if (err <= 0) {
                return "localhost"; 
            return szz;
        std::string IPEndPoint::ToString() noexcept {
            return Ipep::ToIpepAddress(this);
        std::string IPEndPoint::ToAddressString(AddressFamily af, const Byte* address_bytes, int address_size) noexcept {
            if (NULL == address_bytes || address_size <= 0) {
                return "";
            if (af == AddressFamily::InterNetworkV6) {
                if (address_size < (int)sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
                    return "";
                char sz[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
                if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (struct in6_addr*)address_bytes, sz, sizeof(sz))) {
                    return "";
                return sz;
            else {
                if (address_size < (int)sizeof(struct in_addr)) {
                    return "";
                char sz[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
                if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, (struct in_addr*)address_bytes, sz, sizeof(sz))) {
                    return "";
                return sz; // inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)address);
    表 IPEndPoint类的常用字段、属性及说明
                                    我一直在学习一些套接字编程,我创建了一个异步服务器,只监听并返回数据 .但我在这里有一个问题,我在IPEndPoint(IPAddress.any,端口)的服务器上使用IPEndPoint,我也在客户端做同样的事情 . 运行服务器和客户端时,我使用try catch,客户端返回它的异常“请求的地址在其上下文0.0.0.0:port中无效”以下是代码:Server.csPublic void Lis...
                                    IP addresses in C# 在.Net网络库里面最大的优点就是IP地址和端口被成对处理,相比于UNIX中用的方法真是一个巨大的令人欢迎的进步。.NET定义了两个类来处理关于IP地址的问题。 One of the biggest advantages you will notice in the .NET network library is the way IP address/port pairs are handled. It is a fairly straightforward proc.
                                    IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0)
If creates an IPEndpoint using any available IP address on the local computer, and any available port number.
IPAddress.Any代表本机上的所有IP地址,MSDN上说是“一个 IP 地址,指示服务器应侦听所有网络接口
                                    IPEndPoint继承与EndPointIPEndPoint引用的时候参数为IP和端口。IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9050);
.net中 Bind(EndPoint localEP);方法参数是EndPoint,填入IPEndPoint会按照EndPoint参数执行。
// 实名发送
IPEndPoint localIpep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 25555);     // 本机IP,指定的端口号                   ...
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
		IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress,11000);
One of the biggest advantages you will notice in the .NET network library is the way IP address/port pairs are ha...