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impala在一个select中执行多个count distinct时会报错,比如执行

select key, count(distinct column_a), count(distinct column_b) from test_table group by key

Query submitted at: 2019-09-28 00:34:20 (Coordinator: http://DataOne-001:25000)
ERROR: AnalysisException: all DISTINCT aggregate functions need to have the same set of parameters as count(DISTINCT column_a);
deviating function: count(DISTINCT column_b)
Consider using NDV() instead of COUNT(DISTINCT) if estimated counts are acceptable. Enable the APPX_COUNT_DISTINCT query option to
perform this rewrite automatically.


1 使用近似值

1.1 set APPX_COUNT_DISTINCT = true
1.2 count distinct改为ndv,即ndv(column_a)
这两种方法底层实现是一样的,设置APPX_COUNT_DISTINCT会自动将count distinct改写为ndv,ndv全称为(number of distinct values),用到
Cardinality(基数计数),底层实现是类似HLLC(Hyper LogLog Counting)这种概率算法,详见参考;

An aggregate function that returns an approximate value similar to the result of COUNT(DISTINCT col ) , the "number of distinct values". It is much faster than the combination of COUNT and DISTINCT , and uses a constant amount of memory and thus is less memory-intensive for columns with high cardinality.

2 使用精确值


select a.key, a.count_a, b.count_b from
(select key, count(distinct column_a) count_a from test_table group by key) a join
(select key, count(distinct column_b) count_b from test_table group by key) b on a.key = b.key





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